3 research outputs found

    Social issues vs commercial advertising, differences in psychophysiological activation during multimedial artefact fruition

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    This study aimed to investigate differences in neurophysiological activation during different types of multimedial artefact fruition. In particular we wanted to verify cortical activation during the vision of both social issues and commercial advertising videos. 10 videos of 30 seconds of duration were presented to a sample of 15 healthy subjects. Half of them was commercial advertising videos and the other half dealed with social issue. Advertising videos were selected identifying 5 cathegories comparable by a commercial or pro-social point of view, and they were: money, health, technology, nutrition and clothing. During videos vision, cortical and physiological activation were recorded by electroencephalography and biofeedback. Data showed an increasing of Alpha power in central brain areas, greater during social issue advertising fruition and a higher Delta power in frontal brain areas for social issue advertising except for nutrition category, in wich there is a greater activation for commercial advertising. Physiological data showed an increasing of heartbeat during commercial advertising fruition, in particular for money, technology and nutrition cathegories. Data suggest a grater disposition to action and involvement in subjects due to commercial advertising features. This is showed by heartbeat increasing during commercial videos and alpha band incrising in central areas while whatching prosocial videos, that means a de-activation of central areas, involved in movement and tension to action. During social issue advertising, instead, we can see an activation of frontal area, linked to motivation processes. Finally, starting by the point that frontal lobe is related to evolved social functions linked to adaptation to social environment, we could imagine that commercial advertising touches more ancestral and instinctual processes related to movement and action, with lower central Alpha power; social issue advertising, on the other side, with higher frontal Delta power, activates higher functions related to motivation, adaptation to the environment, and thus to prosociality

    Differences in psychophysiological activation during social issue vs commercial advertising fruition

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    Objective This study aims to investigate differences in neurophysiological activation during different types of multimedial artefact fruition. In particular we want to verify cortical activation during the vision of both social issues and commercial advertising videos. Participants and methods 10 videos of 30 seconds of duration are presented to a sample of 15 healthy subjects. Advertising videos are selected identifying 5 categories comparable by a commercial or pro-social point of view, and they were: money, health, technology, nutrition and clothing. During videos vision, cortical and physiological activation are recorded by electroencephalography and biofeedback. Results Data show an increasing of Alpha power in central brain areas, greater during social issue advertising fruition. Higher Delta power is present in frontal brain areas for social issue advertising except for nutrition category, in which there is a greater activation for commercial advertising. Physiological data show an increasing of heartbeat during commercial advertising fruition, in particular for money, technology and nutrition categories. Conclusion Data suggest a greater disposition to action and involvement in subjects due to commercial advertising features. This is showed by heartbeat increasing during commercial videos and alpha band increasing in central areas while watching prosocial videos involved in movement and tension to action. During social issue advertising, instead, there is an activation of the frontal area, linked to motivation processes. Finally, considering that frontal lobe is related to high social functions linked to social environment adaptation, we could imagine that commercial advertising moves more ancestral and instinctual processes related to movement and action, with lower central Alpha power. Social issue advertising, on the other side, with higher frontal Delta power, activates higher functions related to motivation, adaptation to the environment, and thus to prosociality

    Advertising sociale e commerciale: Differenze nell\u2019attivazione psicofisiologica durante la fruizione di artefatti multimediali

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    Ad oggi la televisione rimane il mezzo pi\uf9 efficace per promuovere un prodotto poich\ue9 si tratta di un mezzo di comunicazione multisensoriale in grado di stimolare contemporaneamente pi\uf9 canali percettivi. Classicamente gli studi di marketing si sono focalizzati sull\u2019analisi dell\u2019esperienza del consumatore utilizzando strumenti di misura esplicita. Il presente studio, al contrario, \ue8 incentrato sulla comunicazione pubblicitaria implicita e sfrutta metodiche quali l\u2019elettroencefalografia e le misure autonomiche. L\u2019obiettivo primario consiste nell\u2019indagare le differenze nell\u2019attivazione neurofisiologica durante diversi tipi di fruizione di artefatti multimediali. Si \ue8 voluta verificare l\u2019attivazione corticale durante la visione di video riguardanti sia pubblicit\ue0 sociali, ovvero pubblicit\ue0 che trattano la promozione di idee sensibilizzando verso una tematica, sia pubblicit\ue0 commerciali, ovvero con l\u2019obiettivo di vendere un prodotto. Dieci video della durata di trenta secondi sono stati selezionati identificando cinque categorie comparabili dal punto di vista semantico tra contenuto commerciale o pro-sociale (investimenti monetari, salute, tecnologia, nutrizione e abbigliamento) e sono stati presentati ad un campione di 28 partecipanti sani di et\ue0 tra i 20 e i 30 anni. Durante la visione dei video, l\u2019attivazione corticale \ue8 stata registrata tramite elettroencefalografia (oscillazioni corticali) e l\u2019attivazione psicofisiologica tramite BioFeedback (battito cardiaco e conduttanza cutanea). Dai risultati emerge un aumento del power di Alpha delle regioni cerebrali centrali pi\uf9 ampio durante la fruizione delle pubblicit\ue0 sociali e un aumento del power di Delta e Theta nelle aree frontali per le stesse pubblicit\ue0 eccetto per la categoria nutrizione, in cui c\u2019\ue8 un\u2019attivazione maggiore per le pubblicit\ue0 commerciali. I dati fisiologici mostrano un aumento del battito cardiaco durante la fruizione di pubblicit\ue0 commerciali, in particolare per le categorie di tecnologia e nutrizione. Complessivamente questi risultati suggeriscono un\u2019ampia disposizione all\u2019azione e un coinvolgimento dei soggetti dovute alle caratteristiche della pubblicit\ue0 commerciale. Questo \ue8 dimostrato dall\u2019aumento di battito cardiaco durante i video commerciali e dall\u2019aumento di bande Alpha nelle aree centrali durante la visione di video prosociali, che corrisponde ad una minor attivazione delle aree centrali coinvolte nel movimento e nella tensione verso l\u2019azione. Durante le pubblicit\ue0 sociali, invece, \ue8 possibile osservare un\u2019attivazione delle aree frontali collegate ai processi motivazionali. Basandoci sull\u2019ipotesi che il lobo frontale sia collegato alle funzioni sociali legate all\u2019adattamento all\u2019ambiente sociale, \ue8 possibile immaginare che la pubblicit\ue0 commerciale, minore power di Alpha centrale, tocchi maggiormente processi istintivi e ancestrali legati al movimento e all\u2019azione; mentre le pubblicit\ue0 sociali, maggiore power Delta e Theta frontale, attivino maggiormente le funzioni legate alla motivazione d\u2019adattamento all\u2019ambiente e alla prosocialit\ue0