8 research outputs found

    Penerapan Economic Value Added untuk Memaksimalkan Nilai Perusahaan: Studi Kasus PT XYZ

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    EVA is an indicator about the value creation from an investation. Positive EVA indicate that a company is sucess in creating added value for share holders. That sincronize with the purpose to maximize the company value. Applying EVA concepts on company will encourage the management to find out the true cost of capital of the company so the level of clean return from capital will be shown clearly

    Analisis Pengukuran Kinerja Menggunakan Metode Balanced Scorecard pada PT.Bahtera Utama

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    This research was conducted in PT.Bahtera Utama by measuring performance using the Balanced Scorecard as measured through four perspectives, that is financial perspective, the customer perspective, internal business process perspective, and learning and growth perspective. The purpose of this study was to measure the performance with balanced scorecard, analyze and recommend the results to the company. The research method used is a case study and survei methods with descriptive research. The results of this study indicate that the performance of the financial perspective quite good includes the profits, revenue, productivity, and the short term liabilities have not been able to be achieved as expectations. For Customer perspective, the performance of the companies is very good where customer satisfaction and loyalty must be maintained, for the continuation of the order. For Internal Business Process perspective, the company's performance in terms of both innovation and quality of products are very good, but in the time of processing product distribution is average and company has been able to fix it with the strategic objectives effectively and efficiently. For learning and growth perspective, the performance is good at all points but in the employee productivity and commitment, the targets have not been able to be achieved and the application of the information technology is very good. Overall assessment of performance on the PT.Bahtera Utama is good with the score of 4.29

    Pengaruh Word Of Mouth Marketing dan Pameran terhadap Keputusan Orang Tua Memilih Sekolah

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    In decision-making of choosing schools, people recommendation is effected. WOM factor and exhibition twice in a year for ISMILE school is a considered efficient and effective promotional media. The research method is to identify the effect of word of mouth and exhibition towards perception of value proposition and effects of decision-making. Analysis method in this research is validity, reliability, normality test, simple correlation and path analysis. Data gathering technique is questionnaire. The repondents in the research are 100 people, including parents from students in ISMILE school. The expected result from this research is a relationship among variables, significant effects from word of mouth and exhibition at the same time of perception towards value position and significant effects from perception of value proposition towards decision- making. From this research, ISMILE school should hold exhibition and focus to things that will lead to positive word of mouth so it could gain more parents register their children in ISMILE school

    Analisis Pengaruh Hasil Pemetaan Budaya Mahasiswa BINUS terhadap Jiwa Kewirausahaan: Studi Kasus Tahun Ajaran 2006-2007

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    Those culture factor than reliabled by people in did interaction with circles, language, think, etc. Article will map out Ubinus reguler student culture using 6 pole culture dimencion by Schwartz and will see the influence than entrepreneurship spirit that should be possessed by leaders in the future. Article used descriptive research method and the data were collected by using questioner. The analysis method was quantitative and qualitative method. The result indicates that conspicuous culture was the embeddedness between individual and group, egaliter (trust, responsibility, loyal with friends or group), and harmonious culture. There are positive influences between the three of dimension culture than entrepreneurship spirit and more influence was embedded ness culture

    Perancangan Model Evaluasi Diri Dosen

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    Article present lecturer self evaluation model as complement for IKAD (Lecturer Performance Academic Index). This research used action research analysis and technique of data collecting by library research, discussion by lecturer from any faculty and major, preview the duty and obligation of UBiNus lecturer. Variables and wight for this model are learning (30%), professionalism (20%), research (20%), technology andcomputer (15%), team work (10%), and services to University (5%

    Analisis Pemilihan Atribut Produk Baru untuk Perilaku Keputusan Pembelian Konsumen pada Produk Biokos Botu-Like Series

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    Article was made to answer these several questions which are how is application marketing mix of new product PT Martina Berto, what is new product atribute the most dominate for customer and how is buying decided behavior Biokos BOTU-Like Series. The result of the research show that application of marketing mix of by PT Martina Berto is good, customers are satisfaction that service Biokos BOTU-LIKE Series so they will to buy again and new product attribute the most dominate is price attribute at price level Rp94.500,00

    Analisis Pengaruh Peminatan Jurusan Ekonomi Manajemen terhadap Bidang Kerja Lulusan: Studi Kasus Lulusan Jurusan Ekonomi Manajemen Universitas Bina Nusantara Tahun 2000 – 2004

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    Article explore whether there is influences on choice of management department to the workforce absorpation by company as consumer of labour.Technique analysis data use Chi-Quadrat to know influence between program enthusiasm and work all graduated. The research result indicates that there is significant influence between enthusiasm majors with job area entered by Faculty of Economics, Majors Management, UniversityBina Nusantara. Enthusiasm Majors Management in this time still relevant with work all graduated (77.2%), specially marketing and entrepreneurship (92%)