31 research outputs found

    Migrations et territoires

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    Le pavage territorial est la forme primordiale d’organisation de l’espace terrestre. Chaque territoire est le produit de l’histoire d’un État dont l’essence réside corrélativement dans la maîtrise de son territoire. Or la mobilité des populations en général et les migrations en particulier sont potentiellement pour les États une limite à leur souveraineté. De ce fait ils s’efforcent de les contrôler en les instrumentalisant. Mais de leur côté les migrations tendent à échapper à leur contrôle et même, en prenant un caractère de plus en plus souvent diasporique, à devenir des acteurs à part entière de la géographie du monde actuel. D’où des relations dialectiques, variables dans le temps et dans l’espace, entre migrations et territoires, entre pavage et réseau. Ces deux formes d’organisation de l’espace sont à la fois complémentaires et antagoniques du point de vue des États qui doivent impérativement en rester maîtres. D’où l’acuité et la complexité du problème dans le monde actuel.Migrations and territories. Territorial paving is the primordial form of organization of space on earth. Each territory is the product of the history of a state the essence of which resides reciprocally on the mastery over its territory. In fact the mobility of populations in general and migrations in particular are for the states potential limits to their sovereignty. Consequently they do their best to maintain control over them and try to use them to their own profit. But as far as migrations are concerned, they tend to escape from their control and, assuming most of the time a more and more dispersive capacity, they also tend to become real actors in the geography of the present world. Hence dialectic relations, variable in time and space, between migrations and territories, paving and network. Both these forms of organization of space are at the same time complementary and antagonistic from the point of view of the states that have to maintain their control over them. Hence that acute and complex issue in our contemporary world

    Insights into household transmission of SARS-CoV-2 from a population-based serological survey

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    Understanding the risk of infection from household- and community-exposures and the transmissibility of asymptomatic infections is critical to SARS-CoV-2 control. Limited previous evidence is based primarily on virologic testing, which disproportionately misses mild and asymptomatic infections. Serologic measures are more likely to capture all previously infected individuals. We apply household transmission models to data from a cross-sectional, household-based population serosurvey of 4,534 people ≥5 years from 2,267 households enrolled April-June 2020 in Geneva, Switzerland. We found that the risk of infection from exposure to a single infected household member aged ≥5 years (17.3%,13.7-21.7) was more than three-times that of extra-household exposures over the first pandemic wave (5.1%,4.5-5.8). Young children had a lower risk of infection from household members. Working-age adults had the highest extra-household infection risk. Seropositive asymptomatic household members had 69.4% lower odds (95%CrI,31.8-88.8%) of infecting another household member compared to those reporting symptoms, accounting for 14.5% (95%CrI, 7.2-22.7%) of all household infections

    Lycophron : T\ue9moignages

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    Platon, Ippias majeur, Ippias mineur

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    Traduzione francese e commento scientifico dell'Ippia maggiore e dell'Ippia minore di Platone.French translation and scholarly commentary dell'Ippia major and minor dell'Ippia of Plato

    Hippias Minor

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    Esame dei contenuti e del significato dell'Ippia Minore di Platone.Examination of the content and meaning dell'Ippia Less than Plato

    Plotin, Traités 1-6

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    Traduzione francese e commento scientifico dei trattati delle Enneadi indicati nel titolo.French translation and scholarly commentary of the treaties mentioned in the title of the Enneads