1,248 research outputs found

    Analysis of the Scanning Tunneling Microscopy Images of the Charge Density Wave Phase in Quasi-one-dimensional Rb0.3MoO3

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    The experimental STM images for the CDW phase of the blue bronze RbMoO3 have been successfully explained on the basis of first-principles DFT calculations. Although the density of states near the Fermi level strongly concentrates in two of the three types of Mo atoms Mo-II and Mo-III, the STM measurement mostly probes the contribution of the uppermost O atoms of the surface, associated with the Mo-IO6 octahedra. In addition, it is found that the surface concentration of Rb atoms plays a key role in determining the surface nesting vector and hence the periodicity of the CDW modulation. Significant experimental inhomogeneities of the b* surface component of the wavevector of the modulation, probed by STM, are reported. The calculated changes in the surface nesting vector are consistent with the observed experimental inhomogeneities.Comment: 4 pages 5 Figure

    Maximizing decision rate in multisensory integration

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    Effective decision-making in an uncertain world requires making use of all available information, even if distributed across different sensory modalities, as well as trading off the speed of a decision with its accuracy. In tasks with a fixed stimulus presentation time, animal and human subjects have previously been shown to combine information from several modalities in a statistically optimal manner. Furthermore, for easily discriminable stimuli and under the assumption that reaction times result from a race-to-threshold mechanism, multimodal reaction times are typically faster than predicted from unimodal conditions when assuming independent (parallel) races for each modality. However, due to a lack of adequate ideal observer models, it has remained unclear whether subjects perform optimal cue combination when they are allowed to choose their response times freely.
Based on data collected from human subjects performing a visual/vestibular heading discrimination task, we show that the subjects exhibit worse discrimination performance in the multimodal condition than predicted by standard cue combination criteria, which relate multimodal discrimination performance to sensitivity in the unimodal conditions. Furthermore, multimodal reaction times are slower than those predicted by a parallel race model, opposite to what is commonly observed for easily discriminable stimuli.
Despite violating the standard criteria for optimal cue combination, we show that subjects still accumulate evidence optimally across time and cues, even when the strength of the evidence varies with time. Additionally, subjects adjust their decision bounds, controlling the trade-off between speed and accuracy of a decision, such that they feature correct decision rates close to the maximum achievable value

    Equilibrium Low Temperature Heat Capacity of the Spin Density Wave compound (TMTTF)2 Br: effect of a Magnetic Field

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    We have investigated the effect of the magnetic field (B) on the very low-temperature equilibrium heat capacity ceq of the quasi-1 D organic compound (TMTTF)2Br, characterized by a commensurate Spin Density Wave (SDW) ground state. Below 1K, ceq is dominated by a Schottky-like contribution, very sensitive to the experimental time scale, a property that we have previously measured in numerous DW compounds. Under applied field (in the range 0.2- 7 T), the equilibrium dynamics, and hence ceq extracted from the time constant, increases enormously. For B = 2-3 T, ceq varies like B2, in agreement with a magnetic Zeeman coupling. Another specific property, common to other Charge/Spin density wave (DW) compounds, is the occurrence of metastable branches in ceq, induced at very low temperature by the field exceeding a critical value. These effects are discussed within a generalization to SDWs in a magnetic field of the available Larkin-Ovchinnikov local model of strong pinning. A limitation of the model when compared to experiments is pointed out.Comment: 10 pages, 11 figure

    Parcelle d'essai de Ksar Rhilane : résultats des 15 années d'essais

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    Self-organization of charge under pressure in the organic conductor (TMTSF)2ReO4

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    (TMTSF)2ReO4 presents a phase coexistence between two anion orderings defined by their wave vectors q_2=(1/2,1/2,1/2) and q_3=(0,1/2,1/2) in a wide range of pressure (8-11kbar) and temperature. From the determination of the anisotropy of the conductivity and the superconducting transitions in this regime we were able to extract the texture which results from a self-organization of the orientations of the ReO4 anions in the sample. At the lowest pressures, the metallic parts, related to the q_3 order, form droplets elongated along the a-axis embedded in the semiconducting matrix associated with the q_2 order. Above 10kbar, filaments along the a-axis extend from one end of the sample to the other nearly up to the end of the coexistence regime. A mapping of the system into an anisotropic Ising lattice is satisfactory to analyze the data. satisfactory to analyze the data.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures, EPL forma

    Competing phases in the high field phase diagram of (TMTSF)2_2ClO4_4

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    A model is presented for the high field phase diagram of (TMTSF)2_2ClO4_4, taking into account the anion ordering, which splits the Fermi surface in two bands. For strong enough field, the largest metal-SDW critical temperature corresponds to the N=0 phase, which originates from two intraband nesting processes. At lower temperature, the competition between these processes puts at disadvantage the N=0 phase vs. the N=1 phase, which is due to interband nesting. A first order transition takes then place from the N=0 to N=1 phase. We ascribe to this effect the experimentally observed phase diagrams.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures (to appear in Phys. Rev. Lett.
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