1,945 research outputs found

    Tropical and Subtropical Maize in Asia: Production Systems, Constraints, and Research Priorities

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    This book examines future technological and policy prospects for the sustainable intensification of rainfed upland maize production in Asia, and derives R&D priorities for specific maize production environments and markets. Village-level and farmer-group surveys were conducted to characterize upland maize production environments and systems in China, India, Indonesia, Nepal, the Philippines, Thailand, and Vietnam. Survey findings, particularly farmer-identified constraints to maize production, complemented with other relevant data, were used in country-level, R&D priority-setting workshops. High on the list of farmer constraints was drought, estimated to affect three production environments that are home to about 48 million rural poor and produce an estimated 16 million tons of maize, and others such as downy mildew, stem borers, soil erosion/landslides, waterlogging, poor agricultural extension/ technology transfer services, and poor access to low-interest credit and markets. Farmers felt that socioeconomic and policy-related constraints impact maize productivity more than technical constraints do. It is important to recognize that technology is not the only key to increasing productivity and bettering the conditions of marginal maize farmers in Asia. There is a growing trend towards commercializing and intensifying maize production that is different from the staple food self-sufficiency paradigm that has been the cornerstone of agricultural policy in most developing countries. Appropriate government policies could help alleviate the adverse consequences of commercialization and promote sustainable intensification of maize production, especially in marginal environments inhabited by resource-poor subsistence farmersMaize, Agricultural development, Farming systems, Production policies, Environmental factors, Cropping systems, Research projects, Project management, Asia, Crop Production/Industries, E10,

    Towards Reduced Pesticide Use for Cereal Crops in Asia

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    Several opportunities are available for dramatically reducing the use of agrochemicals in Asian cereal crop production. The first section of this paper summarizes past trends and future prospects for pesticide use in Asia for the three major cereal crops: rice, wheat, and maize. The second section identifies factors that have contributed to rising farm-level demand for pesticides and factors that could lead to a reduction in their demand. The third section highlights the advances that have been made in generating and disseminating cereal crops with resistance to insects and diseases. It focuses on conventional breeding strategies for host-plant resistance as well as the current and potential contributions of biotechnology. Pesticide productivity, yield variability, and their relation to host-plant resistance are reviewed, along with evidence from trials and farmers' fields. The paper concludes with a discussion of the integrated management approaches that will be necessary for maximizing and sustaining the productivity gains offered by resistant varieties.Crop Production/Industries,

    Maize in India: Production Systems, Constraints, and Research Priorities

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    Crop Production/Industries, Research and Development/Tech Change/Emerging Technologies,

    Maternal and fetal outcome in primigravida with unengaged head at term in labour

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    Background: Unengaged head in a primigravida at term gestation at the onset of labor is considered as an obstetric risk factor for dysfunctional labor. Careful monitoring of the progress of labor and timely medical intervention reduced the risk of dysfunctional labor and Cesarean delivery. This study was to assess the effect of unengaged head on course of labor, duration of labor, its maternal and fetal outcome in primigravida at term in labor. Methods: This prospective cross-sectional study was conducted in 100 primigravida with term gestation, unengaged head with spontaneous onset of labor meeting the inclusion criteria admitted to labor ward, Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology, ESIC-MC & PGIMSR Hospital, Bengaluru during January 2019 to June 2020. After detailed clinical evaluation, labor monitored partographically and CTG for fetal surveillance and when necessary, interventions like augmentation of labor and operative vaginal or cesarean delivery performed. Results: Among 100 primigravidae, 19% had floating head, 53% at -3 and 28% at -2 station at the time of onset of labor. The mean duration of 1st, 2nd stage and total duration of labor       was higher in freely floating head compared to -3 and -2 station. The need for augmentation of labor was 100% with freely floating head than with -3 and -2 station. 77% delivered vaginally and 23% by LSCS, arrest disorders being the main indication. There was no significant difference in maternal morbidity or APGAR score at 5 min. 88% of the babies delivered with good APGAR and 12% required NICU admission Conclusions: Our study demonstrates that higher the fetal head station at the onset of labor, greater the duration of labor and the need for augmentation. Unengaged head per se is not an indication for LSCS as 77% of them delivered vaginally with partographically monitored labor

    Maize in Indonesia: Production Systems, Constraints, and Research Priorities

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    Crop Production/Industries, Research and Development/Tech Change/Emerging Technologies,

    Maize in Nepal: Production Systems, Constraints, and Priorities for Research

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    Crop Production/Industries, Research and Development/Tech Change/Emerging Technologies,

    Variabilidade de isolados de Magnaporthe oryzae em arroz irrigado no Brasil.

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    Objetivando rastrear a variabilidade genética de M. oryzae em regiões produtoras de arroz irrigado no Brasil, este trabalho foi realizado utilizando-se 18 marcadores microssatélites. Foram selecionados 235 isolados monospóricos obtidos de oito cultivares de arroz irrigado coletados em RS,TO, MS e SC , os quais tiveram seus patótipos determinados

    Noise in Electron Devices

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    Contains research objectives and reports on two research projects
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