506 research outputs found

    Soil health—useful terminology for communication or meaningless concept? Or both?

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    What is soil health? It is not essential to have a degree in soil science in order to have a valid opinion on this. In a very general sense, almost everybody has some impression of what is meant by a healthy soil, especially anyone who has done any gardening or even looked after a potted plant on a windowsill. They will probably say it should have a beautiful crumbly structure, should hold water but not become waterlogged, and be teeming with life; provided that life does not include insects or pathogens that damage the plants. In a somewhat analogous way, the word “wellbeing” is used concerning the way individual humans feel about themselves and we will all have our own ideas on what contributes to our personal wellbeing. It is likely to include being in good physical and mental health, being adequately fed and being housed. However, social scientists have taken the idea further, developing indicators of wellbeing and even using these to compare the state of wellbeing in different countries and assess the impact of policies on the way people feel. Some may consider that this is taking the “wellbeing” concept too far. With soil health, perhaps soil scientists make it too complicated. However, although anyone may have a general idea of what makes a healthy soil, if the term is to be used in anything other than general informal conversation, we do need to “dig a little deeper”, if readers will excuse the pun

    Use of ammonium sulphate as a sulphur fertilizer: implications for ammonia volatilization

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    Ammonium sulphate is widely used as a sulphur (S) fertilizer, constituting about 50% of global S use. Within nitrogen (N) management it is well known that ammonium-based fertilizers are subject to ammonia (NH3) volatilization in soils with pH >7, but this has been overlooked in decision making on S fertilization. We reviewed 41 publications reporting measurements of NH3 loss from ammonium sulphate in 16 countries covering a wide range of soil types and climates. In field experiments loss was mostly 7.0 there was a wide range of losses (0-66%), with many in the 20-40% range and some indication of increased loss (ca. 5-15%) in soils with pH 6.5-7.0. We estimate that replacing ammonium sulphate with a different form of S for arable crops could decrease NH3 emissions from this source by 90%, even taking account of likely emissions from alternative fertilizers to replace the N, but chosen for low NH3 emission. In temperate climates emission from soils of pH >7.0 would decrease from 35.7 to 3.6 t NH3 per kt ammonium sulphate replaced. Other sources of S are readily available including single superphosphate, potassium sulphate, magnesium sulphate, calcium sulphate dihydrate (gypsum) and polyhalite (Polysulphate). In view of the large areas of high pH soils globally, this change of selection of S fertilizer would make a significant contribution to decreasing NH3 emissions worldwide, contributing to necessary cuts to meet agreed ceilings under the Gothenburg Convention

    Agriculture Green Development in China and the UK: common objectives and converging policy pathways

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    This paper has three aims. First, to examine how the negative environmental consequences of intensive agriculture have driven China and the UK to shift away from narrowly focused farm output policies and adopt more holistic green development pathways. Second, to explore the policy objectives they have in common. Third, to assess the numerous opportunities for joint research and knowledge sharing through the Sustainable Agriculture Innovation Network and other existing institutional mechanisms. The intensification of agricultural production in the UK started several decades earlier than in China as did the negative environmental consequences of the farm practices. However, their strategies and policies for sustainable intensification and green development have much in common. These are set out in two main documents: the Chinese State Council guidelines for green agriculture and the UK Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 25 Year Environment Plan. There are substantial mutual advantages from greater collaboration on problem identification and monitoring; the development of appropriate technological and management responses and the formulation of sound policies. To achieve this potential, it is recommended that further thought be given to how best to bring together all of the key stakeholders along the whole food chai

    Challenging claimed benefits of soil carbon sequestration for mitigating climate change and increasing crop yields: heresy or sober realism?

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    There is overwhelming evidence that increasing the organic carbon (C) content of cropland soil improves its physical, chemical and biological properties, with benefits for the growth of crop roots and the functioning of soils in the wider environment (King et al., 2020; Kopittke et al., 2022; Lal 2020). This is entirely uncontroversial. It is currently relevant because there is evidence that soil organic carbon (SOC) in many cropland soils globally is declining (Sanderman et al., 2017) and is vulnerable to further loss from climate change (Lugato et al., 2021). It may, therefore, seem counterintuitive, and even heretical or downright unhelpful, for a paper to challenge two widely stated claims connected with SOC as is done in the paper entitled “Carbon for soils, not soils for carbon” by Moinet et al. (2023). The two claims challenged by the authors are: 1. Sequestration of C in agricultural soils can make a substantial contribution to climate change mitigation. 2. Increasing SOC will routinely lead to increased crop yields and contribute to global food security. The authors are particularly critical of these two assertions being combined to make the claim that SOC sequestration is a “win-win” strategy. They point out that climate change and food security have both been described as “wicked problems” of “daunting complexity” so blanket solutions that claim to solve both “should prompt some degree of scepticism.

