25 research outputs found

    Sea turtIe conservation in the southeastern continental United States

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    A conservation program for sea turtIes in the southeastern continental United States

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    Education for critical moral consciousness

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    This paper proposes a lifespan developmental model of critical moral consciousness and examines its implications for education in childhood, adolescence and adulthood. Mature moral consciousness, central to negotiating the challenges of the 21st century, is characterized by a deepening lifelong integration of moral motivation, agency and critical discernment. The paper describes the evolution of moral consciousness through three levels; pre-critical consciousness (pCC), transitional critical consciousness (tCC) and critical consciousness (CC) and eight chronologically ascending psychosocial themes. It focuses on the ®rst two periods and operationalizes the role of education in cultivating the four dimensions of moral motivation: a moral sense of identity, a sense of responsibility and agency, a deep sense of relatedness on all levels of living and a sense of meaning and life purpose. The paper proposes a re-envisioning of education in the direction of integrating mind and heart, developing both moral motivation and critical discernment and integrating these into optimal consciousness

    Population dynamics and life histories of sea turtles

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    Phylogeography of the Timber Rattlesnake (Crotalus Horridus) Based on mtDNA Sequences

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    The Timber Rattlesnake (Crotalus horridus) is beset by a variety of conservation problems, including habitat loss and persecution. Effective management plans require an understanding of rangewide population structure and intraspecific evolutionary subdivisions. Northern and southern populations have been recognized as distinct subspecies, but this classification remains controversial. A proposed alternative arrangement recognizes southern, northern, and western morphotypes. To resolve intraspecific partitions, we examined a 319 base-pair (bp) fragment of mtDNA cytochrome b in 123 specimens of C. horridus. Neighbor-joining and parsimony analyses reveal a shallow gene genealogy (dmax = 0.024) and sharing of haplotypes among putative subspecies. Analysis of molecular variance demonstrates that traditional subspecific divisions explain only 3.5% of variation, whereas the alternative geographic classification (southern, northern, and western regions) explains 18.6% of genetic variation. The superior performance of the regional grouping can be attributed to an east-west phylogeographic partitioning at the Appalachian and Allegheny Mountain ranges, which were probably uninhabitable at higher elevations during glacial intervals. Distribution of haplotypes and climatic data suggest that a radiation into more northern areas occurred after the most recent (Wisconsinan) glaciation. Hence, the mtDNA data indicate distinct population segments across the range of C. horridus but do not show evolutionary separations that would support subspecific designations