64 research outputs found

    Minimum impact and immediacy of citations to physics open archives of arXiv.org: Science Citation Index based reports

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    The present work has calculated the minimum Open Archive Impact Factors and Open Archive Immediacy Index for the Physics Classes of arXiv.org as calculated for traditional journals in Journal Citation Reports of the Institute of Scientific Information using Science Citation Index without the citation by the classes itself. The calculated Impact Factors reveal that High-Energy Physics classes of arXiv.org (‘hep-th’, ‘hep-lat’, ‘hep-ex’, and ‘hep-ph’) have made more impact on the scientific community than any other classes except ‘nucl-ex’. The Impact Factors for the year 2003 are: ‘hep-th’ (0.999), ‘nucl-ex’ (0.806), ‘hep-lat’ (0.766), ‘hep-ex’ (0.73), ‘hep-ph’ (0.719), ‘nucl-th’ (0.338), ‘quant-ph’ (0.334), ‘cond-mat’ (0.313), ‘astro-ph’ (0.195), ‘math-ph’ (0.162), ‘physics’ (0.061), and ‘gr-qc’ (0.002). If the period for getting the citations to the open archive classes is considered one year as against two years for journal articles, the rank of the classes is the same. The immediacy of citing the Open Archives is also high for the High-Energy Physics classes. The Immediacy Indexes for the year 2003 are: ‘hep-ex’ (0.619), ‘hep-th’ (0.454), ‘hep-ph’ (0.44), ‘hep-lat’ (0.263), ‘nucl-ex’ (0.238), ‘quant-ph’ (0.202), ‘nucl-th’ (0.185), ‘cond-mat’ (0.168), ‘astro-ph’ (0.094), ‘math-ph’ (0.075), ‘physics’ (0.03), and ‘gr-qc’ (0.002). The impact is definitely much higher than what is concluded from the calculated factors because self-citations are not reckoned in the study. Use of web-tools like ‘Citebase’, ‘Citeseer’ etc. may strengthen the above argument

    Nature and Science: A scientometric comparison based on citing articles

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    Nature and Science, two popular international multidisciplinary journals, have been compared based on the citations received to their articles in Science Citation Index (2000-2004). The cited articles are analysed towards the concentration of citations, type of citing articles; citing journals; co-citing quotient; and disciplinary citations

    Ring seine fishery of Kerala: An overview

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    Among the various fishing gears employed for pelagic schooling fishes along the Kerala coast, seines are the most efficient. Contribution of ring seine to total marine fish landings of Kerala has steadily increased since its introduction during the early eighties. It was 21.4 % in the nineties rising to 36.7 % during the period 2000-2004 and contributing more than 50 % since then. In recent years, about 90 % of the oil sardine and about 60 % of the mackerel landed in Kerala were caught in ring seines. Ring seines were introduced during the early eighties by traditional fishers of Alappuzha District which became highly successful

    Sphyraena arabiansis a new species of barracuda (Family: Sphyraenidae) from the south-west coast of India

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    A new species of barracuda Sphyraena arabiansis is described based on specimens collected from the eastern Arabian Sea off Kerala coast, India. The new species is morphologically similar to Sphyraena barracuda and both were so far considered as one species. Characters such as more and relatively small cycloid scales, 118-122 along lateral line, 11 along vertical axis above lateral line at first dorsal and 13 below the lateral line at anal origin; broad, round spoon shaped maxilla ending vertically below, before the anterior margin of the eye, narrow inter orbital area (4.2-5.13 in head length) and more prominent pointed paired central lobes of caudal fin make Sphyraena arabiansis sp. nov. clearly distinct from S. barracuda. Other distinguishing characters are prominent curve of the lateral line before the origin of first dorsal fin, absence of black spots on the body, white branchiostegal membrane, broad, thick and inwardly curved otoliths with round, blunt posterior end and an elongated, pointed anterior upper lobe. The mitochondrial Cytochrome oxidase C subunit 1 (COI) gene sequence studies revealed that the new species has distinct genetic divergence from S. barracuda and other species of the family occurring in the area

    Systematics, fishery and biology of the white sardine Escualosa thoracata (Valenciennes, 1847) exploited off Kerala, south-west coast of India

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    Landings of the white sardine Escualosa thoracata (Valenciennes, 1847) indicated a shift in their abundance from north-east to south-west coast of India and a sharp decline in the resource landings during the last decade along the entire range of its distribution. High local demand coupled with competitive price for the species might have led to overexploitation of this otherwise seasonal resources along the major areas of its abundance along the Indian coast. Detailed study on the systematics, fishery and biology of the species landed along Kerala coast was undertaken during 2015 and 2016. Stock assessment studies indicated near optimum fishing pressure on the resource along the Kerala coast

    Unusual heavy landings of flying gurnards at Munambam Fishing Harbour

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    Flying gurnards belongs to the familyDactylopteridae, distributed in tropical Indo-Pacificand Atlantic oceans. From the 7 speciesrepresenting two genera, Dactylopterus andDactyloptena only four species such asDactyloptena gilberti, D. macracantha,D. orientalis and D. peterseni are found in thewestern Indian Ocean. These are small to moderatesized marine bottom dwelling fish and mostlycaught by bottom trawls as by-catch in the nearshore waters and not having much commercialvalue

    Abnormalities in Indian oil sardine

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    Routine sampling of Indian oil Sardine, Sardinella longiceps, for biological studies was done . On 31st December, 2017, out of 61 specimens collected, one sardine with blunted snout (Fig. 1) and one with deformed caudal fin (Fig. 2) was observed

    Record sized longnose trevally landed

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    A large sized longnose trevally Carangoideschrysophrys (Cuvier, 1833) was landed at CochinFisheries Harbour on 19th September 2015. Belongingto the family Carangidae, it was caught by a hookand line unit operated near Lakshadweep waters

    Occurrence of macro plastic in the stomach of flat needlefish

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    On 6th January 2016, biological samples ofAblennes hians were collected from the hook andline fishing boats based at Munambam FishingHarbour, Kochi. While analysing the gut contents inthe laboratory, the stomach of one specimen (weight380 gm, total length 687 mm) contained macroplastic material having about 0.02 gm weight.Stomach also contained partially digested shrimps,sea snails (Diacavolinia longirostris, Cavoliniatridentata) and digested matter