95 research outputs found

    Imaging methodes of examining the hip joint

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    Zglob kuka je sinovijalni zglob apendikularnog skeleta, koji se sastoji od artikulacijske hrskavice, subhondralne koÅ”tane ploče, kapsule zgloba i sinovijalne membrane koja producira sinovijalnu tekućinu. Ankilozantni spondilitis je kronična upalna bolest nepoznatog uzroka koja zahvaća aksijalni i apendikularni skelet. Promjene se vide na sinovijalnim i kartilaginoznim zglobovima, te hvatiÅ”tima tetiva i ligamenata za kost.The hip joint is a synovial joint of the appendicular skeleton which constituents of articular cartilage, subchondral bone plate, articular capsule synovial membrane which produces synovial fluid. Ankylosing spondylitis is chronic inflammatory disorder of unknown cause that affects the axial and appendicular skeleton. Alterations occur in synovial and cartilaginous joints and sites of tendon and ligament attachment to bone

    Imaging in diagnostics of spondylartrhitis

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    Opisane su slikovne metode u obradi bolesnika sa sumnjom na spondiloartritis, s posebnim osvrtom na novije metode pregleda. Prikazali smo koje su mogućnosti pojedine metode i kada je treba primijeniti. Važno je poznavanje dosega pojedine metode kako u pozitivnom tako u negativnom smislu, razmiÅ”ljajući o dozi zračenja o regiji koju ćemo snimiti, o dobi bolesnika i koristi koju ćemo imati u postavljanju dijagnoze i liječenju bolesnika.This article describes radiological possibilities in musculoskeletal imaging of patients with suspected spondyloarthritis, with point on new imaging methods. We show which method is the best to use in a certain scenario, and when to do US and when use CT, MR or tomosyntesis. We have to be mindful about the radiation doses and X-ray usage, taking into account the age of the patient and what benefits a certain method would bring

    Imaging of metabolic bone diseases

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    Osteoporoza je kronična progresivna bolest, najčeŔća metabolička koÅ”tana bolest koja može zahvatiti cijeli skelet. To je sistemska skeletna bolest karakterizirana niskom koÅ”tanom masom i promjenom u mikroarhitektonici kosti koja dovodi do pojačane lomljivosti kosti. Klinički može biti nezamjetljiva do prve frakture. Osjetljivost dijagnostičke metode, cijena koÅ”tanja i doza zračenja razlikuje se od metode do metode. Mogućnosti slikovnog prikaza uključuju standardnu klasičnu radioloÅ”ku obradu, UZV, QUZV, SPA, DPA, QCT; denzitometriju DXA, MR, QMR, SPECT i scintigrafiju kosti.Osteoporosis, a chronic progressive disease, is the most common metabolic bone disease and can affect almost the entire skeleton. Osteoporosis is a systemic skeletal disease characterized by low bone mass and microarchitectural deterioration of bone tissue, with a consequent increase in bone fragility. The disease often does not become clinically apparent until a fracture occurs. However, the sensitivity, examination time, cost, and radiation exposure of the different imaging techniques differ greatly. Imaging options include conventional x-ray images, US, QUS, SPA, DPA, quantitative CT (QCT), densitometry, dual energy x-ray absorptiometry (DXA), MRI, QMR, SPECT and bone scanning

    Rheumatoid arthritis - new imaging methods

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    Opisane su radioloÅ”ke mogućnosti obrade koÅ”tano-miÅ”ićnog sustava s posebnim osvrtom na reumatoidni artritis i novije metode pregleda, magnetsku rezonancu, ultrazvuk i kolor doppler. Opisana je tomosinteza, nova metoda u obradi trabekularne kosti, s mogućnoŔću analize gustoće kosti, važne u reumatoidnom artritisu.The radiology imaging in musculoskeletal system with a point on rheumatoid arthritis and modern methods such as magnetic resonance, power ultrasound, and color Doppler are described. Tomosynthesis, a new method for analysis of trabecular bone and bone density, which is important in rheumatoid arthritis, is described too

