9 research outputs found

    Sistem Pendukung Keputusan untuk Pemberian Reward Kader Terbaik Organisasi Ikatan Mahasiswa Muhammadiyah Kota Bengulu Menggunakan Algoritma Simple Additive Weighting

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    Ikatan Mahasiswa Muhammadiyah disingkat IMM adalah gerakan Mahasiswa Islam yang beraqidah Islam bersumber al-Quran dan As-Sunah. Pendapatan keanggotaan Ikatan Mahasiswa Muhammadiyah yang berupa Anggota Biasa, Anggota Luar biasa dan Anggota Kehormatan memerlukan sistem pendukung keputusan untuk menunjang kondisi internal yang baik di level Pimpinan di Kota Bengkulu. Pengambilan keputusan dianggap sebagai sautu proses pemilihan suatu jalur dengan beberapa alternatif-alternatif yang ada, setiap pengambilan keputusan selalu menghasilkan satu pilihan. Seorang anggota organisasi yang menerima reward tentunya harus memenuhi beberapa kriteria-kriteria tertentu yang berhubungan dengan kriteria yang ditentukan oleh masing-masing organisasi. Algoritma SAW (Simple Additive Weighting) dikenal istilah metode penjumlahan terbobot adalah menggunakan proses normalisasi matriks keputusan yang dibandingkan dengan semua alternatif yang ada dalam mencari rating atau kinerja, metode penyelasaian masalah multi atribut ini paling sederhana paling banyak digunakan merupakan metode paling mudah diaplikasikan karena mempunyai algoritma yang tidak terlalu rumit. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memberikan kemudahan kepada organisasi IMM dalam menilai dan memberikan reward kepada anggotanya

    Sistem Ujian Online Seleksi Penerimaan Mahasiswa Baru dengan Pengacakan Soal Menggunakan Linear Congruent Method (Studi Kasus di Universitas Muhammadiyah Bengkulu)

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    In the data processing of examination/test system for new students' entrance in Muhammadiyah University of Bengkulu had been using computer facility for method of input the result of test when the test implementation still using paper sheets (conventional).In the process of writing thesis, the author discusses about how to create items that will be done by testee are not same as the others, its mean the number of that test items will be random so the testee are more coducive in implementation of test.Online examination/test system is designed by using the Unified Modeling Language (UML). It hoped can be used to overcome the problems in the selection test of new students' entrance and can be fully utilized and feasible to be used in order to achieve system that is accurate, Fast, precise and more effective. Linear Congruent Method (LCM) is a method that generates random numbers are widely used in computer programs. In this method, repetition in spesific time period or after a few times of generation.This is one of main characteristic from this method. Determination of the constants in LCM very determine whether good or not the random numbers obtained. In the sense of obtaining random numbers as if there will be no repetition. Using of LCM method in this case is simply to randomization number of items in order to every students who did a test selection run with effective

    Sistem Informasi Sekolah Menengah Atas Negeri 03 Kaur sebagai Media Penyampaian Informasi

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    - Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk Pengelolaan website SMA ( Sekolah Menengah Atas ) Negeri 03 Kaur, dan Menerapkan sistem Informasi berbasis web pada sekolah SMAN 03 Kaur. Metode pengumpulan data yaitu wawancara, Observasi, studi pustaka, dan metode Dokumentasi. Alat dan bahan dalam penelitian perangkat keras, dan perangkat lunak. Metode penelitian menggunakan Metode RAD dengan Tahapan perancangan syarat-syarat, workshop Desain RAD, Implementasi. Rancangan dengan diagaram Konteks, Rancangan Database.

    Sistem Informasi Data Penduduk Desa Kertapati Kecamatan Pagar Jati Kabupaten Bengkulu Tengah

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    Kertapati village is located in central Bengkulu with the population about 1500 people who are classified as the most dense in the district of pagar jati. The management of population data that is still manual only in the book records, the lack and completeness of the kertapati people data is very concerning, so that when the population data is quickly needed, and the invalid population data becomes a problem of delay in reporting to the next steps. Building an information system is done to fix the invalid population data and create systemized population data in kertapati village while making it easier for those who need the data of kertapati villagers. Creation of a system is set using PHP programming language (hypertext prepocessor). With this information system, computerized kertapati village population data and safe and useful data storage for both the village and related parties population data, reporting, searching and matching of population data becomes easier and Faste

    Penyusunan Simtraba (Sistem Informasi Manajemen Tata Ruang dan Tata Bangunan) Dpupr Kabupaten Bengkulu Tengah

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    Giving citizens access to information from government and non-government institutions is one form of public information disclosure. Openness of public information that has been considered difficult to reach by the public is expected to help build openness between the community and government and non-government institutions in the future. In practice, obtaining the latest, accurate and complete data requires public information disclosure. In planning and development, up-to-date data is needed, especially building and land data that can support its implementation. Therefore the Dinas Pekerjaan Umum dan Penataan Ruang (DPUPR) Bengkulu Tengah Regency responsible for building management needs to conduct building data collection activities so that the availability of information regarding building data can be met. So in terms of spatial planning and building layout so that it is Faster and more effective in identifying specific problems concerning the relationship of data between one and the other that are built connected by describing the characteristics of spatial planning openly, it requires an application of Spatial Management and Building Management Information Systems or abbreviated as SIMTRAB

    Perbandingan Metode Certainty Factor dan Dempster-Shafer pada Sistem Pakar Diagnosa Penyakit Gigi dan Mulut

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    Health is one of the essential human requirements in addition to food, housing and education, because only in a healthy state humans can live, grow and work better. Numerous people who are less concerned about health, especially on oral and dental health because of dental and oral diseases can strike anyone and anytime. Certainty factor is a method to prove whether a fact is certain or uncertain in the form of metrics that are usually used in expert systems. This method is just righ for expert systems that diagnose something uncertain. Dempster-Shafer is a mathematical theory for evidence based on belief functions and plausible reasoning, used to mingle separate pieces of information (evidence) to estimate the probability of an event. Thus, appear a problem on how to make expert system with two comparison of certainty factor and dempster-shafer methods on the expert system diagnosing dental and dental diseases. The objective of the research was to contribute a solution by building an application that can determine the dental and mouth disease Fast and efficient. It is hoped that this application can be developed into another cases so that it extend the insight of smarthphone based java program