4 research outputs found

    Influence of differing material properties in media and adventitia on arterial adaptation application to aneurysm formation and rupture

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    Experimental and computational studies suggest a substantial variation in the mechanical responses and collagen fibre orientations of the two structurally important layers of the arterial wall. Some observe the adventitia to be an order of magnitude stiffer than the media whilst others claim the opposite. Furthermore, studies show that molecular metabolisms may differ substantially in each layer. Following a literature review that juxtaposes the differing layer-specific results we create a range of different hypothetical arteries: (1) with different elastic responses, (2) different fibre orientations, and (3) different metabolic activities during adaptation. We use a finite element model to investigate the effects of those on: (1) the stress response in homeostasis; (2) the time course of arterial adaptation; and (3) an acute increase in luminal pressure due to a stressful event and its influence on the likelihood of aneurysm rupture. Interestingly, for all hypothetical cases considered, we observe that the adventitia acts to protect the wall against rupture by keeping stresses in the media and adventitia below experimentally observed ultimate strength values. Significantly, this conclusion holds true in pathological conditions

    Application of genetic algorithms for overall optimization of an active noise control system in an enclosure

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    One of the main important aspects in designing an active control system is the optimization of position and number of sensors and actuators. In this paper this problem is addressed for the implementation of a multi-channel active noise control (ANC) system with the aim of global reduction of broad-band noise in a telephone kiosk. This includes optimizing the locations for loudspeakers and microphones, finding proper size of the control system, i.e. the number of loudspeakers and microphones, and optimization of the control signals. The mean of acoustic potential energy in the enclosure in a frequency range of 50 Hz to 300 Hz is selected as the performance index for optimization purpose. Several genetic algorithms are proposed and compared to find the global minimum of this performance index. In order to have a better performance in reaching the global minimum, the parameters of these genetic algorithms are tuned, and the best genetic algorithm is selected among them. The main difference between the proposed algorithms is the used coding scheme. Numerical simulations of the acoustical potential energy and also sound pressure at the height where the head of a person may be located, confirms the optimality of the locations proposed by the genetic algorithm