2 research outputs found

    Literature Review: Pengaruh Jahe terhadap Skala Nyeri pada Lansia dengan Artritis Gout

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    Introduction: The aging process results in a disturbance in purine metabolism that triggers gout arthritis. The symptoms appear in the joints including swelling, redness, and heat, resulting in stiffness and pain at night. Pain occurs continuously can cause a decrease in the elderly quality of life. The objective of the literature review is review the effectiveness of ginger on the pain scale in the elderly with Gout Arthritis. Method: Literature review was conducted based on issues, methodology and outcome equations. The study used a total of 11 research using quantitative studies, pre-experimental designs using or without a control group. The variable used pain scale in patients with Gout Arthritis. Results: Ginger interventions were obtained 9 research used ginger as a compress and 2 other research used ginger as a foot soak. There are 2 researchs whose results are not different but showed the effectiveness of ginger against pain reduction in the elderly who experience gout arthritis. The first study compared therapeutic warm water baths with warm ginger baths and the second study compared white ginger compresses with grated ginger compresses. Overall research shows the effectiveness of ginger against pain reduction. Discussion: Ginger can be used as an alternative intervention to reduce pain in the elderly with Athritis Gout

    Kesadaran Caregiver Tentang Resiko Jatuh Pada Lansia (Caregiver Awareness About the Risk of Falling in the Elderly)

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    Introduction: In the aging process, the elderly experience loss of motor skills in movement. With this change, the ability of the elderly to react to falls has decreased resulted in the occurrence of falls experienced. Caregiver support in fall prevention is needed. The purpose of the literature review is to review the caregiver's awareness of the risk of falling in the elderly. Method: Issues, methodologies, similarities and differences in research are the basis for implementing a literature review. Of the 7 studies, there are five studies using quantitative and two studies using a qualitative approach. The population is all caregivers who care for the elderly and the sample used is some or all caregivers who play a role in elderly care. Result: Based on 7 studies, there were five studies that showed that caregivers had good awareness in preventing the risk of falling in the elderly and there were two studies that provided information that caregivers had less awareness in falling prevention in the elderly. Discussion: With the existence of health education, health promotion even with training provided to caregivers will be able to help caregivers in implementing fall prevention measures for the existing elderly