3 research outputs found

    Application of Radio Frequency Identification as a Motorcycle Quality Check Card

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    Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) is a wireless communication consisting of 2 (two) tag components and a reader or reader to uniquely identify an object. A reader or reader is a device that has one or more antennas that transmit radio waves and receive signals back from the tag. RFID. In the application of RFID, most use a serial number to store an object’s identity on a microchip and are usually equipped with an antenna, where the antenna and chip are RFID tags. The antenna used and the chip communicate information for identification to the reader or what is known as the reader, then the reader or reader converts the reflected radio waves of the RFID tag into digital information. The application of Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) is intended to assist the process of testing the quality of Honda motorbikes or PDI (pre-delivery inspection) where this is part of the SOP (standard operating procedure) before the motorbike is distributed to consumers to ensure the quality of the motorbike is maintained. The inspections carried out include the outside of the motor and then the inside, below, then testing when the motor is running, the availability of equipment or tools, and equipment documents such as service books and maintenance instructions. Whereas the previous process still uses paper cards which will be discarded when a consumer receives the motor. Applications made using the application of Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) in the form of a card will replace the use of paper when conducting a motor quality inspection


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    Inaccuracy in determining the category of event (activity) causes a mistake in planning the number of participants who will attend and which suppliers will be used when providing event organizer services. This paper aims to develop a decision support application model based on the analytic hierarchy process to determine the specifications and production value of an event. The mechanism for determining alternative events (small, medium, and bigbang) is carried out by calculating the weights of the four criteria used (number of participants, venue, invited guests, and performers), using the calculation of the pairwise comparison matrix, the sum matrix, the consistency ratio of the weights. criteria and alternatives, and the final result by adding up the overall priority values for the elements used. The results show that the application model developed can determine the most likely alternatives to be used as a reference in determining specifications and production values in planning an event. Keywords: Decision Support System Application, Determination of Specifications, Event Production Value, Analythical Hierarchy Process

    Abad Jurnal Sejarah: "kelautan dan kemaritiman kita" volume 01, nomor 2, desember 2017.

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    Jurnal Abad adalah wahana informatif persemaian gagasan dan penyebaran pengetahuan sejarah. Pada terbitan kali ini menyajikan sejumlah artikel terpilih dari para penulis yang berkompeten di bidangnya yaitu Tri Patma Sari, A.A. Bagus Irawan, Muhammad Iskandar, Sarkawi B Husain, G. Ambar Wulan, Didik Prajoko, Ida Liana Tanjung dan Aldis Shanahan Raiputra Tannos. Topik yang dipilih pun begitu beragam dan kaya mulai dari masalah perbatasan, hukum laut hingga tradisi perdagangan di berbagai wilayah Nusantara seperti Riau, Barus, Nunukan sampai Jawa dan Bali