117 research outputs found

    A potential cyanobacterial ancestor of Viridiplantae chloroplasts

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    The theory envisaging the origin of plastids from endosymbiotic cyanobacteria is well-established but it is difficult to explain the evolution (spread) of plastids in phylogenetically diverse plant groups. It is widely believed that primordial endosymbiosis occurred in the last common ancestor of all algae^1^, which then diverged into the three primary photosynthetic eukaryotic lineages, viz. the Rhodophyta (red algae), Glaucocystophyta (cyanelle-containing algae) and Viridiplantae (green algae plus all land plants)^2^. Members of these three groups invariably have double membrane-bound plastids^3^, a property that endorses the primary endosymbiotic origin of the organelles. On the other hand, the three or four membrane-bound plastids of the evolutionary complicated Chromalveolates [chromista (cryptophytes, haptophytes, and stramenopiles) and alveolata (dinoflagellates, apicomplexans, and ciliates)] are inexplicable in the light of a single endosymbiosis event, thereby necessitating the postulation of the secondary^4,5^ and tertiary^6^ endosymbiosis theories where a nonphotosynthetic protist supposedly engulfed a red or a green alga^7^ and an alga containing a secondary plastid itself was engulfed^8^ respectively. In the current state of understanding, however, there is no clue about the taxonomic identity of the cyanobacterial ancestor of chloroplasts, even though there is a wide consensus on a single primordial endosymbiosis event. During our metagenomic investigation of a photosynthetic geothermal microbial mat community we discovered a novel order-level lineage of Cyanobacteria that - in 16S rRNA gene sequence-based phylogeny - forms a robust monophyletic clade with chloroplast-derived sequences from diverse divisions of Viridiplantae. This cluster diverged deeply from the other major clade encompassing all hitherto known groups of Cyanobacteria plus the chloroplasts of Rhodophyta, Glaucocystophyceae and Chromalveolates. Since this fundamental dichotomy preceded the origin of all chloroplasts, it appears that two early-diverging cyanobacterial lineages had possibly given rise to two discrete chloroplast descents via two separate engulfment events


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    Objective: The objective of this study was to enrich therapeutic proteins and remove pollutants from dairy wastewater for establishing foam fractionation as a lucrative unit operation. Methods: Dairy wastewater collected from dairy industry was processed to fat-free dried protein waste mass diluted to 1-liter feed by distilled water in different concentrations and foam fractionated by sodium dodecyl sulphate (surfactant) to enriched proteins extract (foamate) in a foam fractionator. Foamate were analysed to quantify total proteins and lacto peroxidase respectively. The efficiency was evaluated by varying parameters like pH, initial waste and ionic concentrations, the waste-surfactant mass ratio of feed and flow rate of gas (N2) through feed solution by several experiments. Heat of desorption (λ) and mass transfer coefficient (K) were determined as indicators of adsorptive bubble separation to foam phase governed by Gibb’s equation of adsorption isotherm. Results: The process was optimized at pH 5.5, initial feed concentration 500μg/ml, waste–surfactant mass ratio (1.5:1), gas flow rate (350 ml/min) and ionic concentration 0.1 gram-mole of NaCL per litre of feed with enrichment factor (49.09), percent recovery (98.18%) observed in foamate. One natural preservative specifically lactoperoxidase was quantified by RP-HPLC analysis as 0.49% (w/w) of total proteins at optimal condition. Heat of desorption(λ), mass transfer coefficient(K)were determined 3140cal/mol and 12.68* 10-9 mol/cal/cm2/s respectively at pH 8.5, initial feed concentration 500μg/ml and gas flow rate 350 ml/min. Conclusion: The method may be a useful unit operation for recovery of biomolecules and removal of toxic pollutants from industrial wastewater for coming days

    Nexus between Infrastructure and Economic Growth: An Empirical Study in the Post-Reform period in India

