84 research outputs found

    Gęste mapowanie regionu VNTR genu insuliny w zespole policystycznych jajników w populacji kobiet z Europy Środkowej

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    Introduction: Insulin gene VNTR was associated with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) in some studies but not in others. This couldb be due to the heterogeneity of the definition of PCOS and/or the use of inappropriate gene mapping strategies.Material and methods: In this investigation, the association of VNTR with PCOS was explored in a population of women from Central Europe (377 cases and 105 controls) in whom PCOS was diagnosed according to Rotterdam criteria. Seven SNPs: rs3842756 (G/A), rs3842755 (G/T), rs3842754 (C/T), rs3842753 (A/C), rs3842752 (C/T), rs3842748 (G/C), and rs689 (T/A) were genotyped in a portion of the population (160 cases and 95 controls) by sequencing or by SSO-PCR. Analysis of linkage disequilibrium (LD) pattern allowed selecting three tagSNPs (rs3842754, rs3842748, and rs689), which were genotyped in the rest of the population by KASPar.Results: Six haplotypes were reconstructed, among which three (h1, h2 and h6) were more frequent. Statistical analysis allowed observation of the association of the SNP rs3842748, through its GC genotype, with obesity in PCOS (P = 0.049; OR CI95% 1,59 [1.00–2.51]) and in classical PCOS (YPCOS) (P = 0.010), as well as the correlation of the SNP rs689 and the pair of haplotypes h1/h1 with higher levels of testosteronaemia in the PCOS group, although this was at the limit of significance (P = 0.054)Conclusion: These results are in accordance with some studies in literature and highlight the role of insulin gene VNTR in complex metabolic disorders. (Endokrynol Pol 2015; 66 (3): 198–206)Wstęp: W niektórych badaniach, zmienna liczba powtórzeń tandemowych (VNTR) genu insuliny była związana z zespołem policystycznych jajników (PCOS), lecz w innych taki związek nie występował. Mogło tak być z powodu heterogeniczności definicji PCOS i/lub stosowania nieprawidłowych strategii mapowania genów.Materiał i metody: W niniejszym badaniu, związek VNTR z PCOS zbadano w populacji kobiet pochodzących z Europy Środkowej (377 przypadków chorobowych oraz 105 osób kontrolnych), u których zdiagnozowano PCOS według kryteriów rotterdamskich. Siedem polimorfizmów pojedynczego nukleotydu (SNP): rs3842756 (G/A), rs3842755 (G/T), rs3842754 (C/T), rs3842753 (A/C), rs3842752 (C/T), rs3842748 (G/C), oraz rs689 (T/A) wytypowano w części populacji (160 przypadków chorobowych i 95 osób kontrolnych) poprzez sekwencjonowanie lub SSO-PCR. Analiza wzoru niezrównoważenia sprzężeń (LD) pozwoliła na selekcję trzech SNP znacznikowych (tagSNP) (rs3842754, rs3842748 i rs689), które wyselekcjonowano w pozostałej części populacji metodą KASPar.Wyniki: Sześć haplotypów odtworzono, z których 3 (h1, h2 i h6) występowały częściej. Analiza statystyczna pozwoliła na obserwację związku SNP rs3842748, poprzez genotyp GC, z otyłością w PCOS (P = 0,049; OR CI 95% 1,59 [1,00–2,51]) i klasycznym PCOS (YPCOS) (P = 0,010), jak również korelacji SNP rs689 i pary haplotypów h1/h1 z wyższym stężeniem testosteronemii w grupie PCOS, chociaż wynik ten znajdował się na granicy istotności (P = 0,054).Wnioski: Powyższe wyniki są zgodne z niektórymi badaniami w piśmiennictwie i podkreślają role VNTR genu insuliny w złożonych zaburzeniach metabolicznych. (Endokrynol Pol 2015; 66 (3): 198–206

    Branched-chain amino acid database integrated in MEDIPAD software as a tool for nutritional investigation of mediterranean populations

