23 research outputs found

    Indoleamine 2 3-dioxygenase knockout limits angiotensin II-induced aneurysm in low density lipoprotein receptor-deficient mice fed with high fat diet.

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    AIMS: Abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) is an age-associated disease characterized by chronic inflammation, vascular cell apoptosis and metalloproteinase-mediated extracellular matrix degradation. Despite considerable progress in identifying targets involved in these processes, therapeutic approaches aiming to reduce aneurysm growth and rupture are still scarce. Indoleamine 2-3 dioxygenase 1 (IDO) is the first and rate-limiting enzyme involved in the conversion of tryptophan (Trp) into kynurenine (Kyn) pathway. In this study, we investigated the role of IDO in two different models of AAA in mice. METHODS AND RESULTS: Mice with deficiencies in both low density receptor-deficient (Ldlr-/-) and IDO (Ldlr-/-Ido1-/-) were generated by cross-breeding Ido1-/- mice with Ldlr-/-mice. To induce aneurysm, these mice were infused with angiotensin II (Ang II) (1000 ng/min/kg) and fed with high fat diet (HFD) during 28 days. AAAs were present in almost all Ldlr-/- infused with AngII, but only in 50% of Ldlr-/-Ido1-/- mice. Immunohistochemistry at an early time point (day 7) revealed no changes in macrophage and T lymphocyte infiltration within the vessel wall, but showed reduced apoptosis, as assessed by TUNEL assay, and increased α-actin staining within the media of Ldlr-/-Ido1-/- mice, suggesting enhanced survival of vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMCs) in the absence of IDO. In another model of elastase-induced AAA in C57Bl/6 mice, IDO deficiency had no effect on aneurysm formation. CONCLUSION: Our study showed that the knockout of IDO prevented VSMC apoptosis in AngII -treated Ldlr-/- mice fed with HFD, suggesting a detrimental role of IDO in AAA formation and thus would be an important target for the treatment of aneurysm

    Limited Macrophage Positional Dynamics in Progressing or Regressing Murine Atherosclerotic PlaquesBrief Report

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    Objective Macrophages play important roles in the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis, but their dynamics within plaques remain obscure. We aimed to quantify macrophage positional dynamics within progressing and regressing atherosclerotic plaques. Approach and Results In a stable intravital preparation, large asymmetrical foamy macrophages in the intima of carotid artery plaques were sessile, but smaller rounded cells nearer plaque margins, possibly newly recruited monocytes, mobilized laterally along plaque borders. Thus, to test macrophage dynamics in plaques over a longer period of time in progressing and regressing disease, we quantified displacement of nondegradable phagocytic particles within macrophages for up to 6 weeks. In progressing plaques, macrophage-associated particles appeared to mobilize to deeper layers in plaque, whereas in regressing plaques, the label was persistently located near the lumen. By measuring the distance of the particles from the floor of the plaque, we discovered that particles remained at the same distance from the floor regardless of plaque progression or regression. The apparent deeper penetration of labeled cells in progressing conditions could be attributed to monocyte recruitment that generated new superficial layers of macrophages over the labeled phagocytes. Conclusion: s Although there may be individual exceptions, as a population, newly differentiated macrophages fail to penetrate significantly deeper than the limited depth they reside on initial entry, regardless of plaque progression, or regression. These limited dynamics may prevent macrophages from escaping areas with unfavorable conditions (such as hypoxia) and pose a challenge for newly recruited macrophages to clear debris through efferocytosis deep within plaque

    The Dendritic Cell Receptor DNGR-1 Promotes the Development of Atherosclerosis in Mice.