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    The purpose of this study is to examine the nexus between infrastructure and economic growth in India over the period 1991 – 2016. More specifically, this study tries to find out whether infrastructure development in the post-reform period is cointegrated with economic growth. For the said purpose, a composite infrastructure index is constructed using Principal Component Analysis (PCA) based on eight infrastructural indicator variables in the areas of physical, and social. and financial infrastructure. The methodological approaches used to analyze the nexus between infrastructure index and economic growth mainly consist of time series estimation techniques. The cointegrating nature between the infrastructure index and economic growth is checked using the Engle and Granger method of cointegration. The study further applies VAR based Granger causality test to assess the direction of causality between infrastructure and economic growth. The results reveal that infrastructure and economic growth are cointegrated and hold a long-run equilibrium relationship. However, in the short run, the results of the study find no instantaneous effect of change in infrastructure on economic growth. Finally, the results of the Granger causality test confirm the unidirectional causality from infrastructure to economic growth. Therefore, the study concludes that infrastructural development can be an effective tool for achieving sustainable economic growth

    A Review Paper on Heterogeneous Fenton Catalyst: Types of Preparation, Modification Techniques, Factors Affecting the Synthesis, Characterization, and Application in the Wastewater Treatment

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    This comprehensive review focuses on the different factors, modification in the synthesis method, characterization and application of heterogeneous catalyst in the wastewater treatment based on the Fenton process. The present review highlights the different catalyst preparation methods like wet impregnation method, hydrothermal method, sol-gel method, precipitation method and their application to treat different recalcitrant organic chemicals. Major heterogeneous catalyst synthesis methods were discussed with their excellent workability. The importance of modification through physical and chemical method  was  also reported. Different catalyst, pollutants and optimum parametric conditions available in the literature along with some relevant studies are summarized. The effect of factors like pH, calcination and some other modifiers on the synthesis and their efficiency in the wastewater treatment has been described. The important characterization of synthesized catalysts explaining their working efficiency has also been discussed. In the final section, the application of heterogeneous catalyst synthesized by different methods in the wastewater/effluent treatment has been investigated. The main aim of this review is to find out the influence of process parameters and catalytic method on degradation/decolorization of organic compounds present in industrial or synthetic wastewater. Copyright © 2020 by Authors, Published by BCREC Group. This is an open access article under the CC BY-SA License (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0).

    Razbijanje jezgri u sudarima s mionima na (420 ± 45) GeV – jaka dvočestična azimutalna korelacija

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    We present new data on target fragmentation in muon-nucleus interactions at (420 ± 45) GeV. A two-dimensional emission-angle -– azimuthal-angle plot of target fragments does not indicate preferential emission of target fragments. We also present an investigation on the two-particle short-range angular correlation among the target fragments in azimuthal-angle space. The experimental data have been compared with MC simulated events to extract dynamical correlation. The data exhibit strong two-particle correlation among target fragments in azimuthal space.Predstavljamo nove podatke o razbijanju meta u sudarima miona s jezgrama na (420 ± 45) GeV. Dvodimenzijski prikaz kut emisije – azimutalni kut ne pokazuje povezanost u emisiji krhotina mete. Predstavljamo također analize dvočestičnih kutnih korelacija kratkog dosega u azimutalnom smjeru. Usporedili smo podatke s Monte Carlo računima radi izvođenja dinamičkih korelacija. Podaci pokazuju jaku dvočestičnu korelaciju među krhotinama mete u azimutalnom smjeru

    Advanced Oxidation Processes: A Powerful Treatment Option for the Removal of Recalcitrant Organic Compounds

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    Advanced oxidation processes (AOPs) are the technologies that generally use the hydroxyl radicals, the ultimate oxidant for the remediation of organic contaminants in wastewater. These are highly effective novel methods speeding up the oxidation process. AOP can combine with ozone (O3), catalyst, or ultraviolet (UV) irradiation to offer a powerful treatment of wastewater. Future research should be focused on enhancing the properties of heterogeneous catalysts in AOPs. This chapter reports general review of different AOPs utilized for the removal of various phenolic compounds and textile dyes in wastewater. The chapter also aimed at an investigation of efficiency for different photochemical AOPs. The authors have carried out the experimental runs at a laboratory scale for the removal of malachite green oxalate (MGO) dye with photochemical AOPs. The influence of ferrous ions and oxidant dosage on percentage decolorization of MGO in wastewater has been reported. The discussion extends to the utilization of different modified photocatalysts for the photocatalysis process. The future challenges, such as the adoption of strategies for the integration of processes and the decrement in operational cost of AOPs, are discussed. The discussion covers the utilization of different heterogeneous catalysts, the reduction of input demands of chemicals and energy for the processes
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