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    Branched-chained amino acids (BCAA) are essential dietary components for humans and can act as potential biomarkers for diabetes development. To efficiently estimate dietary intake, we developed a BCAA database for 1331 food items found in the French Centre d'Information sur la Qualité des Aliments (CIQUAL) food table by compiling BCAA content from international tables, published measurements, or by food similarity as well as by calculating 267 items from Greek, Turkish, Romanian, and Moroccan mixed dishes. The database embedded in MEDIPAD software capable of registering 24 h of dietary recalls (24HDR) with clinical and genetic data was evaluated based on archived 24HDR of the Saint Pierre Institute (France) from 2957 subjects, which indicated a BCAA content up to 4.2 g/100 g of food and differences among normal weight and obese subjects across BCAA quartiles. We also evaluated the database of 119 interviews of Romanians, Turkish and Albanians in Greece (27⁻65 years) during the MEDIGENE program, which indicated mean BCAA intake of 13.84 and 12.91 g/day in males and females, respectively, comparable to other studies. The MEDIPAD is user-friendly, multilingual, and secure software and with the BCAA database is suitable for conducting nutritional assessment in the Mediterranean area with particular facilities for food administration

    Decision-making for the detection of amatoxin poisoning: a comparative study of standard analytical methods

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    Les intoxications dues aux champignons contenant des amatoxines surviennent dans le monde entier. Les régions touchées sont caractérisées par des disparités importantes en matière d’équipement technologique disponible pour l’identification des amatoxines. Cette étude définit les avantages et les inconvénients des méthodes d’analyse les plus accessibles pour la détection des amatoxines. Le choix de la méthode doit être fait en pleine connaissance des avantages et inconvénients de chaque technique et en fonction des possibilités technologiques locales. Plusieurs méthodes ont été comparées : (1) un kit commercial de dosage immunologique, (2) la chromatographie liquide à haute performance et (3) la chromatographie haute performance sur couche mince. Chaque méthode a été validée (linéarité, limites de détection et de quantification) et appliquée à des matrices de champignons : trois champignons connus pour contenir des amatoxines : Amanita phalloides, Amanita virosa, Lepiota josserandii, et trois champignons ne présentant pas d’amatoxines : Amanita muscaria, Macrolepiota procera et Omphalotus olearius. Les résultats fournissent aux cliniciens des données comparatives pour appuyer leur prise de décision concernant le choix des méthodes analytiques. Cette étude est utile dans l’interprétation des résultats face à un empoisonnement présumé aux amatoxines. L’objectif final est d’être en mesure d’atteindre un diagnostic plus rapide et efficace afin de sauver la vie des patients.Amatoxin-containing mushroom poisonings are recorded worldwide and the frequency increases due to confusion with other macrofungi. Affected regions are characterized by important disparities in relation to available technological equipment for analytical identification of amatoxins. In this context the present study was designed to define advantages and disadvantages of the most accessible standard analytical methods for amatoxin detection. Several methods were compared: (1) a commercialized immunoassay kit, (2) standard high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and (3) high-performance thin layer chromatography (HP-TLC). For each method, linearity, limit of detection (LOD), limit of quantification (LOQ) and recovery were determined. Six macrofungi were analysed using these compared methods, three known to contain amatoxins: Amanita phalloides, Amanita virosa, Lepiota josserandii, and three free-amatoxin containing macrofungi: Amanita muscaria, Macrolepiota procera and Omphalotus olearius. Our results will allow for a choice of method with full knowledge of advantages and disadvantages of each technique as a function of local technological possibilities when facing suspected poisoning due to amatoxincontaining mushrooms. The final aim is to be able to reach faster and effective diagnosis in order to save a patient’s life.</p

    Physiopathologie du diabète sucré et IRS (Insulin Receptor Substrate)

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    MONTPELLIER-BU Pharmacie (341722105) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Protocole de traitement et prise en charge de la schizophrénie

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    MONTPELLIER-BU Pharmacie (341722105) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Les traitements de l'obésité

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    MONTPELLIER-BU Pharmacie (341722105) / SudocSudocFranceF