    Understanding the soil nitrogen cycle

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    A quantitative knowledge of nitrogen cycle processes is required to design strategies for decreasing leakage of N from agriculture to the wider environment. However, it is remarkably difficult to make reliable measurements of many of the key processes under realistic field conditions. In impermeable soils hydrologically separated plots provide an invaluable method of measuring leaching and runoff. Estimates of nitrate leaching using porous ceramic cups agree well with lysimeter measurements on sandy soil but are suspect on more structured soils. Estimates of N2O flux from soil are subject to great spatial heterogeneity; developing long path-length measuring techniques may overcome this problem. N-15 labelling is valuable for assessing fertilizer N loss, forms of N left in soil and the fate of N from crop residues. The combination of experimental and modelling approaches can provide insights that are otherwise unattainable, including a basis for more precise advice on N fertilization. Mineralization of soil organic matter and crop or animal residues provides much of the nitrate leached during winter under the climatic conditions of north-west Europe, because mineralization is poorly synchronized with crop N uptake. Maintenance of crop cover during winter can greatly decrease leaching but the long-term effects on the N cycle of winter cover crops or incorporating cereal straw are not yet clear

    Farming, fertilizers and the nitrate and phosphate problems

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    Why do we make changes to the long-term experiments at Rothamsted?

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    The long-term field experiments at Rothamsted in south-east England (UK) are an important resource that has been used extensively to study the effects of land management, atmospheric pollution and climate change on soil fertility and the sustainability of crop yields. However, for these and other long-term experiments around the world to remain useful, changes are sometimes needed. These changes may be required to ensure that the experiment is not compromised by e.g. acidification or weeds, but often they are needed to ensure that the experiment remains relevant to current agricultural practice, e.g. the introduction of new cultivars and the judicious use of pesticides. However, changes should not be made just for the sake of change or to investigate aspects of management that could be better resolved in a short-term experiment. Rather, modifications should only be made after carefully considered discussion, involving scientists from different disciplines. It must be remembered however that there are limitations to what can be achieved in one experiment. In this paper we give examples of why certain changes were made to the Rothamsted experiments and what the results of those changes have been. We also highlight the value of archiving crop and soil samples for future studies

    Significant soil degradation is associated with intensive vegetable cropping in a subtropical area: a case study in southwestern China

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    Within the context of sustainable development, soil degradation driven by land use change is considered a serious global problem, but the conversion from growing cereals to vegetables is a change that has received limited attention, especially in subtropical regions. Here, we studied the effects of the conversion from paddy rice to an oilseed rape rotation to vegetable production in southwestern China on soil organic carbon (SOC), total nitrogen (TN), the C/N ratio, pH, phosphorus (P), potassium (K), calcium (Ca), and magnesium (Mg) based on face-to-face farmer surveys and soil analysis. In the vegetable cropping system, fertilizer application often exceeds the crop demand or levels recommended by the local extension service several times over. Thus, the crop use efficiency of N, P, K, Ca, and Mg was only 26 %, 8 %, 56 %, 23 %, and 28 %, respectively. In the vegetable cropping system studied, SOC, C stock, TN, and N stock were decreased significantly due to low organic inputs from crop residues and high tillage frequency. Furthermore, the soil C/N ratio decreased slightly; available P (AP) in the topsoil increased by 1.92 mg kg−1 for every 100 kg ha−1 of P surplus, and the critical levels of AP and CaCl2-soluble P in P leaching were 104 and 0.80 mg P kg−1. Besides, compared to the current paddy–rape rotation system, a clear trend of soil acidification was observed in the vegetable fields. However, increasing the contents of soil Ca and Mg significantly alleviated topsoil acidification, with the effect increasing over time. Given our findings, the potential benefits of conservation agricultural practices, integrated soil–crop system management strategies, and agricultural technology services for recovering the degraded soil and improving the vegetable productivity are discussed here

    Using long-term experiments at Rothamsted to address current agricultural and environmental issues

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    In the Broadbalk Experiment at Rothamsted winter wheat has been grown in monoculture since 1843; wheat in rotation and additional treatments have been introduced during the course of the experiment. Since 1968, when new crop varieties and fungicides were introduced, yields have averaged over 6 t ha‐1with either inorganic fertilizers or farmyard manure. With high‐yielding varieties of winter wheat on Boardbalk, or spring barley on the Hoosfield experiment, maximum yields are currently achieved with a combination of inorganic and organic inputs. The long‐term experiments have provided much information on the losses of nitrate and phosphate to water from different treatments and also on the impact of recent decreases of sulphur deposition on soil S dynamics and crop composition. Archived samples of soils and crops from the Park Grass Experiment (continuous cut pasture) and experiments in which arable land has reverted to forest have provided information on soil acidification. This has resulted mainly from acid deposition, previously SO2 but now dominated by oxides of nitrogen. Acidification has caused the mobilization of toxic metals including Al, Mn and Zn and their increased uptake in herbage. Archived samples have also made it possible to study the deposition and accumulation of metals and organic pollutants in soils and crops and the changes in soil organic carbon and nitrogen content resulting from different management practices. Such data has been used to construct models of soil C and N dynamics. The on‐going sites provide experimental material for biological studies including fertilizer and management impacts on nitrous oxide fluxes and for testing hypotheses on soil biodiversity and quality