7,301 research outputs found

    HMAP Dataset 08: Swedish Baltic Catch Data, 1752-1990

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    Baltic fish catches, derived from Swedish archives. The map below gives an indication of the extent of the Baltic Sea; the 'view as map' link in the download panel at the right will show a much more detailed representation. The kml file download, when used with Google Earth, will render the extent of the Baltic Sea in detail

    HMAP Dataset 11: Limfjord Fisheries

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    Catch & fishing effort in the Limfjord (Denmark), various species, 1667-2000

    Master of Science

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    thesisIn this paper I have tried to make a summary of the colonizing policies and the methods used by the Mormon leaders. Emphasis is placed on the San Bernardino settlement in the "outer cordon." Because of the similarity in procedure I have reviewed the founding of sore of the settlements in the inner cordon." San Bernardino became the southwestern outpost and the key settlement in the "Corridor to the sea." It offered greater attractions and possibilities than any of the other outposts and was by far the largest undertaking. San Bernardino was founded in a region already occupied by non-Mormons. This definitely had an influence upon the type of control the leaders were able to apply. The wisdom of the venture can only be appraised in terms of the experiences gained and the possible values such an undertaking would have had had it fulfilled its purpose. The terms ''Gentiles" and "Saints" are used to denote Non-Mormons and Mormons* This usage is customary among Mormon Church members. To the Historian of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints I wish to express a profound feeling of gratitude for permission to collect historical data from files and original records of the church. Deep appreciation is expressed to Dr, Leland Hargrave Creer for guidance and valuable suggestions on the content of this paper. I am very grateful to Dr. G. Homer Durham and Dr. W. Harold Dalgliesh for their assistance in the writing of this thesis. I, also, wish to thank the Librarian of the University of Utah for helpful materials obtained from the Treasure Room and files of the Library


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    Consumer perception of food products involving genetic modification: Results from a qualitative study in four Nordic countries

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    1. The present study addresses consumer acceptance of food products involving the use of different applications of genetic modification in four Nordic countries. Three food products were used as examples: hard cheese, hard candy, and salmon. Three types of applications of genetic modification were investigated: modification of the raw material, use of genetic modification in enzyme production, and direct use of genetically modified microorganisms. In addition, three levels of presence of the genetically modified material in the final product were investigated: not present, present, and present and living/able to function. 2. The results from consumer samples in Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden are remarkably similar, showing a strong stability in consumer reactions to the use of genetic modification in food production in these four countries. 3. Consumer perception is characterised by a basic dichotomy of GM and non-GM products. Being non-GM is regarded as a major benefit in itself. When a product involves genetic modification, this elicits numerous negative assocations, of which the strongest ones are ‘unhealthy’ and ‘uncertainty.’ 4. The level of presence of the genetically modified material in the final product has a clear impact on consumer acceptance. When the GM material is present and viable/able to function, acceptance is lowest. 5. The type of application of genetic modification has an impact on consumer acceptance as well, but it differs across products. Still, there is a clear tendency that acceptance of salmon products where the salmon itself was genetically modified was lowest among all products tested. 6. The consumer benefits which the application of GM brings about (e.g., improved taste, functional benefits, environmental benefits) are largely perceived, but cannot overcompensate for the negative associations to GM. In some cases, a supposed benefit (e.g., faster growth of salmon, leading to reduced energy costs) was actually perceived as a disadvantage. Benefits combining personal tangible benefits with societal relevance (e.g., a low calorie candy which can be consumed by people suffering from diabetes) may have most positive impact on consumer acceptance.Consumer behaviour; Buying behaviour; Food; Denmark; Norway; Sweden; Finland

    Simulering af DOC og DON i indsatsområde "Søndersø" på Fyn: Endelig rapport for Arbejdspakke 6 i projektet "Regional Grundvandsbeskyttelse ved hjælp af optimerede Økologiske Dyrkningssystemer"

