915 research outputs found

    Equilibrium Fluctuations for a One-Dimensional Interface in the Solid on Solid Approximation

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    An unbounded one-dimensional solid-on-solid model with integer heights is studied. Unbounded here means that there is no a priori restrictions on the discret e gradient of the interface. The interaction Hamiltonian of the interface is given by a finite range part, pr oportional to the sum of height differences, plus a part of exponentially decaying long range potentials. The evolution of the interface is a reversible Markov process. We prove that if this system is started in the center of a box of size L after a time of order L^3 it reaches, with a very large probability, the top or the bottom of the box

    Entropy dissipation estimates in a Zero-Range dynamics

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    We study the exponential decay of relative entropy functionals for zero-range processes on the complete graph. For the standard model with rates increasing at infinity we prove entropy dissipation estimates, uniformly over the number of particles and the number of vertices

    Propagation of Chaos for a Balls into Bins Model

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    Consider a finite number of balls initially placed in LL bins. At each time step a ball is taken from each non-empty bin. Then all the balls are uniformly reassigned into bins. This finite Markov chain is called Repeated Balls-into-Bins process and is a discrete time interacting particle system with parallel updating. We prove that, starting from a suitable (chaotic) set of initial states, as L+L\to+\infty, the numbers of balls in each bin becomes independent from the rest of the system i.e. we have propagation of chaos. We furthermore study some equilibrium properties of the limiting nonlinear process

    Fundamentals, International Role of Euro and 'Framing' of Expectations: What are the Determinants of the Dollar/Euro Exchange Rate?

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    The predictions made by economists of the value of the euro prior to its introduction were essentially based on the expected portfolio adjustment resulting from the role that it might play as an international currency. As a result, most analysts agreed that the euro would be a strong currency, appreciating against the US dollar. The first years of life of the ‘virtual’ euro contradicted such a forecast. Economists therefore abandoned predictions based on the euro as a ‘global’ money and directed their focus almost exclusively towards traditional, ‘fundamentals-based’ explanations. Among these explanations, several authors mentioned the unsatisfactory structural and institutional set up of the EMU. Nevertheless, later on, when the euro started appreciating, a different set of fundamentals had to be isolated in order to account for such behaviour. It is possible to argue, then, that the EMU economic structure and institutions are, or at least are currently perceived as, capable of supporting a strong euro, which plays the role of international money. ‘Framing’ of expectations, however, still keeps driving the behaviour of the exchange rate, so that the same structural and institutional set up may be subject to different evaluations, depending on the particular state of expectations of the international currency markets. Finally, since the available evidence suggests that the euro is starting to play an international role, I argue that the ‘international money’ and the ‘framing’ of expectations approaches explain the behaviour of the dollar/euro exchange rate better than the ‘fundamentals' one.Euro; Dollar; Fundamentals; International currency; Portfolio adjustment

    Logarithmic Sobolev inequality for zero-range Dynamics

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    We prove that the logarithmic Sobolev constant for zero-range processes in a box of diameter LL grows as L2L^2.Comment: Published at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/009117905000000332 in the Annals of Probability (http://www.imstat.org/aop/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    Logarithmic Sobolev Inequality for Zero-Range Dynamics: independence of the number of particles

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    We prove that the logarithmic-Sobolev constant for Zero-Range Processes in a box of diameter L may depend on L but not on the number of particles. This is a first, but relevant and quite technical step, in the proof that this logarithmic-Sobolev constant grows as L^2, that will be presented in a forthcoming paper

    Potential links between rural tourism and agriculture in the Northern Great Plain Region

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    Agriculture has played and still plays a significant role in the life of rural communities and in rural development. But, because agriculture yields low revenues, agricultural workers often need a source of additional income. Agriculture combines excellently with the growing of medicinal herbs, organic farming, handicrafts and tourism. Rural tourism, as originally conceived, is a source of revenue to supplement income from agriculture. In Hungary, however, the ties between these two activities are very weak. Our current research is focused on assessing the willingness of land owners and agricultural entrepreneurs in the Northern Great Plain region to engage in rural tourism, as well as the willingness of rural hosts to start agricultural activities. Additionally, we seek to assess the potential opportunities for combining agricultural activities and rural tourism in the region by identifying the factors behind the successful operation of profitable enterprises pursuing both lines of business. We also look at the potential economic results from these two activities, and how they might change the revenue levels of the region’s dwellers. We have administered our questionnaire to 122 enterprises so far. ------------------------------------ A mezÅ‘gazdaság a vidéki területek életében, a vidékfejlesztésben jelentÅ‘s funkciókat töltött és tölt be ma is. A mezÅ‘gazdaság alacsony jövedelemtermelÅ‘ képessége kapcsán azonban szükségessé válhat a mezÅ‘gazdaságban dolgozók jövedelmének kiegészítése. A tevékenységhez kitűnÅ‘en kapcsolható a gyógynövénytermesztés, biogazdálkodás, kézművesipari termékek előállítása és az idegenforgalom. A falusi vendéglátás klasszikus értelemben a mezÅ‘gazdaságból származó jövedelmet egészíti ki, azonban magyar viszonyok között a két tevékenység általában alig kapcsolódik egymáshoz. Jelenlegi kutatásunkban arra törekszünk, hogy felmérjük az Észak-alföldi Régióban működÅ‘ mezÅ‘gazdasági vállalkozók, földtulajdonosok hajlandóságát falusi turizmus végzésére, falusi vendéglátók készségét mezÅ‘gazdasági tevékenység folytatására, továbbá a mindkét tevékenységet végzÅ‘ gazdaságok sikeres működésének feltételeit meghatározva, lehatárolni a régió potenciális lehetÅ‘ségeit a mezÅ‘gazdasági tevékenység és a falusi vendéglátó tevékenység összekapcsolására. Vizsgáljuk továbbá azt is, hogy a két tevékenységnek milyen gazdasági eredménye lehet, illetve azok hogyan befolyásolhatják a vizsgált régióban élÅ‘k jövedelemviszonyait. Munkánk során eddig összesen 122 vállalkozás kérdőíves felmérését végeztük el.rural tourism, agriculture, land ownership, land use, expected profit, falusi vendéglátás, mezÅ‘gazdaság, földtulajdonlás, földhasználat, elvárható jövedelem, Agribusiness, Community/Rural/Urban Development,