5 research outputs found

    Risk factors of self-medication with antibiotics for acute pharyngitis

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    Background: Self-medicating with antibiotics is prevalent in low- and middle-income nations. This research sought to assess the perspectives on antibiotic usage and self-medication in case of acute pharyngitis, as well as the factors linked to self-medication among patients of a family doctor's clinic in Lublin, Poland. Methods: A original, fully anonymous survey was conducted among patients of a family doctor's clinic in Lublin. The descriptive statistics of answers in questionnaires and Automatic Linear Modeling Regression (LINEAR) was applied to point out the most significant predictors of the antibiotics misuse. Results: A response number of 262 participants was obtained. About 15,6% (41/262) respondents had self-medicated during the last year due to acute pharyngitis symptoms. We have identified the following important risk factors of anti-health behaviours connected with self-medication: frequent occurrence of symptoms of acute pharyngitis, frequent receiving antibiotics on prescription, frequent diagnosing a bacterial cause of sore throat, higher sensitivity to pain and lower education level. Surprisingly our research shows that women present lower sensitivity to pain than men in case of pain connected with acute pharyngitis. Conclusion: There is a need for greater attention paid to the education of the patients presenting the aforementioned risk factors. Education should focus on the risks to the patients connected with antimicrobial resistance

    Toxic substances in the household - cases of poisoning, therapy, complications

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    There are many toxic substances used in our houses. Rodent poisons are not the most common group of substances, but cases of poisoning still occur. Long-acting anticoagulant rodenticides, also called superwarfarins, are known for their greater potency, longer half-life and delayed onset of symptoms. Cases of superwarfarin poisoning can pose a diagnostic and clinical challenge due to a wide array of presentations and prolonged severe coagulopathy requiring months of high-dose oral vitamin K therapy. The most common presentation of long-acting anticoagulant rodenticide poisoning is mucocutaneous bleeding, with other common presentations including haematuria, gingival bleeding, epistaxis and gastrointestinal bleeding.We discuss a case of self-poisoning with long-acting anticoagulant rodenticides with a little presentation of sympthoms and disscus about another cases based on the found articles

    Carbon monoxide poisoning - cases, pathophysiology, management

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    Carbon monoxide poisoning is a common clinical problem, especially in autumn and winter. Carbon monoxide is an odorless, colorless gas and poisoning causes hypoxia, cell damage and consequently, can lead to death. Carbon monoxide exposure is measured directly from blood samples and expressed as a percentage of carboxyhemoglobin or indirectly using carbon monoxide in the breath. Carboxyhemoglobin percentage is the most commonly used biomarker of carbon monoxide exposure. Although the diagnosis of carbon monoxide poisoning can be confirmed by the detection of elevated levels of carboxyhemoglobin in the blood, the presence of clinical signs after known exposure to carbon monoxide should not be ignored. Carbon monoxide poisoning can have lasting effects. Physicians evaluating patients with acute poisoning should initiate treatment with normobaric oxygen and consider treatment with hyperbaric oxygen. Often, complete recovery after poisoning may not be possible and you should then refer for the treatment of complications to appropriate specialists

    Risk factors of self-medication with antibiotics for acute pharyngitis

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    Background: Self-medicating with antibiotics is prevalent in low- and middle-income nations. This research sought to assess the perspectives on antibiotic usage and self-medication in case of acute pharyngitis, as well as the factors linked to self-medication among patients of a family doctor's clinic in Lublin, Poland. Methods: A original, fully anonymous survey was conducted among patients of a family doctor's clinic in Lublin. The descriptive statistics of answers in questionnaires and Automatic Linear Modeling Regression (LINEAR) was applied to point out the most significant predictors of the antibiotics misuse. Results: A response number of 262 participants was obtained. About 15,6% (41/262) respondents had self-medicated during the last year due to acute pharyngitis symptoms. We have identified the following important risk factors of anti-health behaviours connected with self-medication: frequent occurrence of symptoms of acute pharyngitis, frequent receiving antibiotics on prescription, frequent diagnosing a bacterial cause of sore throat, higher sensitivity to pain and lower education level. Surprisingly our research shows that women present lower sensitivity to pain than men in case of pain connected with acute pharyngitis. Conclusion: There is a need for greater attention paid to the education of the patients presenting the aforementioned risk factors. Education should focus on the risks to the patients connected with antimicrobial resistance

    Frontotemporal Dementia: A Clinical Review

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    Frontotemporal dementia is a disease in which atrophic changes occur in the frontal lobes and frontal temporal lobes of the brain. Frontotemporal dementias are a clinically, neuroanatomically and pathologically diverse group of diseases that collectively constitute an important cause of young-onset dementia. The most common form of frontotemporal dementia is the so-called behavioral variant of frontotemporal dementia. Underlying these pathological changes is the degeneration of nerve cells (i.e. neurons), which occurs through the accumulation of abnormal proteins inside them. Therefore, the review of current studies in the subject of Frontotemporal dementia was conducted in order to access possible risk factors and new ways of management and treatment of this complex disease