77 research outputs found

    William Faulkner’s Influence of ‘Stream of Consciousness Technique’ in the Sound and the Fury

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    In the paper, I intend to explore the Stream-Of-Consciousness technique employed by William Faulkner (1897-1962) in his novel The Sound and the Fury (1929) is among the best novels of the 20th century American Literature and the world at large. His best works and his finest writing feature from 1929 to 1936, the years of turbulent times due to the Great Depression in America where in, the economy fell to shambles and revived soon after.   

    A Short Study in Perspective on Enhancing Communication Skills (LSRW) for English Language Learners Through Select Journalistic-Print Articles & Radio Broadcasting

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    The paper’s aim is to reach out to the inner most circles of rural India with the specific purpose of enhancing English language learning through usage of print and radio media by English language enhancers. Reportage in English world over has made tremendous impact for over a century now. The prominence of English as a link language to connect masses across all corners in India has undergone tectonic shifts since gaining Independence in August 15, 1947. In the paper, I have taken various articles published in English that are of national importance drawn between the years 1959 and 2009. During these times, India has massively progressed on the lines of agriculture, economy, defense, education and industrialization. During these tumultuous times, significant contribution has been made by English Reportage to abridge India and the rest of the world as well. English Reportage enhances LSRW Skills in English Language much needed for both current generation language learners and the next. Listening (through Radio and TV Dispatches), Speaking (To Communicate – for English Language Learners), Reading (Print Media) Writing (To Practice and Publish). Reportage in English as an employable skill during the first decades post Independent India was only exclusive to the ones who had access to university education or to the ones who went abroad and returned home armed with degrees. But, since the beginning of the 21st century, it has been considered as the dawn of Information Age in India. And along with universalization of education and vast increase in the circulation of English Newspapers, current generation of learners in schools, colleges and researchers have found scope in English as a language as strong medium of communication and as a tool for learning for the upcoming new generation of learners as well. English Language learners till today find journalism as a medium to not just read or hear from it but also contribute toward it

    A Study on the Motifs of Shadow and Water in William Faulkner’s the Sound and the Fury

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    William Faulkner’s The Sound and the Fury is among the best novels of the 20th century. Although Faulkner is an American novelist, his focus has always been on the Southern part of American society. America faced a major financial crisis in 1929 and the world termed it the “Depression Period”. It was about this time the novel; The Sound and the Fury also was published. Considered his masterpiece, contains a whole plethora of themes that have become universal. Faulkner has himself claimed in one of his interviews that the influence that he had garnered for his writings were from The Bible and the Greek Tragedies. Faulkner’s The Sound and the Fury serves as a testimony to the degeneration of the once powerful and wealthy white families into a period of turmoil ravaged by decadency. The Compson Family is given the complete focus in the novel. This paper attempts to study on the motifs of shadow and water employed by Faulkner in the novel. The goal of any writer is to reach out to the common reader through his ideas on life, society or values that are considered valuable to him/her and through one’s writings in turn inform the world. Motifs supplement the effect provided through symbolism in Literature. It is a device, which supplies the reader with inferred meanings and is also the technique of the writer to connect to the minds of his readers. Motifs serve as a catalyst towards a change or it creates causes destruction depending on the various circumstances the writer offers to the readers. This aspect reaches a superior motive when a writer of Faulkner’s status has mastered the technique of symbolism and has successfully employed them in the novel. Keywords: William Faulkner, Motifs, Shadow, and Water

    Kautilya’s Views on Espionage and its Current Relevance

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    Kautilya’s The Arthashastra is considered one the finest political and war discourses ever written in prose form. Dating back to the 4th century, it contains a whole plethora of views on espionage elements carefully embedded in them. Kautilya, is often referred to as the modern-day economist of his times. Having belonged to one of the oldest Indian civilizations, he has spelt out clear principles for espionage and stressed the importance of spies in securing the livelihood of about six billion global citizens living across the world. The espionage discourse is filled with courage, dedication and commitment. And is also equally watered down with anxiety and unparalleled justice toward a greater cause. Kautilya is a realist and a naturalist in his approach and his discourses often contain animal analogies. This paper attempts to study the aspects on espionage laid down by Kautilya and fundamentally tries to address the modern day issues like containing terrorism, securing country’s borders and ultimately guaranteeing security of an individual. Keywords: Kautilya, The Arthashastra, espionage, spies and security

    Journalism and its Impact on enhancing LSRW Skills for English Language Learners

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    In the paper, I have analyzed the status of English Newspapers between 1959 and 2009 that are of national importance. Reportage in English as an employable skill during the first decades post Independent India was only exclusive to the ones who had access to university education or to the ones who went abroad and returned home armed with degrees. But, since the beginning of the 21st century, it has been considered as the dawn of Information Age in India. And along with universalization of education and vast increase in the circulation of English Newspapers, current generation of learners in schools, colleges and researchers have found scope in English as a language as strong medium of communication and as a tool for learning for the upcoming new generation of learners as well. English Language learners till today find journalism as a medium to not just read or hear from it but also contribute toward it. Keywords: English, Language, Journalism, Learner, Information

    Sun Tzu’s The Art of War: Craftsmanship & Current Relevance

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    Sun Tzu’s ‘The Art of War’ is by far one of the finest political and war discourses ever written in prose form. Dating back to the Sixth Century B.C., it contains tremendous far-sighted elements of strategy and tactics embedded in it. He is often referred to as the modern-day economist a war strategist of his times. Having belonged to one of the oldest Chinese civilizations, he has spelt out clear principles of strategy and stressed the importance of tactics in war scenario. The discourse contains in it a detailed account of first-hand human experiences. The paper focuses on the strategy discourse, which is filled with courage, dedication and commitment. Tzu is seen as a realist in his approach and the discourse contains analogies on ‘Nature’. The paper also offers deep analysis of ‘craftsmanship’ of the discourse from the standpoint of discourse literature. Keywords: Sun Tzu, War, Strategy, Tactics, Craftsmanship

    Characterization of Carrie Mathison in Alex Gansa and Howard Gordon’s the Homeland TV Series (Season One)

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    Carrie Mathison’s powerful role in Alex Gansa and Howard Gordon’s Homeland TV series has evoked a great literary interest in the genre of Crime Drama. Carrie’s ‘omnipresent’ and ‘omniscient’ role in the TV series has indeed been instrumental in ‘Characterization’ in Homeland American television series does play a pivotal role in determining the success of the plot?  Through the ‘Metamorphosis’ effect (the change in individual characters), Gansa and Howard the creators of the television series have evidently evoked mixed feelings between various characters and juxtaposed their roles at various instances

    Information Need and Information Seeking Behaviour of Tangkhul Naga Community in India

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    The main objective of this research is to study the information-seeking behaviour and need of the Tangkhul Naga community in the Ukhrul district of Manipur state in India. What are the various sources and channels used for seeking information, the purpose of information seeking, problems faced by the Tangkhul Naga community while seeking the information? The survey research was conducted using a questionnaire tool from the scattered population of the Tangkhul community. Total of 211 people was responded to the questionnaire. The respondent includes student, daily-wage worker, government-employee, retired people, self-employed and unemployed persons. The print media and the Internet are the most popular source for acquiring information through the outside world. The community faces many problems and challenges while seeking information like cost of information access, a library without essential collections, outdated nature of books, language barriers, scattered literature, and limited library hours, etc