12 research outputs found
Pertussis vaccine trials
In the Senegal pertussis trial, common adverse reactions were actively monitored during the pilot phase II study, while the frequency of severe adverse reactions was monitored as a secondary objective within the phase III efficacy trial. Since the trial was conducted in Niakhar, an area in rural West Africa under intensive surveillance, the safety monitoring during the study was incorporated within the general surveillance system. This was a two-step procedure : detection of a potential reaction by a field worker, followed by confirmation report by a physician. The frequency of severe reactions was slow among both pertussis vaccine groups, receiving either the two-component acellular vaccine or the whole-cell vaccine, currently used in the Senegal Expanded Programme on Immunisation. Among severe reactions, only persistent crying was found to be at a significantly higher rate in the whole-cell group. Common adverse reactions were more frequent in the whole-cell group. (Résumé d'auteur
Prevalence and epidemiology of meningococcal carriage in Southern Ethiopia prior to implementation of MenAfriVac, a conjugate vaccine
Abstract Background Neisseria meningitidis colonizes humans and transmits mainly by asymptomatic carriage. We sought to determine the prevalence and epidemiology of meningococcal carriage in Ethiopia prior to the introduction of MenAfriVac, a serogroup A meningococcal conjugate vaccine. Methods A cross-sectional meningococcal carriage study was conducted in Arba Minch, southern Ethiopia. A total of 7479 oropharyngeal samples were collected from 1 to 29 year old volunteers, between March and October, 2014. The swabs were cultured for N. meningitidis and Neisseria lactamica in Ethiopia. N. meningitidis isolates were confirmed and characterized by their serogroup, sequence type (ST) and PorA:FetA profile in Norway. Results Overall carriage prevalence was 6.6 %. There was no significant difference in overall carriage between male (6.7 %) and female (6.4 %) participants. Highest carriage prevalence (10.9 %) for females was found in the 15–19 years of age, while prevalence among males was highest (11.3 %) in the 20–24 age group. Non-groupable isolates dominated (76.4 %), followed by serogroups X (14.0 %) and W (5.9 %) isolates. No serogroup A was found. Most non-groupable isolates were ST-192. Serogroup W isolates were assigned to the ST-11 clonal complex, and serogroup X isolates to the ST-181 and ST-41/44 clonal complexes. Overall carriage prevalence of N. lactamica was 28.1 %. Carriage of N. meningitidis and N. lactamica varied depending on age and geographic area, but there was no association between carriage of the two species. Conclusions Epidemic strains of serogroups W and X were circulating in this area of Ethiopia. As no serogroup A was found among the carriage isolates the immediate impact of mass-vaccination with MenAfriVac on transmission of N. meningitidis in this population is expected to be marginal
Persistent low carriage of serogroup A Neisseria meningitidis two years after mass vaccination with the meningococcal conjugate vaccine, MenAfriVac
Background The conjugate vaccine against serogroup A Neisseria meningitidis (NmA), MenAfriVac, is currently being introduced throughout the African meningitis belt. In repeated multicentre cross-sectional studies in Burkina Faso we demonstrated a significant effect of vaccination on NmA carriage for one year following mass vaccination in 2010. A new multicentre carriage study was performed in October-November 2012, two years after MenAfriVac mass vaccination. Methods Oropharyngeal samples were collected and analysed for presence of N. meningitidis (Nm) from a representative selection of 1-29-year-olds in three districts in Burkina Faso using the same procedures as in previous years. Characterization of Nm isolates included serogrouping, multilocus sequence typing, and porA and fetA sequencing. A small sample of invasive isolates collected during the epidemic season of 2012 through the national surveillance system were also analysed. Results From a total of 4964 oropharyngeal samples, overall meningococcal carriage prevalence was 7.86%. NmA prevalence was 0.02% (1 carrier), significantly lower (OR, 0.05, P = 0.005, 95% CI, 0.006-0.403) than pre-vaccination prevalence (0.39%). The single NmA isolate was sequence type (ST)-7, P1.20,9;F3-1, a clone last identified in Burkina Faso in 2003. Nm serogroup W (NmW) dominated with a carriage prevalence of 6.85%, representing 87.2% of the isolates. Of 161 NmW isolates characterized by molecular techniques, 94% belonged to the ST-11 clonal complex and 6% to the ST-175 complex. Nm serogroup X (NmX) was carried by 0.60% of the participants and ST-181 accounted for 97% of the NmX isolates. Carriage prevalence of serogroup Y and non-groupable Nm was 0.20% and 0.18%, respectively. Among the 20 isolates recovered from meningitis cases, NmW dominated (70%), followed by NmX (25%). ST-2859, the only ST with a serogroup A capsule found in Burkina Faso since 2004, was not found with another capsule, neither among carriage nor invasive isolates. Conclusions The significant reduction of NmA carriage still persisted two years following MenAfriVac vaccination, and no cases of NmA meningitis were recorded. High carriage prevalence of NmW ST-11 was consistent with the many cases of NmW meningitis in the epidemic season of 2012 and the high proportion of NmW ST-11 among the characterized invasive isolates
Pertussis vaccine trials
In the Senegal pertussis trial, common adverse reactions were actively monitored during the pilot phase II study, while the frequency of severe adverse reactions was monitored as a secondary objective within the phase III efficacy trial. Since the trial was conducted in Niakhar, an area in rural West Africa under intensive surveillance, the safety monitoring during the study was incorporated within the general surveillance system. This was a two-step procedure : detection of a potential reaction by a field worker, followed by confirmation report by a physician. The frequency of severe reactions was slow among both pertussis vaccine groups, receiving either the two-component acellular vaccine or the whole-cell vaccine, currently used in the Senegal Expanded Programme on Immunisation. Among severe reactions, only persistent crying was found to be at a significantly higher rate in the whole-cell group. Common adverse reactions were more frequent in the whole-cell group. (Résumé d'auteur