7 research outputs found

    Centralized Microgrid Control System in Compliance with IEEE 2030.7 Standard Based on an Advanced Field Unit

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    The necessity for the utilization of microgrids emerges from the integration of distributed energy resources, electric vehicles, and battery storage systems into the conventional grid structure. In order to achieve a proper operation of the microgrid, the presence of a microgrid control system is crucial. The IEEE 2030.7 standard defines the microgrid control system as a key element of the microgrid that regulates every aspect of it at the point-of-interconnection with the distribution system, and autonomously manages operations such as the transitions of operating modes. In this paper, a microgrid control system is developed to achieve real-time monitoring and control through a centralized approach. The controller consists of a centralized server and advanced field units that are also developed during this work. The control functions of the centralized server ensure the proper operation during grid-connected and island modes, using the real-time data received via the advanced field unit. The developed server and the field unit constitute a complete system solution. The server is composed of control function and communication, database, and user interface modules. The microgrid control functions comprise dispatch and transition core-level functions. A rule-based core-level dispatch function guarantees the security of supply to critical loads during the islanded mode. The core-level transition function accomplishes a successful transition between the operation modes. Moreover, a communication framework and a graphical user interface are implemented. The presented system is tested through thecases based on the IEEE 2030.8 standard

    IEEE 2030.7 Standardına Uygun Bir Merkezi Mikro Şebeke Denetleyici Tasarımı

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    With the incorporation of renewable distributed energy resources and electric vehicles and battery storage systems into the conventional grid structure, the need for a microgrid and its control is emerging. IEEE 2030.7 Standard defines the Microgrid control system as a key element of microgrid regulating every aspect of it at the point-of-interconnection (POI) with the distribution system and autonomously manages operations such as transitions of operating modes. This system consists of control functions, which can be layered into the high, core, and low-level functions. The core-level functions comprise dispatch and transition functions, while the high-level functions include supervisory operations. In the proposed approach, a system is developed to achieve real-time monitoring and control of a microgrid through a microgrid central controller that ensures the proper operation of grid-connected and island modes. The microgrid system includes photovoltaic units, electric vehicles, battery storage systems, and bi-directional grid connections. A rule-based core-level dispatch function guarantees the security of supply to critical loads during the islanded mode. The core-level transition function accomplishes a successful transition between the operation mode. As a high-level function, the optimal operation of the microgrid in grid-connected mode is found by a model predictive control (MPC) based algorithm that incorporates the future reference information of the generation and load forecasts into the battery storage systems and vehicle to grid and vice versa control problem. Moreover, a communication framework and a graphical user interface are implemented.Yenilenebilir dağıtılmış enerji kaynaklarının ve elektrikli araçların ve pil depolama sistemlerinin geleneksel şebeke yapısına dahil edilmesiyle birlikte, bir mikro şebekeye ve kontrolüne olan ihtiyaç ortaya çıkmaktadır. IEEE 2030.7 Standardı, Mikro şebeke kontrol sistemini, dağıtım sistemi ile bağlantı noktasında (POI) her yönünü düzenleyen ve çalışma modlarının geçişleri gibi işlemleri özerk olarak yöneten mikro şebekenin kilit bir unsuru olarak tanımlar. Bu sistem, yüksek, çekirdek ve düşük seviyeli işlevlere katmanlanabilen kontrol işlevlerinden oluşur. Temel düzey işlevler, sevk ve geçiş işlevlerini içerirken, üst düzey işlevler denetim işlemlerini içerir. Önerilen yaklaşımda, şebeke bağlantılı ve ada modlarının düzgün çalışmasını sağlayan bir mikro şebeke merkezi kontrolör aracılığıyla bir mikro şebekenin gerçek zamanlı izlenmesini ve kontrolünü sağlamak için bir sistem geliştirilmiştir. Mikro şebeke sistemi, fotovoltaik üniteleri, elektrikli araçları, akü depolama sistemlerini ve çift yönlü şebeke bağlantılarını içerir. Kural tabanlı bir çekirdek düzeyinde sevk işlevi, adalı mod sırasında kritik yüklere tedarik güvenliğini garanti eder. Çekirdek seviye geçiş işlevi, çalışma modu arasında başarılı bir geçiş gerçekleştirir. Üst düzey bir işlev olarak, mikro şebekenin şebekeye bağlı modda optimum çalışması, üretimin gelecekteki referans bilgilerini ve yük tahminlerini akü depolama sistemlerine ve araca dahil eden bir model tahmine dayalı kontrol (MPC) tabanlı algoritma ile bulunur. Ayrıca, bir iletişim çerçevesi ve bir grafik kullanıcı arayüzü uygulanmaktadır.M.S. - Master of Scienc

    Detection of Unauthorized Photo-Voltaic System Connection for Low Voltage Grids

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    Vast and unauthorized penetration of the photovoltaic systems in distribution systems imposed inadequate monitoring challenge to system operators. Although the installation of required monitoring infrastructure does seem as a solution, due to the high installation cost, it is not considered a feasible one, at least for the near future. As an alternative approach, a two-stage method composed of an ANN-based mapping function, and a regression model is presented to detect unauthorized PV connections to the system. A gradient boosting machine is implemented to build the regression model and the corresponding confidence interval. The Monte Carlo simulations are utilized to generate synthetic training data-sets for both models. Finally, the performance of the approach is assessed with real data

    A comprehensive review about the control architecture of co-located utility-scale hybrid power plants: State-of-the-art and future directions

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    In recent years, there has been a growing interest in reducing greenhouse gas emissions by integrating new technologies into energy delivery systems. Hybrid power plants (HPPs) have become popular for their potential to add market value benefits. The harmonization of diverse dynamic technologies and intricate interactions within an HPP to meet mandatory grid compliance presents a complex challenge that necessitates further investigation. Before developing the control functions, it is necessary to define the control architecture. Thus, the interactions between the HPP control functions need to be studied and considered carefully. This study aims to provide a literature review of control architectures for co located utility-scale hybrid power plants. It will discuss the existing approach, which is centralized hierarchical control, along with its advantages and limitations. Additionally, this review paper will identify potential future research directions for developing HPP control architectures, taking into account the technical challenges and emerging markets in the renewable energy sector

    Frequency Services from Hybrid Storage Wind Turbines

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    This study aims to hybridise a type 4 wind turbine, a supercapacitor, and a battery storage system at the asset level. This hybridisation is based on the experimental hybridised wind turbine currently being commissioned at the Technical University of Denmark, which highlights the practicality and applicability of the proposed hybrid configuration. This hybrid configuration effectively leveraged the strengths of each storage system while mitigating its drawbacks, creating a synergistic storage solution to ensure robust simultaneous delivery of frequency services such as FFR and FCR with high ramping requirements. The paramount objective of this study is to guarantee the provision of rapid primary frequency services without necessitating power reservation, and avoiding an escalation in operational stress on both the battery and the wind turbine. The results of this research will pave the way for future investigations into DC-coupled HPP configurations consisting of several hybridised units rather than AC-coupling HPPs