645 research outputs found
On double Poisson structures on commutative algebras
Double Poisson structures (a la Van den Bergh) on commutative algebras are
studied; the main result shows that there are no non-trivial such structures on
polynomial algebras of Krull dimension greater than one. For a general
commutative algebra A, this places significant restrictions on possible double
Poisson structures. Exotic double Poisson structures are exhibited by the case
of the polynomial algebra on a single generator, previously considered by Van
den Bergh.Comment: 12 pages; very minor revisio
On the derived functors of destabilization at odd primes
An explicit chain complex is constructed to calculate the derived functors of
destabilization at an odd prime, generalizing constructions of Zarati and of
Hung and Sum. The methods are based on the ideas of Singer and Miller and also
apply at the prime two. A structural result on the derived functors of
destabilization is deduced.Comment: Significant revision (27 pages); accepted for publication in Acta
Mathematica Vietnamica (AMV
Truncated projective spaces, Brown-Gitler spectra and indecomposable A(1)-modules
A structure theorem for bounded-below modules over the subalgebra A(1) of the
mod 2 Steenrod algebra generated by Sq^1, Sq^2 is proved; this is applied to
prove a classification theorem for a family of indecomposable A(1)-modules. The
action of the A(1)-Picard group on this family is described, as is the
behaviour of duality.
The cohomology of dual Brown-Gitler spectra is identified within this family
and the relation with members of the A(1)-Picard group is made explicit.
Similarly, the cohomology of truncated projective spaces is considered within
this classification; this leads to a conceptual understanding of various
results within the literature. In particular, a unified approach to Ext-groups
relevant to Adams spectral sequence calculations is obtained, englobing earlier
results of Davis (for truncated projective spaces) and recent work of Pearson
(for Brown-Gitler spectra).Comment: Revision - mathematical content essentially unchanged (39 pages
On the derived functors of destabilization and of iterated loop functors
These notes explain how to construct small functorial chain complexes which
calculate the derived functors of destabilization (respectively iterated loop
functors) in the theory of modules over the mod 2 Steenrod algebra; this shows
how to unify results of Singer and of Lannes and Zarati.Comment: Minor revision; more detail provided on the Lannes-Zarati morphism
and a new section giving perspectives. 32 pages. (v2 Minor revision. 25
Essential extensions, the nilpotent filtration and the Arone-Goodwillie tower
The spectral sequence associated to the Arone-Goodwillie tower for the n-fold
loop space functor is used to show that the first two non-trivial layers of the
nilpotent filtration of the reduced mod 2 cohomology of a (sufficiently
connected) space with nilpotent cohomology are comparable. This relies upon the
theory of unstable modules over the mod 2 Steenrod algebra, together with
properties of a generalized class of almost unstable modules which is
introduced here.
An essential ingredient of the proof is a non-vanishing result for certain
extension groups in the category of unstable modules localized away from
nilpotents.Comment: Minor revision. Sketch of case p odd added. This version 27 page
On the double transfer and the f-invariant
The purpose of this paper is to investigate an algebraic version of the
double complex transfer, in particular the classes in the two-line of the
Adams-Novikov spectral sequence which are the image of comodule primitives of
the MU-homology of the product of two copies of infinite complex projective
space via the algebraic double transfer. These classes are analysed by two
related approaches; the first, p-locally for an odd prime, by using the
morphism induced in MU-homology by the chromatic factorization of the double
transfer map together with the f'-invariant of Behrens (for p>=5). The second
approach uses the algebraic double transfer and the f-invariant of Laures.Comment: 25 pages (revised
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