16 research outputs found
Nodular hidradenoma: A rare tumor in children
Hidradenomas are the benign cutaneous tumors of sweat gland origin, with the clear cell type constituting the most frequent histologic variety. Usually, they are diagnosed in the elderly population, the peak incidence being the fifth to sixth decade. Very few cases of hidradenoma have been documented in children in their first decade of life. Here, we present a rare and interesting case of a 10-year-old boy who presented with swelling on the anterior aspect of the neck, since birth. The histological findings were consistent with the diagnosis of nodular hidradenoma
Cardiac Valvular Inflammatory Pseudotumor
Inflammatory pseudotumors are quasineoplastic lesions that occur in the lungs as well as other extrapulmonary sites. The heart is an uncommon site of origin. We report a valvular pseudotumor that produced chronic mitral and aortic regurgitation in an elderly woman
Unusual rib tumor: Parosteal lipoma with extensive osteochondromatous metaplasia
Lipomas of the bone usually occur in the long bones and are seen in the fifth to seventh decade of life. Rib lipomas are rare and those having parosteal location are even rarer. We report a case of parosteal lipoma of the rib in a young male with some unique features. This is the fifth case of its kind to be reported in literature
Scar site metastasis of renal cell carcinoma diagnosed on-site cytology: a case report
Abstract Background Renal cell carcinomas (RCCs) have a propensity for widespread metastases and a wide range of survival rates. They can spread into adjacent organs by direct extension and can invade local or distant sites by lymphatic, hematogenous or lympho-hematogeneous pathways. Scar site metastasis is very rare. Case presentation We report a rare case of scar site RCC metastasis in a patient who underwent left radical nephrectomy 10 months ago. Conclusion FNAC is a simple and easy technique that can help in the definitive diagnosis of subcutaneous lesions. A correct early stage diagnosis of metastatic RCC can considerably improve the survival rates
Candida Funisitis: Common Organism with Uncommon Presentation
Funisitis is the inflammation of umbilical cord while, chorioamnionitis is inflammation of placental membranes i.e., chorion and amnion. The mucus plug in lower genital tract acts as barrier during pregnancy. The intramniotic entry of Candida can be via haematogenous or penetration of intact membranes. Presence of intrauterine contraceptive device and prolonged rupture of membranes are proven risk factors for candidal infection. The prevalence of candidal vaginitis is high but involvement of placenta and subsequent fetal involvement is rare. Good placental examination especially, cords and membranes can clinch the diagnosis and can help in initiating investigations in the newborn for congenital candidiasis. We here presenting a case of 23-year-old fourth gravida female with previous two spontaneous abortions and history of preterm labour during current pregnancy came with complains of leaking per vagina at 33.6 weeks. The placenta sent for histopathological examination revealed presence of tiny yellowish white tubercles on umbilical cord especially near the site of insertion to placental disc. Microscopic examination of section of umbilical cord revealed presence of typical subamniontic neutrophilic micro abscesses along with candidal yeast as well as pseudohyphae forms the latter being highlighted by special stains for fungi
Juvenile granulosa cell tumour of the ovary with unilocular pure cystic presentation : a case report and review of literature
BACKGROUND: Granulosa cell tumours of the ovary are rare, hormonally active, oestrogen-secreting tumours of the ovary existing in two forms: the adult form and the even rarer juvenile form. These tumours present as predominantly solid lesions while the cystic, unilocular presentation is uncommon. CASE REPORT: We present an 18-year-old unmarried girl who presented with complaints of chronic pain, abdominal distension and presence of facial hair. Radiological examination revealed a large, purely cystic, unilocular lesion without any solid components, debris or septations. Histopathological diagnosis was of a juvenile granulosa cell tumour. CONCLUSIONS: Radiological criteria suggestive of malignant ovarian masses include thick, irregular walls and septae; papillary projections and solid, echogenic foci. Nonetheless, we propose that a malignant ovarian lesion should be included in the differential diagnosis of a unilocular, purely cystic ovarian lesion