4,872 research outputs found

    Timing and Spectral Properties of X-ray Emission from the Converging Flows onto Black hole: Monte-Carlo Simulations

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    We demonstrate that a X-ray spectrum of a converging inflow (CI) onto a black hole is the sum of a thermal (disk) component and the convolution of some fraction of this component with the Comptonization spread (Green's) function. The latter component is seen as an extended power law at energies much higher than the characteristic energy of the soft photons. We show that the high energy photon production (source function) in the CI atmosphere is distributed with the characteristic maximum at about the photon bending radius, 1.5r_S, independently of the seed (soft) photon distribution. We show that high frequency oscillations of the soft photon source in this region lead to the oscillations of the high energy part of the spectrum but not of the thermal component. The high frequency oscillations of the inner region are not significant in the thermal component of the spectrum. We further demonstrate that Doppler and recoil effects (which are responsible for the formation of the CI spectrum) are related to the hard (positive) and soft (negative) time lags between the soft and hard photon energy channels respectively.Comment: 9 pages and 4 figures, to be published in the Astrophysical Journal Letter

    X-ray Polarization Signatures of Compton Scattering in Magnetic Cataclysmic Variables

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    Compton scattering within the accretion column of magnetic cataclysmic variables (mCVs) can induce a net polarization in the X-ray emission. We investigate this process using Monte Carlo simulations and find that significant polarization can arise as a result of the stratified flow structure in the shock-ionized column. We find that the degree of linear polarization can reach levels up to ~8% for systems with high accretion rates and low white-dwarf masses, when viewed at large inclination angles with respect to the accretion column axis. These levels are substantially higher than previously predicted estimates using an accretion column model with uniform density and temperature. We also find that for systems with a relatively low-mass white dwarf accreting at a high accretion rate, the polarization properties may be insensitive to the magnetic field, since most of the scattering occurs at the base of the accretion column where the density structure is determined mainly by bremsstrahlung cooling instead of cyclotron cooling.Comment: 7 pages, 8 figures, accepted by MNRA

    Compton Scattering of Fe K alpha Lines in Magnetic Cataclysmic Variables

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    Compton scattering of X-rays in the bulk flow of the accretion column in magnetic cataclysmic variables (mCVs) can significantly shift photon energies. We present Monte Carlo simulations based on a nonlinear algorithm demonstrating the effects of Compton scattering on the H-like, He-like and neutral Fe K alpha lines produced in the post-shock region of the accretion column. The peak line emissivities of the photons in the post-shock flow are taken into consideration and frequency shifts due to Doppler effects are also included. We find that line profiles are most distorted by Compton scattering effects in strongly magnetized mCVs with a low white dwarf mass and high mass accretion rate and which are viewed at an oblique angle with respect to the accretion column. The resulting line profiles are most sensitive to the inclination angle. We have also explored the effects of modifying the accretion column width and using a realistic emissivity profile. We find that these do not have a significant overall effect on the resulting line profiles. A comparison of our simulated line spectra with high resolution Chandra/HETGS observations of the mCV GK Per indicates that a wing feature redward of the 6.4 keV line may result from Compton recoil near the base of the accretion column.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRAS, 10 pages with 8 figure

    Compton Scattering by Static and Moving Media I. The Transfer Equation and Its Moments

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    Compton scattering of photons by nonrelativistic particles is thought to play an important role in forming the radiation spectrum of many astrophysical systems. Here we derive the time-dependent photon kinetic equation that describes spontaneous and induced Compton scattering as well as absorption and emission by static and moving media, the corresponding radiative transfer equation, and their zeroth and first moments, in both the system frame and in the frame comoving with the medium. We show that it is necessary to use the correct relativistic differential scattering cross section in order to obtain a photon kinetic equation that is correct to first order in epsilon/m_e, T_e/m_e, and V, where epsilon is the photon energy, T_e and m_e are the electron temperature and rest mass, and V is the electron bulk velocity in units of the speed of light. We also demonstrate that the terms in the radiative transfer equation that are second-order in V usually should be retained, because if the radiation energy density is sufficiently large compared to the radiation flux, the effects of bulk Comptonization described by the terms that are second-order in V are at least as important as the effects described by the terms that are first-order in V, even when V is small. Our equations are valid for systems of arbitrary optical depth and can therefore be used in both the free-streaming and the diffusion regimes. We demonstrate that Comptonization by the electron bulk motion occurs whether or not the radiation field is isotropic or the bulk flow converges and that it is more important than thermal Comptonization if V^2 > 3 T_e/m_e.Comment: 31 pages, accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journa

    Accretion column disruption in GX 1+4

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    Daily observations of the binary X-ray pulsar GX 1+4 were made with the Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer (RXTE) satellite between 1997 May 16-20 as part of a four-month monitoring program. On May 17 the sharp dips normally observed in the lightcurve were all but absent, resulting in a pulse fraction f_p approx. 0.5 instead of the more typical value of approx. 0.8 measured before and after. Also observed was a dramatic hardening of the 2-40 keV phase-averaged spectrum. The power-law photon index was 1.16 +/- 0.02, whereas values of 1.6-2.0 are more typical. In terms of a Comptonization continuum component, the optical depth for scattering was tau approx 19, with 4-6 the usual range for RXTE spectra (Galloway 2000). Pulse-phase spectrosopy indicates that tau is decreased relative to the phase-averaged value around the primary minimum, where an increase is normally observed. The reduced depth of the dip is interpreted as disruption of the accretion column, and the accompanying spectral variation suggests a substantially different accretion regime than is usual for this source.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figures, minor abstract typo and wording of final paragraph correcte