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    RATIONALE: Necrotic core formation during the development of atherosclerosis is associated with a chronic inflammatory response and promotes accelerated plaque development and instability. However, the molecular links between necrosis and the development of atherosclerosis are not completely understood. Clec9a (C-type lectin receptor) or DNGR-1 (dendritic cell NK lectin group receptor-1) is preferentially expressed by the CD8α+ subset of dendritic cells (CD8α+ DCs) and is involved in sensing necrotic cells. We hypothesized that sensing of necrotic cells by DNGR-1 plays a determinant role in the inflammatory response of atherosclerosis. OBJECTIVE: We sought to address the impact of total, bone marrow-restricted, or CD8α+ DC-restricted deletion of DNGR-1 on atherosclerosis development. METHODS AND RESULTS: We show that total absence of DNGR-1 in Apoe (apolipoprotein e)-deficient mice (Apoe-/-) and bone marrow-restricted deletion of DNGR-1 in Ldlr (low-density lipoprotein receptor)-deficient mice (Ldlr-/-) significantly reduce inflammatory cell content within arterial plaques and limit atherosclerosis development in a context of moderate hypercholesterolemia. This is associated with a significant increase of the expression of interleukin-10 (IL-10). The atheroprotective effect of DNGR-1 deletion is completely abrogated in the absence of bone marrow-derived IL-10. Furthermore, a specific deletion of DNGR-1 in CD8α+ DCs significantly increases IL-10 expression, reduces macrophage and T-cell contents within the lesions, and limits the development of atherosclerosis. CONCLUSIONS: Our results unravel a new role of DNGR-1 in regulating vascular inflammation and atherosclerosis and potentially identify a new target for disease modulation

    Genetic and Pharmacological Inhibition of TREM-1 Limits the Development of Experimental Atherosclerosis.

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    BACKGROUND: Innate immune responses activated through myeloid cells contribute to the initiation, progression, and complications of atherosclerosis in experimental models. However, the critical upstream pathways that link innate immune activation to foam cell formation are still poorly identified. OBJECTIVES: This study sought to investigate the hypothesis that activation of the triggering receptor expressed on myeloid cells (TREM-1) plays a determinant role in macrophage atherogenic responses. METHODS: After genetically invalidating Trem-1 in chimeric Ldlr-/-Trem-1-/- mice and double knockout ApoE-/-Trem-1-/- mice, we pharmacologically inhibited Trem-1 using LR12 peptide. RESULTS: Ldlr-/- mice reconstituted with bone marrow deficient for Trem-1 (Trem-1-/-) showed a strong reduction of atherosclerotic plaque size in both the aortic sinus and the thoracoabdominal aorta, and were less inflammatory compared to plaques of Trem-1+/+ chimeric mice. Genetic invalidation of Trem-1 led to alteration of monocyte recruitment into atherosclerotic lesions and inhibited toll-like receptor 4 (TLR 4)-initiated proinflammatory macrophage responses. We identified a critical role for Trem-1 in the upregulation of cluster of differentiation 36 (CD36), thereby promoting the formation of inflammatory foam cells. Genetic invalidation of Trem-1 in ApoE-/-/Trem-1-/- mice or pharmacological blockade of Trem-1 in ApoE-/- mice using LR-12 peptide also significantly reduced the development of atherosclerosis throughout the vascular tree, and lessened plaque inflammation. TREM-1 was expressed in human atherosclerotic lesions, mainly in lipid-rich areas with significantly higher levels of expression in atheromatous than in fibrous plaques. CONCLUSIONS: We identified TREM-1 as a major upstream proatherogenic receptor. We propose that TREM-1 activation orchestrates monocyte/macrophage proinflammatory responses and foam cell formation through coordinated and combined activation of CD36 and TLR4. Blockade of TREM-1 signaling may constitute an attractive novel and double-hit approach for the treatment of atherosclerosis

    Mild dyslipidemia accelerates tumorigenesis through expansion of Ly6Chi monocytes and differentiation to pro-angiogenic myeloid cells

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    Cancer and cardiovascular disease (CVD) share common risk factors such as dyslipidemia, obesity and inflammation. However, the role of pro-atherogenic environment and its associated low-grade inflammation in tumor progression remains underexplored. Here we show that feeding C57BL/6J mice with a non-obesogenic high fat high cholesterol diet (HFHCD) for two weeks to induce mild dyslipidemia, increases the pool of circulating Ly6Chi monocytes available for initial melanoma development, in an IL-1β-dependent manner. Descendants of circulating myeloid cells, which accumulate in the tumor microenvironment of mice under HFHCD, heighten pro-angiogenic and immunosuppressive activities locally. Limiting myeloid cell accumulation or targeting VEGF-A production by myeloid cells decrease HFHCD-induced tumor growth acceleration. Reverting the HFHCD to a chow diet at the time of tumor implantation protects against tumor growth. Together, these data shed light on cross-disease communication between cardiovascular pathologies and cancer

