764 research outputs found

    Shock wave/turbulent boundary layer interaction in the flow field of a tri-dimension wind tunnel

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    The first results of a thorough experimental analysis of a strong three-dimensional shock-wave/turbulent boundary-layer interaction occurring in a three dimensional transonic channel are presented. The aim of this experiment is to help in the physical understanding of a complex field, including several separations, and to provide a well documented case to test computational methods. The flowfield has been probed in many points by means of a three-component laser Doppler velocimeter. The results presented relate only to the mean velocity field. They clearly show the formation in the flow of a strong vortical motion resulting from the shock wave interaction

    Critical Infrastructures You Can Trust: Where Telecommunications Fits

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    This paper discusses two NISs: the public telephone network (PTN) and the Internet. Being themselves large and complex NISs, they not only merit study in their own right but can help us to understand some of the technical problems faced by the developers and operators of other NISs. In addition, the high cost of building a global communications infrastructure from the ground up implies that one or both of these two networks is likely to furnish communications services for most other NISs. Therefore, an understanding of the vulnerabilties of the PTN and Internet informs the assessment of the trustworthiness of other NISs. Ideas for improving the trustworthiness of the PTN and Internet are also proposed, both for the short-term (by improved use of existing technologies and procedures) and for the long-term (by identifying some areas where the state-of-the-art is inadequate and research is therefore needed). Finally, some observations are offered about Internet telephony and the use of the Internet for critical infrastructures

    Análise in silico e in vivo da via de isoprenóides em café.

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    Os diterpenos cafestol e caveol, presentes na fração lipídica em grãos de café, originam-se da via de síntese de isoprenóides. Estes compostos são sintetizados em todos os organismos, sendo abundantes em plantas com cerca de 10 mil componentes relatados. Apesar da diversidade de funções e estruturas todos os isoprenóides derivam de cinco comuns átomos de carbono, o isopentenil difosfato (IPP) e do isômero dimetilalil difosfato (DMAPP). Em vegetais superiores, duas vias localizadas em compartimentos intracelulares separados estão envolvidas na biossíntese de IPP e DMAPP. No citosol, IPP é derivado da via do ácido mevalônico (MVA) e no plastídeo, IPP é formado pela via do metileritritol fosfato (MEP ou não mevalonato). Com a disponibilidade das seqüências dos genes expressos (ESTs) pelo Projeto Genoma Café tornou-se possível a identificação in silico e o estudo funcional dos genes que codificam para as enzimas 3-hidroxi-3metilglutaril-CoA reductoisomerase (HMGR) e mevalonato difosfato decarboxilase (MPDC) para a via MVA e 1-deoxi-D-xilulose 5-fosfato reductoisomerase (DXR) e isopentenil difosfato sintase (IDS) para a via MEP. Foram obtidas 13 ESTs de HMGR, que originaram três contigs incompletos, resultando em duas isoformas. Para o gene MPDC foram encontradas 7 ESTs que clusterizaram em somente uma isoforma, diferentemente de A. thaliana onde duas isoformas são encontradas. Para os genes da via MEP foram encontrados 22 ESTs para DXR e 47 ESTs para IDS que formaram apenas um contig para cada um destes genes. Southern blots dos genes HMGR e DXR também demonstraram a presença de duas isoformas para HMGR e uma para DXR em C. arabica. Análise da expressão por Northern blots detectou transcritos do gene DXR no começo de desenvolvimento do perisperma e nas fases finais de desenvolvimento de endosperma e polpa. Transcritos da isoforma HMGR2 foram detectados em polpa, perisperma e endosperma, em todas as fases de desenvolvimento do fruto. Entretanto, HMGR1 apresentou transcritos apenas em polpa e fase inicial do desenvolvimento de perisperma e endosperma

    Comparative genomics of Streptococcus macedonicus ACA-DC 198 against related species within the Streptococcus bovis/Streptococcus equinus complex

