4 research outputs found

    Comparison of Helicobacter Pylori Genotypes Obtained from the Oropharynx and Stomach of the Same Individuals -A Pilot Study

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    R e c e i ve d M a rc h 3 , 2 0 12 ; A c c e p t e d Ju n e 2 5 , 2 0 1 2 . Key words: Helicobacter pylori -Real-time PCR -Genotyping -OropharynxStomach -Comparison Abstract: Helicobacter pylori has been recently detected in the oral cavity and oropharynx. However, the role it plays in oral and oropharyngeal pathogenesis remains unclear. The virulence of H. pylori strains can be distinguished according to the virulence factors genes carried. Our research has been focused on realtime PCR analysis of cagA and vacA genes of H. pylori strains in tonsils and tonsillar squamous cell cancer and their comparison with H. pylori strains obtained fro

    International comparative studies on school education in the Czech Republic: Findings and challenges

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    Přehledová studie pojednává o mezinárodních srovnávacích výzkumech v oblasti vzdělávání realizovaných v České republice v posledních dvaceti letech. Jejím cílem je informovat o tom, jak jsou výsledky mezinárodních výzkumů zpracovávány v domácí odborné literatuře a k jakým závěrům vedou. V první části studie stručně popisujeme, jakých mezinárodních výzkumů se Česká republika účastnila. V druhé části se zaměřujeme na témata, která byla v návaznosti na výsledky českých žáků zpracována ve vybraných domácích odborných časopisech a monografických pracích. Je možné konstatovat, že výsledky českých žáků v mezinárodních výzkumech lze považovat za poměrně konzistentní, i když v průběhu času dochází k určitým výkyvům. Závěrečná část přehledové studie naznačuje několik cest, jak by bylo možné s daty a výsledky mezinárodních výzkumů dále pracovat. Mezinárodní srovnávací výzkumy představují pro Českou republiku bohatý rezervoár dat, jehož potenciál by mohl být více využíván pro didaktiku v zájmu rozvíjení produktivní kultury vyučování a učení.This paper reviews international comparative research studies on education that have been carried out in the Czech Republic during the last twenty years. It aims to summarize how the findings from international studies are elaborated on in Czech academic literature and what conclusions can be drawn from them. In the first part we provide an overview of the research studies that the Czech Republic participated in. The second part focuses on the issues concerning Czech pupils’ results that were discussed in Czech reviewed papers and monographs. The final part of the paper points towards some ways of using the data and findings from international research further. It can be concluded that the results of Czech pupils in international comparative studies are relatively consistent, although there are certain fluctuations over time. International comparative studies represent a rich reservoir of data for the Czech Republic, whose potential could be used more intensively in the field of didactics in order to develop productive culture of teaching and learning

    Comparison of Helicobacter Pylori Genotypes Obtained from the Oropharynx and Stomach of the Same Individuals – A Pilot Study

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    Helicobacter pylori has been recently detected in the oral cavity and oropharynx. However, the role it plays in oral and oropharyngeal pathogenesis remains unclear. The virulence of H. pylori strains can be distinguished according to the virulence factors genes carried. Our research has been focused on realtime PCR analysis of cagA and vacA genes of H. pylori strains in tonsils and tonsillar squamous cell cancer and their comparison with H. pylori strains obtained from the gastric mucosa of the same patients. Urea breath test (UBT) test was used to detect a gastric H. pylori infection in 20 patients with previously proven H. pylori in the oropharynx. Genotyping of H. pylori in gastric biopsies was performed in patients with positive gastric infection. Out of 20 patients positive for oropharyngeal H. pylori, 8 were positive for concurrent gastric H. pylori infection. In 6 of them gastric biopsies were obtained. Comparison of oropharyngeal and stomach H. pylori genotypes showed important differences. Four of 6 patients had different H. pylori strains in the oropharynx and stomach. The differences were found in cagA gene as well as in vacA gene. The finding of oral presence of H. pylori without concurrent stomach infection was confirmed using UBT. The results show that more than one H. pylori strain can be present in oropharynx and stomach in the same patient. The oropharyngeal infection seems to be independent to the gastric infection