108 research outputs found

    Perspectives on Ecosystem Services: Approaches, Development and Valuation

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    Ecosystem services originate from a functioning ecosystem and are of direct value to humans. They enter the utility function either directly, or along with labour, capital, and other produced goods as inputs in a production process resulting in consumable goods. Most ecosystem goods and services have produced although usually imperfect substitutes. It is the nature of economic and population growth that some ecosystem goods and services become depleted and that humans use inputs including plentiful ecosystem goods and services to produce new capital and goods that compensate for such depletion. An economic question is whether the substitutes for ecosystem services cost society more to produce than the opportunity cost of protecting the original ecosystem services. Many ecosystem services and some ecosystem goods are commonly received for free. The marketing of ecosystem goods and services is basically an effort to turn such recipients those who benefit without ownership into buyers, thereby providing market signals that serve to help protect valuable services. Some formal arrangement is needed to make this happe

    Utišani gga-miR-142-3p u pilećem embriju: ekspresija profila XPO1.

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    Differential expression of gga-miR-142-3p microRNA of haemopoeitic origin during immune organ development and functional stages in chicken embryos creates new opportunities for understanding its pivotal role during embryonic developmental stages. To decipher the role of gga-miR-142-3p in-ovo knockdown was carried out with LNA modified anti-miR-gga-miR-142-3p via intravenous route at developmental and functional stages of the immune organs and other organs. Bioinformatic analysis of the genes targeted by gga-miRNA-142-3p revealed that the predicted gene XPO1 conserved binding sites at 3’UTR. The target gene XPO1 was evaluated as the validated target of gga-miR-142-3p by employing qPCR SYBR green based technology, which was evidenced by its increased expression in the tissues of gga-miR-142-3p knockdown chicken embryos. Histopathological alterations in the immune organs and visceral organs indicated that the systemic knockdown of gga-miR-124-3p led to over expression of the XPO1 gene during the embryonic stages, and changed the environment of the immune organs related to structural integrity, immune response, signal transduction and migration of B and T cells during the embryonic developmental stage in the chicken embryos. The results clearly indicated that these changes could alter the postnatal development and functions of these immune organs, and may lead to development of immuno-compromised chickens.Različita ekspresija gga-miR-142-3p mikroRNA hemopoetskog podrijetla daje nove mogućnosti razumijevanja njezine ključne uloge u embrionalnom razvoju limfnih organa i funkcionalnih zbivanja u pilećem zametku. Za otkrivanje uloge gga-miR-142-3p in ovo provedeno je utišavanje zaključanom nukleinskom kiselinom što preko anti-miR-gga-miR-142-3p preinačuje razvojne i funkcionalne sposobnosti limfnih i drugih organa. Bioinformatička analiza ciljnih gena za gga-miRNA-142-3p otkriva da gen XPO1 ima konzervirana mjesta vezanja na 3’UTR. Gen XPO1 bio je potvrđen kao cilj za gga-miR-142-3p uporabom tehnologije temeljene na qPCR SYBR zelenilu, što je bilo dokazano njegovom povećanom ekspresijom u tkivima pilećih zametaka s utišanim gga-miR-142-3p. Patohistološke promjene u imunosnim i unutarnjim organima pokazuju da sustavno utišavanje gga-miR-124-3p vodi do prevelike ekspresije gena XPO1 tijekom embrionalnog razvoja. To mijenja zadaću imunosnih organa s obzirom na strukturni integritet, imunosni odgovor, prijenos poruka te migraciju B i T limfocita tijekom razvoja pilećih zametaka. Rezultati jasno naznačuju da te promjene mogu preinačiti postnatalni razvoj i funkcije imunosnih organa te mogu dovesti do razvoja imunološki oslabljenih pilića

    Assessment of job stress among non-teaching staff: A cross-sectional study at teaching hospital, Central India

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    Introduction: Job stress plays an important role in the maintenance of organizational performance. A key aspect of job stress is increased workload, role conflict, poor job control, lack of support from coworkers and interpersonal conflict. Most studies in the field of job stress have focused on private sectors. The objective of this study was to assess the job stress among non-teaching staff at government teaching hospital. Methods: The present cross-sectional study was carried out in a government teaching hospital in central India between Jan 2020 to March 2020 among 90 participants purposively chosen for the study. New Job Stress Scale was used to assess the extent of stress among the participants. Approval from Institutional Ethical Committee was obtained before commencing the study. Data was analyzed by SPSS version 20 for percentages, mean and standard deviation. Results: A moderate level of stress affects 47.78 percent of participants. The present study found that most problematic dimensions of job stress variables were dimension of role conflict with as many as 51% of participants had experience role expectation conflict. Conclusion: We can infer from this finding that we need to have formal job description written for their non-teaching staff so that their role should be clear and unambiguous

    Application of nanotechnology to herbal antioxidants as improved phytomedicine: An expanding horizon.

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    Phytotherapy, based on medicinal plants, have excellent potential in managing several diseases. A vital part of the healthcare system is herbal medicines, consisting of therapeutic agents with high safety profile and no or least adverse effects. Herbs or medicinal plants show anticancer, antioxidant, and gene-protective activity, which is useful for pharmaceutical industries. In vitro, the extract of antioxidant compounds prevents the growth of colon and liver cancer cells, followed by a dose-dependent method. The screening of extracts is done by using in vitro models. Reactive oxygen species (ROS) and free radicals lead to diseases based on age which promotes oxidative stress. Different types of ROSs available have central roles in the normal physiology and functioning of processes. Herbal or traditional plant medicines have rich antioxidant activity. Despite the limited literature on the health effect of herbal extract or spices. There are many studies examining the encouraging health effects of single phytochemicals instigating from the medicinal plant. This review provides a detailed overview on herbal antioxidants and how application of nanotechnology can improve its biological activity in managing several major diseases, and having no reported side effects

    Accelerated surgery versus standard care in hip fracture (HIP ATTACK): an international, randomised, controlled trial

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    Statistics for industries: A sophisticated approach

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    Six-Sigma is a statistical attitude – not judgment or sentiment. It is about statistical facts that as-sist the authorities to spotlight their concentration on the progression arrangement rather than on individuals and get assessments based on reality and unbiased information but not on impracti-cable prospects. Six-Sigma is an integrated approach to involve everything within the organiza-tion for reducing defects and variation. It is a combination of all efforts in an association for quality enhancement, quality progress and quality protection to reach the optimum clients satis-faction. The primary objective of Six-Sigma methodology is always directed towards the perfec-tion at any level whether financial or non-financial. Putting efforts rightly and maintaining con-sistency are the basic concepts behind successful implementation of Six-Sigma. The present work provides a way to examine the Six-Sigma practice in a manufacturing firm with the use of statistical thinking in getting high quality products by reducing the variation and ultimately in-creasing profit