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    Der er gennemført en beregning af udvaskning af nitrat, ammonium, DOC og DON for en konventionel og en økologisk situation i et indsatsområde ved “Søndersø” på Fyn. Beregningerne er udført med DAISY-modellen, indeholdende et nyudviklet DOC/DON-modul og MIKE SHE-modellen. Modelopsætningen, der dækker et noget større område end selve indsatsområdet, baserer sig på den eksisterende arealanvendelse og landbrugssituation for en del af området, og ekstrapoleret i den nordvestlige del. Ekstrapolationen dækker kun en lille del af det faktiske indsatsområde. Modelopsætningerne bygger på tidligere modelleringsstudier i samme område. Koncentrationerne af DOC og DON er stort set ens i de to scenarier på grund af, at den styrende faktor er jordens organiske pulje. På grund af større forekomst af græsmarker i økologisk landbrug ville man forvente en opbygning af den organiske pulje, men DAISY-modellen synes at undervurdere denne faktor. Forskellen i DOC/DON-produktion mellem konventionelt og økologisk jordbrug forventes derfor også at være undervurderet. For at beskrive DOC/DON-dynamikken i grundvandet, er den udvaskede mængde opdelt i forskellige puljer, med forskellige C/N-forhold og nedbrydningstid. Mængden af uorganisk nitrat udvasket fra rodzonen er væsentligt lavere i indsatsområdet efter omlægning til økologisk brug, nemlig 29 kg N/ha i forhold til 70 kg N/ha i gennemsnit før omlægningen. Effekten af omlægningen er noget forsinket. Nitratkoncentrationen til dræn falder fra 13.2 kg nitrat-N/ha (2003-2012) i det konventionelle scenarie til 9.5 kg nitrat-N/ha i det økologiske scenarie, opgjort som gennemsnit for de første 10 år af omlægningen (samme klimaserie og periode). For koncentrationerne i det øverste grundvandsmagasin bliver koncentrationsændringerne først rigtigt synlige mod slutningen af simuleringsperioden, men ikke i alle beregningspunkter. I 2013 er forskellen mellem den gennemsnitlige nitratkoncentration i det konventionelle og økologiske scenarie 9 procent (af koncentrationen for det konventionelle scenarie med redoxzone og DOC-nedbrydning implementeret), men det skylles at kun en lille del af det øverste magasin har en alder på 0-10 år. Fortsættes beregningerne derfor i yderligere 30 år, vil den lavere udvaskning i det økologiske scenarie også slå væsentligt kraftigere igennem på grundvandskoncentrationerne. Men man kan altså ikke forvente en umiddelbar effekt af en dyrkningsomlægning på en nitrattruet grundvandsindvinding. Omkring 52 % af nitraten, der forlader rodzonen i indsatsområdet, reduceres i redoxzonen. Da dette gælder for begge scenarier, er der i de pågældende områder ingen effekt af omlægning. DOC-betinget denitrifikation har fjernet yderligere ca 6 % af nitraten i det konventionelle scenarie. Da den nedvaskede DOC-mængde er lille i beregningerne, kan dette tal være undervurderet, især i det økologiske scenarie. På den anden side er det antaget, at alt DOC-nedbrydning medvirker til denitrifikation, hvilket er en overvurdering. Forskellen mellem denne beregning og det økologiske scenarie er kun yderligere 4 procent i 2013 (konservativ transport og konventionelt scenarie = 100 %). I denne rapport er gjort en række simple antagelser om nedbrydning, nitrifikation, denitrifikation og sorption i grundvandszonen. Antagelserne fører til en udvikling i DOC og DON, der nogenlunde svarer til generelle observationer vedrørende koncentrationer og C/N-forhold, men der foreligger ikke måledata eller detailundersøgelser, der kan anvendes til en mere detaljeret parameterisering og procesforståelse. For at opnå en bedre forståelse af betydningen af DOC-produktion på denitrifikation, ikke mindst i økologisk produktion, kræves derfor yderligere undersøgelser

    Atomic quantum superposition state generation via optical probing

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    We analyze the performance of a protocol to prepare an atomic ensemble in a superposition of two macroscopically distinguishable states. The protocol relies on conditional measurements performed on a light field, which interacts with the atoms inside an optical cavity prior to detection, and we investigate cavity enhanced probing with continuous beams of both coherent and squeezed light. The stochastic master equations used in the analysis are expressed in terms of the Hamiltonian of the probed system and the interaction between the probed system and the probe field and are thus quite generally applicable.Comment: 10 pages, 9 figure