    Osteoarthritis - radiology imaging

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    Osteoartritis je degenerativni artritis. RadioloŔki je karakteriziran suženjem zglobnog prostora, sklerozom subhondralne kosti te formiranjem cističnih promjena i osteofita.Osteoarthritis is degenerative arthritis. On radiograms it is characterised with joint place narrowing, subchondral bone sclerosis, and formation of cystic and osteophitic changes

    Dental alloys

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    Liječnik dentalne medicine u svakodnevnom se radu služi različitim materijalima. Važna su skupina materijala u dentalnoj medicini metali i legure. Rabe se kao gradivni materijali u restaurativnoj i dječjoj dentalnoj medicini, ortodonciji, protetici i kirurgiji, a također se od njih izrađuju i instrumenti te pomoćna radna sredstva. Metali i legure za primjenu u stomatologiji moraju sadržavati određena svojstva, a među najbitnijima su biokompatibilnost, tvrdoća i čvrstoća. Metali kao zasebni elementi ne odgovaraju uvjetima koje traži zahtjevan okoliÅ” usne Å”upljine (osim titana), stoga se postupkom legiranja dobivaju različite legure. Legure su mjeÅ”avina metala s nekim drugim metalom ili nemetalom u čvrstoj otopini, sa svrhom dobivanja boljih svojstava, pri čemu prevladavaju metalna svojstva. Leguru čine komponente ili sastojine i po njihovom broju dijele se na binarne, ternarne i viÅ”ekomponentne. Metali koji pokazuju međusobnu sklonost (afinitet) i u tekućem i u krutom stanju međusobno se potpuno pomijeÅ”aju. Kristalizacijom nastaju čvrste otopine ili kristali mjeÅ”anci. U dentalnoj medicini smiju se koristiti samo homologne legure s kristalima mjeÅ”ancima jer su one korozijski otporne. Kako bi se olakÅ”ao izbor i provela optimalna namjena legura, postoji nekoliko sistematizacija koje se najčeŔće temelje na vrsti i masenom udjelu pojedinih sastojina, najčeŔće plemenitih metala. Prema udjelu plemenitih metala legure se dijele na plemenite i neplemenite. Plemenite su legure zlata, srebro-paladijeve i paladijeve, dok u neplemenite legure pripadaju nikal-kromove, kobalt-kromove, legure željeza, titanove legure i amalgam.A dentist uses various materials in his everyday work. An important category of materials in dentistry is metals and alloys. They are used as construction materials in restorative and paediatric dentistry, orthodontics, prosthodontics and oral surgery. Furthermore, they are used in making of dental instruments and auxiliary tools. Dental metals and alloys have to have certain characteristics and the most important ones are biocompatibility, hardness and strength. Metals as separate elements do not satisfy the requirements of the demanding oral cavity environment (except for titan), hence the process of alloying which results in various alloys. Alloys are mixtures of a metal and another metal or non-metal in a solid solution with a purpose of acquiring better properties, with an emphasis on metallic properties. According to the components of the alloy, alloys are categorized into binary, ternary or multicomponent alloys. Metals which show mutual affinity in liquid and solid state blend together completely. Products of crystallization are solid solutions. In dentistry, only homogeneous alloys of identical crystals can be used because they are resistant to corosion. There are few systematizations which are usually based on the type and mass fraction of a certain component, most often noble metals. These systematizations make easier to choose the alloy and find its optimal purpose. Based on the mass fraction of the noble metal in the alloy, alloys can be noble or non-noble. Noble alloys are gold, silver-palladium and palladium alloys and non-noble alloys are nickel-chromium, cobalt-chromium, ferrous and titanium alloys and amalgam