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    Apart from Streptococcus thermophilus other streptococci that can be found growing in milk belong to the Streptococcus bovis/Streptococcus equinus complex (SBSEC). Interestingly, Streptococcus macedonicus, which is a member of SBSEC, has been suggested to be adapted to milk and to be nonpathogenic. However, the species is phylogenetically related to Streptococcus gallolyticus and Streptococcus pasteurianus (formerly known as S. bovis biotypes I and II.2, respectively), which in turn are considered pathogenic, since they have been implicated in endocarditis and colon cancer in humans. Comparative analysis of the S. macedonicus genome with the complete genomes of its related streptococci (including that of S. infantarius, which is also a dairy isolate) indicated that a significant portion of the genomic organization has been conserved overall. Following a gene presence/absence strategy, we determined that S. macedonicus shows a reduced capacity to reside in the gastrointestinal tract of ruminants when compared to S. gallolyticus since it misses important genes for metabolizing complex carbohydrates of plant origin and for detoxifying this environment. S. macedonicus also lacks several pathogenicity traits found in S. gallolyticus. For example from the three pilus gene clusters (pil1, pil2, pil3), which may mediate the binding of S. gallolyticus to the extracellular matrix, S. macedonicus carries only one (i.e. the pil3). Gene gain events are also evident in the S. macedonicus genome sometimes originating from dairy bacteria, like the acquisition of the lactococcal plasmid pSMA198. Functional analysis of the S. macedonicus genome is necessary to further assess its pathogenic and technological potential

    Dietary glycaemic index and cognitive function: prospective associations in adults of the 1946 British birth cohort

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    OBJECTIVE: Evidence suggests that the rate of glucose release following consumption of carbohydrate-containing foods, defined as the glycaemic index (GI), is inversely associated with cognitive function. To date, most of the evidence stems from either single-meal studies or highly heterogeneous cohort studies. We aimed to study the prospective associations of diet GI at age 53 years with outcomes of verbal memory and letter search tests at age 69 years and rate of decline between 53 and 69 years. DESING: Longitudinal population-based birth cohort study. SETTING: MRC National Survey for Health and Development. PARTICIPANTS: Cohort members (n 1252). RESULTS: Using multivariable linear and logistic regression, adjusted for potential confounders, associations of higher-GI diet with lower verbal memory, lower letter search speed and lower number of hits in a letter search test were attenuated after adjustments for cognitive ability at age 15 years, educational attainment, further training and occupational social class. No association was observed between diet GI at 53 years and letter search accuracy or speed–accuracy trade-off at 69 years, or between diet GI at 53 years and rate of decline between 53 and 69 years in any cognitive measure. CONCLUSIONS: Diet GI does not appear to predict cognitive function or decline, which was mainly explained by childhood cognitive ability, education and occupational social class. Our findings confirm the need for further research on the association between diet and cognition from a life-course perspective

    Obtenção de marcadores moleculares por meio de PCR-RFLP de genes relacionados com qualidade em café.

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    A qualidade de bebida do café é fator fundamental para sua comercialização, pois agrega valor ao produto, garantindo maior competitividade e melhores preços no mercado. A composição química do café é um dos fatores que determinam a qualidade da bebida. Seu sabor e seu aroma são resultantes da presença combinada de vários constituintes, dentre os quais os ácidos clorogênicos, os diterpenos e os açúcares. O objetivo deste trabalho foi buscar polimorfismos a partir de PCR-RFLP utilizando primers baseados em sequências ESTs de genes relacionados com a qualidade de bebida. Para isso foi utilizado o DNA de uma população F2 formada a partir da autofecundação de um híbrido interespecífico de Coffea arabica e C. canephora. Os resultados revelaram um total de doze marcas polimórficas na população. Dentre essas marcas, quatro foram obtidas através da presença e da ausência da amplificação dos genes. Oito combinações polimórficas foram obtidas através da clivagem do produto de PCR por quatro enzimas de restrição (TaqI, BsuRI, RsaI e HhaI). Com a validação dos polimorfismos encontrados nos amplicons, essas marcas estão sendo utilizadas para trabalhos de mapeamento na população de arabustas com objetivo de identificar QTLs relacionados à concentração de compostos como cafeína, ácidos clorogênicos, diterpenos, açúcares, bem como de proteases