87 research outputs found

    Psychodrame pluriel, alcoolismes singuliers

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    International audienceCe travail est issu d’une pratique hebdomadaire du psychodrame de groupe en centre d’addictologie avec comme projet de penser la relation thérapeutique à partir du passage du singulier au collectif. Croisement du pluriel et du singulier : psychodrame pluriel par l’approche groupale à laquelle nous nous référons, alcoolismes singuliers par l’orientation psychanalytique qui éclaire notre travail.Nous souhaitons dans cet article rendre compte du nouage de plusieurs dimensions (individuelle, groupale, sociétale, d’équipe…) et de leur effet au décours des séances de groupe ainsi que de leur mise en travail par les thérapeutes et, en particulier, de la question de l’amorçage sensoriel (Poupard, 2009). Après une brève présentation du psychodrame et du dispositif utilisé, nous proposerons de rendre compte de nos questionnements et de nos pistes de lecture ou de théorisation à partir d’une séance clinique de psychodrame de groupe. Mais aussi, nous exposerons ici la spécificité de notre grille de lecture clinique dans sa dimension groupale et son partage possible dans le travail d’équipe

    Addiction à l'alcool, objet concret et régulation des éprouvés internes

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    International audienceClinical work with alcoholics led us to examine intra-psychic tensions that existed prior to alcoholism and to foresee using them as a strategy for controlling—external, specific, and illusory—their “indescribable” internal feelings. This paper aligns with other psychoanalytical work on addition and group psychodrama. First, it specifies the psycho-pathological effects of failing to constitute an internal object on the psychotherapeutic setting. Then, based on clinical examples from our group practice, this paper emphasizes the function of “concrete object” in the implementation of a symbolization process.El trabajo clínico ante los pacientes adictos al alcohol, nos ha llevado a examinar la existencia de tensiones intrapsiciquas antes de sus comportamientos de alcoholización y a considerar el recurso a ellas como una estrategia externa, puntual y ilusoria de regulación de sus emociones « innommables ». Situando nuestra idea en la línea de los trabajos psicoanalíticos sobre la adicción y sobre el psicodrama de grupo, precisamos en primero los efectos psicopatológicos de una insuficiencia en la constitución del objeto interno sobre el dispositivo psicoterápico; A partir de secuencias clínicas resultadas de nuestra practica grupal, ponemos de relieve la función de los « objetos concretos » en la puesta en obra de un proceso de simbolización.Le travail clinique auprès de patients addictifs à l’alcool nous a amenés à interroger l’existence de tensions intrapsychiques en amont de leurs conduites d’alcoolisation et à envisager le recours à celles-ci comme une stratégie – externe, ponctuelle et illusoire – de régulation de leurs éprouvés internes « innommables ». Situant notre propos dans la lignée des travaux psychanalytiques sur l’addiction et sur le psychodrame de groupe, nous précisons tout d’abord les effets psychopathologiques d’une défaillance dans la constitution de l’objet interne sur le dispositif psychothérapique. Puis, et à partir de séquences cliniques issues de notre pratique groupale, nous mettons en relief la fonction des objets concrets dans la mise en œuvre d’un processus de symbolisation

    A Realistic Security Analysis of Identification Schemes Based on Combinatorial Problems

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    . In this paper, we analyze the security of two zero-knowledge identification schemes based on combinatorial NP-complete problems, PKP (Shamir [8]) and CLE (Stern [10]). We use two different approaches in order to determine, on one hand, the theoretical limit to the efficiency of the known attacks and, on the other hand, the practical results they permit. Accordingly, we obtain a precise evaluation of which parameters should be chosen today for a secure use of these protocols. 1 Introduction With the advent of zero-knowledge proofs in 1985 (see [5]), several interactive identification schemes have been proposed. The first ones, like the Fiat-Shamir scheme [3], were based on number theoretical problems and used arithmetical operations with large numbers. In 1989, Shamir proposed a protocol of a new nature, PKP (Permuted Kernels Problem [8]), based on an NP-complete problem. The distinctive character of this scheme is its use of small integers and its low requirement in memory and proc..


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    PALAISEAU-Polytechnique (914772301) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Efficient Scalable Fair Cash with Off-line Extortion Prevention

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    There have been many proposals to realize anonymous electronic cash. Although these systems offer high privacy to the users, they have the disadvantage that the anonymity might be misused by criminals to commit perfect crimes. The recent research focuses therefore on the realization of fair electronic cash systems where the anonymity of the coins is revocable by a trustee in the case of fraudulent users. In this paper, we propose a new efficient fair cash system which offers scalable security with respect to its efficiency. Our system prevents extortion attacks, like blackmailing or the use of blindfolding protocols under off-line payments and with the involvement of the trustee only at registration of the users. Another advantage is, that it is assembled from well studied cryptographic techniques, such that its security can easily be evaluated. The strength of this approach is clearly its simplicity. Although it might astonish the reader that the design matters little from existing..

    MOSAIC: A New Pain-Free Psychotherapy for Psychological Trauma

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    International audienceEye movements and alternating stimuli for brain integration (MOSAIC) is a promising but untested new therapy. Its four-step protocol is based on the effects of bilateral alternating stimulation (BAS) (as in eye movement desensitization and reprocessing therapy) on the brain. This solution-oriented therapy promotes experiencing solutions through bodily sensations. Through BAS and bodily sensations, MOSAIC therapy aims to enrich the traumatic memory neuronal network with new information so that the client's psychological trauma is no longer distressing. Thus, MOSAIC can be used to treat psychological trauma without the pain associated with reliving the traumatic situation. This method may be particularly adaptive for patients who have experienced complex trauma and who have dissociative experiences

    On The Fly Signatures based on Factoring

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    In response to the current need for fast, secure and cheap public-key cryptography largely induced by the fast development of electronic commerce, we propose a new on the fly signature scheme, i.e. a scheme that requires very small on-line work for the signer. It combines provable security based on the factorization problem, short public and secret keys, short transmission and minimal on-line computation. It is the first RSA-like signature scheme that can be used for both efficient and secure applications based on low cost or contactless smart cards

    Decorrelated Fast Cipher: an AES candidate well suited for low cost smart cards applications

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    In response to the call for candidates issued by the National Institute for Standards and Technologies (the Advanced Encryption Standard project) the Ecole Normale Superieure proposed a candidate called DFC (Decorrelated Fast Cipher). DFC is based on a decorrelation technique that provides provable security against several classes of attacks (in particular the basic version of E. Biham and A. Shamir's (1993) Differential Cryptanalysis as well as M. Matsui's (1994) Linear Cryptanalysis). From a practical point of view, this algorithm is naturally very efficient when it is implemented on 64-bit processors. The authors describe the implementation of DFC on a very low cost smart card based on the Motorola 6805 processor. The performances obtained prove that DFC is also well suited for low cost device application
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