    Quantitative Analysis of Monocyte Subpopulations in Murine Atherosclerotic Plaques by Multiphoton Microscopy

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    <div><p>The progressive accumulation of monocyte-derived cells in the atherosclerotic plaque is a hallmark of atherosclerosis. However, it is now appreciated that monocytes represent a heterogeneous circulating population of cells that differ in functionality. New approaches are needed to investigate the role of monocyte subpopulations in atherosclerosis since a detailed understanding of their differential mobilization, recruitment, survival and emigration during atherogenesis is of particular importance for development of successful therapeutic strategies. We present a novel methodology for the <em>in vivo</em> examination of monocyte subpopulations in mouse models of atherosclerosis. This approach combines cellular labeling by fluorescent beads with multiphoton microscopy to visualize and monitor monocyte subpopulations in living animals. First, we show that multiphoton microscopy is an accurate and timesaving technique to analyze monocyte subpopulation trafficking and localization in plaques in excised tissues. Next, we demonstrate that multiphoton microscopy can be used to monitor monocyte subpopulation trafficking in atherosclerotic plaques in living animals. This novel methodology should have broad applications and facilitate new insights into the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis and other inflammatory diseases.</p> </div

    Visualization of plaque morphology and labeled monocytes.

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    <p><b>A and G)</b> Second harmonic scattering from collagen in an ApoE<sup>−/−</sup> control mouse treated with vehicle. <b>B)</b> Elastin and collagen autofluorescence in an ApoE<sup>−/−</sup> control mouse. Several bead-positive monocytes, indicated by arrows, can be seen in regions containing collagen and elastin. <b>C)</b> Overlay. <b>D and J)</b> Second-harmonic scattering from collagen in an ApoE<sup>−/−</sup> mouse treated with simvastatin. <b>E)</b> Elastin and collagen autofluorescence in an ApoE<sup>−/−</sup> mouse treated with simvastatin. Several bead-positive monocytes, indicated by arrows, can be seen in regions containing collagen and elastin. <b>F)</b> Overlay. <b>H)</b> Neutral lipids, visualized as ORO fluorescence, in an ApoE<sup>−/−</sup> control mouse. <b>K)</b> Neutral lipids, visualized as ORO fluorescence, in an ApoE<sup>−/−</sup> mouse treated with simvastatin. Bead-positive monocyte-derived cells, indicated by arrows, are present in areas of lipid accumulation. Red (380 to 440 nm), green (490 to 530 nm) and blue (530 to 650 nm).</p

    Intravital multiphoton microscopy allows observation of bead-labeled monocytes within murine atherosclerotic plaques.

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    <p><b>A)</b> A white light image of an atherosclerotic plaque in the abdominal aorta of an ApoE<sup>−/−</sup> mouse. <b>B)</b> A multiphoton image of the same region with excitation at 800 nm, collected from 490 to 530 nm. Dashed lines in each image demarcate the aorta. A hair which lies to the right of the atherosclerotic plaque (indicated by arrows in both A and B) is useful for orientation. <b>C)</b> Intravital images of bead-positive monocytes (green) as a function of time. Bead-positive monocytes that are circulating through the aorta may appear as lines in the image when their flow is synchronized with the raster scan of the microscope (examples are indicated by arrowheads). A stationary bead-positive monocyte was seen interacting with the endothelium of the atherosclerotic plaque (indicated by arrows). <b>D)</b> An intravital image demonstrating bead-positive monocyte-derived cell accumulation in an atherosclerotic plaque in the abdominal aorta of an ApoE<sup>−/−</sup> mouse. <b>E and F)</b> Intravital images (excitation at 850 nm) of bead-positive monocyte-derived cells (green) interacting with fluorescently labeled low density lipoprotein (red) in an atherosclerotic plaque.</p