51 research outputs found

    A Review of: “Leah Vande Berg & Nick Trujillo, Cancer and Death: A Love Story in Two Voices.”

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    A review of the book “Cancer and Death: A Love Story in Two Voices” by Leah Vande Berg and Nick Trujillo

    My Father’s Ghost: A Story of Encounter and Transcendence

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    This autoethnography is about my personal search for my father, who was an early presence in my life, but who gradually became a palpable absence. In many ways, I have been searching for my father all my life, and somehow hoping to rekindle a relationship that I have experienced mostly as something I lost early. As my search progressed across a span of more than fifty years, I found my father in the one place I least expected. In this article, I begin to write my father in a new light, one that offers insights into his legacy for me, and for my sons. In the end, I hope to write our lives in a way that captures just a bit of the spirit of my spirited father

    Disruption, Silence, and Creation: The Search for Dialogic Civility in the Age of Anxiety

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    This article searches the contours of anxiety, asking whether anxiety can serve as a springboard to creative engagement in dialogue. Specifically, the article explores the university classroom as a possible site where anxiety might be transformed into the spark of creation. Three opportune moments are examined—disruption, silence, and creation— for the possibilities they present for creating new spaces of energy and new engagement with the call of alterity that erupts in human encounter. The encounter with an “Other” who calls to us from across a chasm of difference—a call that demands a response—is the opening to the possibility of creative engagement that can lead to new levels of transcendence in the classroom and beyond

    Joy Notes

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    In this essay, I attempt to write the emergence of joy in my life, as I have stumbled into it, in little flashes and glimpses, in minor notes and in waves. I do not think that joy can be more than ephemeral, though I seek here to embrace it, to hold it, to celebrate it when it appears

    Review of the book, Prejudiced communication: A social psychological perspective

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    The race problem is solved. Racism is dead. Now we just have the backlash problem: too many groups pushing too hard for special rights and special status. These, at least, are the beliefs of the "modern racist," according to Janet Ruscher

    Writing Through the Memories: Autoethnography as a Path to Transcendence

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    This autoethnography is about writing through the sometimes difficult or traumatic memories that show up in my life from time to time. It is about narrative healing and transformation through the practice of autoethnographic writing

    The Death of Ordinariness: Living, Learning, and Relating in the Age of Anxiety

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    On September 11, 2001, ordinariness died. In its place, a new anxiety was born. In this personal story of anxiety and response, the author reflects on events as they have unfolded in the days following September 11. Focusing on the possibilities invoked by anxiety, the author also questions the limits of anxiety. Can anxiety be both a springboard and a ceiling of possibility? In the Age of Anxiety, we may need to rethink our relationships with anxiety, learning, and one another. Events such as those of September 11 may well force us to question how everyday life is changed by interruption, disruption, and anxiety and then to question how anxiety might be extended and used to spark our collective creativity

    Waiting for the Bus: Awakening a Social Justice Sensibility through Communication Activism

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    Engaging youth in civic life yields long term benefits for meaningful participation to sustain our democracy. In this essay, we report on how a critical service-learning model of communication activism inspired university and high school students to secure more area bus benches and shelters. We suggest and demonstrate that improving quality deliberative practices can awaken a social justice sensibility in our youth so that they can adequately address the political, economic and cultural forces at work in the community

    Spirited Accidents: An Autoethnography of Possibility

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    Kierkegaard says, "A human being is spirit. But what is spirit? Spirit is the self. But what is the self? The self is a relation …" This understanding of spirit-as-self-in-relation, leads, inevitably, to concerns for personal fulfillment, dialogue, community, and social justice in our world. To engage spirit in our ethnographic practice is to engage the self in relation —with the world, with others, with the very frames and possibilities of our being. The accidental ethnographer, open to the driving pulse of spirited searching, may stumble into openings never anticipated. Following these openings may lead to transcendent experiences that bring new relational possibilities into view

    Fire and Ice: Flaming Passion, Reified Structure, and the Organizing Body

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    In this paper, I engage methods of critical phenomenology and personal narrative in the investigation of a commercial organization. My aim is to come to a richer understanding of embodied organizing, through exploration of some key metaphors that might guide us in our understandings of life at work. With this aim in mind, I will probe the possibilities inherent in two new metaphors related to organizing praxis: fire and ice. Thus, the essay deals with the central role of passion (fire) and of the countervailing energy of reified structures of command-and-control (ice). My interest is in the dialectical interplay of these forces in the ongoing life of an organization
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