    Neurofibromatoza tipa 1: klinička, patologijska i radiologijska korelacija

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    Type 1 neurofibromatosis is a phacomatosis inherited as an autosomal dominant disorder. It is characterized by the occurrence of hamartomas and tumors on the body, particularly on the nervous system and skin. The clinical criteria for its diagnosis include the following findings: six or more cafe-au-lait spots of 35 mm in diameter on the skin, two or more neurofibromas, spots in the axillary or inguinal region, optic nerve gliomas, two or more hamartomas of the iris, and characteristic changes of bones and brain. The pathologist\u27s finding is predominated by the occurrence of neurofibromas along peripheral and cranial nerves, optical gliomas, policystic astrocytomas of the brain, and hamartomas of the brain and iris. During a 15-year period, 166 children with type 1 neurofibromatosis were examined and radiologically evaluated. Classical radiological bone x-rays were made, along with brain and spine CT and MR. Dysplasia of the greater wing of the sphenoid bone was detected on bone tissue accompanied by deformation of the orbit and middle cranial fossa, wedge-formed vertebrae, expanded intervertebral foramina, and cystic masses in other bones. In the brain parenchyma, hamartomas, policystic astrocytomas and optic nerve gliomas were detected along with neurinomas of the cranial and spinal nerves. Based on the clinical, laboratory and radiologic follow-up of the patients with type 1 neurofibromatosis, the need is stressed for a multiple approach to the diagnosis and treatment of neurofibromatosis.Neurofibromatoza tipa 1 je fakomatoza koja se nasljeđuje autosomno dominantno, a obilježena je pojavom hamartoma i tumora po tijelu, poglavito živčanog sustava i kože. Klinički kriteriji za postavljanje dijagnoze temelje se na nalazima: Å”est ili viÅ”e pjega boje bijele kave promjera većeg od 5 mm na koži, dva ili viÅ”e neurofibroma, pjegavosti pazuÅ”nih i ingvinalnih regija, optičkog glioma, dva ili viÅ”e hamartoma Å”arenice i znakovitim promjenama na kostima i mozgu. U nalazu patologa dominira pojava neurofibroma duž perifernih i kranijskih živaca, optičkih glioma, policističnog astrocitoma mozga te hamartoma mozga i Å”arenice. U tijeku 15-godiÅ”njeg razdoblja pregledano je i radioloÅ”ki obrađeno 166 djece s neurofibromatozom tipa 1. Primijenjene su klasične radioloÅ”ke metode snimanja kostiju, CT mozga i kraljeÅ”nice te MR mozga i kraljeÅ”nice. Na koÅ”tanom tkivu utvrđena je displazija velikog krila sfenoida praćena deformacijom orbite i srednje lubanjske jame, klinasto oblikovani kraljeÅ”ci, proÅ”ireni intervertebralni otvori te cistične tvorbe u dugim kostima. U parenhimu mozga utvrđeni su hamartomi, policistieniastrocitomi i gliomi optikusa te neurinomi kranijskih i spinalnih živaca. Na temelju kliničkog, laboratorijskog i radiologijskog praćenja bolesnika s neurofibromatozom tipa 1 ukazano je na potrebu viÅ”estrukog pristupa u dijagnostici i liječenju neurofibromatoze


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    Juvenilni idiopatski artritis (JIA) autoimunosna je bolest koja se javlja u dječjoj dobi prije navrÅ”ene 16. godine života i najčeŔća je reumatska bolest u pedijatrijskoj populaciji s procijenjenom prevalencijom od 2 do 20, a incidencijom od 16 do 150 na 100.000 djece. Defi nira se kao upala jednog ili viÅ”e zglobova koja traje najmanje 6 tjedana u kontinuitetu. JIA je ponajprije klinička dijagnoza koja se nadopunjuje nalazima laboratorijske i radioloÅ”ke obrade radi Å”to ranijeg postavljanja dijagnoze, procjene proÅ”irenosti bolesti, praćenja tijeka bolesti i odgovora na primijenjenu terapiju. Vrijedeća ILAR-ova (iz engl. International League of Associations for Rheumatology) klasifi kacija defi nira osam različitih tipova bolesti.Juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) is an autoimmune disease usually occurring in children before the age of 16. As one of the most prevalent rheumatic diseases in the pediatric population, with an estimated prevalence of 2 to 20 and an incidence of 16 to 150 per 100,000 children, it is defi ned as an infl ammation of one or more joints, with a duration of 6 weeks minimum. JIA is primarily diagnosed clinically, confi rmed by laboratory and radiological fi ndings, with the goal of early detection and assessment of the spread and progress of the disease as well as the response to medication. Th e current International League of Associations for Rheumatology (ILAR) classifi cation defi nes eight types of arthritis
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