    X-ray line formation in the spectrum of SS 433

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    The mechanisms for the formation of X-ray lines in the spectrum of SS 433 are investigated by taking into account the radiative transfer inside the jets. The results of Monte Carlo numerical simulations are presented. The effect of a decrease in line intensity due to scattering inside the jet turns out to be pronounced, but it does not exceed 60% in magnitude on the entire grid of parameters. The line broadening due to scattering, nutational motion, and the contribution of satellites can lead to overestimates of the jet opening angle Θ\Theta from the line widths in Chandra X-ray observations. The fine structure of the lines turns out to be very sensitive to the scattering effects. This makes its investigation by planned X-ray observatories equipped with high-resolution spectrometers (primarily Astro-H) a powerful tool for diagnosing the parameters of the jets in SS 433.Comment: 23 pages, 14 figures, to be published in Astronomy Letters, v. 38, n. 7, p. 443 (2012

    Compton Scattering in Static and Moving Media. II. System-Frame Solutions for Spherically Symmetric Flows

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    I study the formation of Comptonization spectra in spherically symmetric, fast moving media in a flat spacetime. I analyze the mathematical character of the moments of the transfer equation in the system-frame and describe a numerical method that provides fast solutions of the time-independent radiative transfer problem that are accurate in both the diffusion and free-streaming regimes. I show that even if the flows are mildly relativistic (V~0.1, where V is the electron bulk velocity in units of the speed of light), terms that are second-order in V alter the emerging spectrum both quantitatively and qualitatively. In particular, terms that are second-order in V produce power-law spectral tails, which are the dominant feature at high energies, and therefore cannot be neglected. I further show that photons from a static source are upscattered by the bulk motion of the medium even if the velocity field does not converge. Finally, I discuss these results in the context of radial accretion onto and outflows from compact objects.Comment: 28 pages, 9 figures; minor changes, to appear in the Astrophysical Journa

    Chandra Observations of Type Ia Supernovae: Upper Limits to the X-ray Flux of SN 2002bo, SN 2002ic, SN 2005gj, and SN 2005ke

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    We set sensitive upper limits to the X-ray emission of four Type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia) using the Chandra X-ray Observatory. SN 2002bo, a normal, although reddened, nearby SN Ia, was observed 9.3 days after explosion. For an absorbed, high temperature bremsstrahlung model the flux limits are 3.2E-16 ergs/cm^2/s (0.5-2 keV band) and 4.1E-15 ergs/cm^2/s (2-10 keV band). Using conservative model assumptions and a 10 km/s wind speed, we derive a mass loss rate of \dot{M} ~ 2E-5 M_\odot/yr, which is comparable to limits set by the non-detection of Halpha lines from other SNe Ia. Two other objects, SN 2002ic and SN 2005gj, observed 260 and 80 days after explosion, respectively, are the only SNe Ia showing evidence for circumstellar interaction. The SN 2002ic X-ray flux upper limits are ~4 times below predictions of the interaction model currently favored to explain the bright optical emission. To resolve this discrepancy we invoke the mixing of cool dense ejecta fragments into the forward shock region, which produces increased X-ray absorption. A modest amount of mixing allows us to accommodate the Chandra upper limit. SN 2005gj is less well studied at this time. Assuming the same circumstellar environment as for SN 2002i, the X-ray flux upper limits for SN 2005gj are ~4 times below the predictions, suggesting that mixing of cool ejecta into the forward shock has also occurred here. Our reanalysis of Swift and Chandra data on SN 2005ke does not confirm a previously reported X-ray detection. The host galaxies NGC 3190 (SN 2002bo) and NGC 1371 (SN 2005ke) each harbor a low luminosity (L_X ~ 3-4E40 ergs/s) active nucleus in addition to wide-spread diffuse soft X-ray emission.Comment: 16 pages, to appear in ApJ (20 Nov 2007

    Vertical Structure of the Outer Accretion Disk in Persistent Low-Mass X-Ray Binaries

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    We have investigated the influence of X-ray irradiation on the vertical structure of the outer accretion disk in low-mass X-ray binaries by performing a self-consistent calculation of the vertical structure and X-ray radiation transfer in the disk. Penetrating deep into the disk, the field of scattered X-ray photons with energy E10E\gtrsim10\,keV exerts a significant influence on the vertical structure of the accretion disk at a distance R1010R\gtrsim10^{10}\,cm from the neutron star. At a distance R1011R\sim10^{11}\,cm, where the total surface density in the disk reaches Σ020\Sigma_0\sim20\,g\,cm2^{-2}, X-ray heating affects all layers of an optically thick disk. The X-ray heating effect is enhanced significantly in the presence of an extended atmospheric layer with a temperature Tatm(2÷3)×106T_{atm}\sim(2\div3)\times10^6\,K above the accretion disk. We have derived simple analytic formulas for the disk heating by scattered X-ray photons using an approximate solution of the transfer equation by the Sobolev method. This approximation has a 10\gtrsim10\,% accuracy in the range of X-ray photon energies E<20E<20\,keV.Comment: 19 pages, 8 figures, published in Astronomy Letter

    Turbulent Comptonization in Black Hole Accretion Disks

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    In the inner-most regions of radiation pressure supported accretion disks, the turbulent magnetic pressure may greatly exceed that of the gas. If this is the case, it is possible for bulk Alfvenic motions driven by the magnetorotational instability (MRI) to surpass the electron thermal velocity. Bulk rather than thermal Comptonization may then be the dominant radiative process which mediates gravitational energy release. For sufficiently large turbulent stresses, we show that turbulent Comptonization produces a significant contribution to the far-UV and X-ray emission of black hole accretion disks. The existence of this spectral component provides a means of obtaining direct observational constraints on the nature of the turbulence itself. We describe how this component may affect the spectral energy distributions and variability properties of X-ray binaries and active galactic nuclei.Comment: Submitted to Ap