91 research outputs found

    The relationship between entrapment and suicidal behavior through the lens of the integrated motivational-volitional model of suicidal behavior

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    Suicide and suicidal behavior are major public health concerns. As a result, a number of psychological models have been developed to better understand the emergence of suicidal ideation and suicide attempts. One such model is the integrated motivational–volitional model, a tri-partite model of suicidal behavior, which posits that entrapment is central to the final common pathway to suicide. In this review, we summarize the extant research evidence for the relationship between entrapment and suicidal ideation and behavior. Although there is robust evidence for the relationship between entrapment and suicidal ideation and behavior, there are gaps in our knowledge. We discuss the clinical implications and suggest key directions for future research

    Increase in self-injury as a method of self-harm in Ghent, Belgium : 1987-2013

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    Background : Self-harm is a major health care problem and changes in its prevalence and characteristics can have important implications for suicide prevention. The objective was to describe trends in the epidemiology of self-harm based on emergency department (A&E departments) visits over a 26-year period in Ghent, Belgium. Methods : We analyzed data on all self-harm presentations from the three large general hospitals in Ghent between 1987 and 2013. We investigated trends in prevalence (events by year per 100.000), methods and alcohol use. Results : Rates of self-harm steadily decreased during the 26-year study period. In general female rates of self-harm were higher than male rates. The mean patient age was 35 years. The most commonly used method of self-harm was self-poisoning by means of an overdose of medication (80.8%), followed by cutting (10.2%) and hanging (4.2%). Psychotropics (including antidepressants, benzodiazepines, barbiturates and other tranquilizers) were the most frequently used drugs (74.5%). A proportional increase in the use of self-injurious methods in self-harm was highly significant, more specifically in the use of hanging, jumping from heights and the use of other violent methods such as the use of firearms, jumping before a moving object or other traffic related injury. Conclusion : This epidemiological study showed an increase in the use of high-lethality methods in self-harm which has important implications for suicide prevention. As restrictions in the availability of these methods are difficult or impossible to achieve, prevention programmes will have to emphasize the role of thorough psychosocial assessment and adequate follow-up care of self-harm patients

    Looking to the future: a synthesis of new developments and challenges in suicide research and prevention

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    Suicide and attempted suicide are major public health concerns. In recent decades, there have been many welcome developments in understanding and preventing suicide, as well as good progress in intervening with those who have attempted suicide. Despite these developments, though, considerable challenges remain. In this article, we explore both the recent developments and the challenges ahead for the field of suicide research and prevention. To do so, we consulted 32 experts from 12 countries spanning four continents who had contributed to the International Handbook of Suicide Prevention (2nd edition). All contributors nominated, in their view, (i) the top 3 most exciting new developments in suicide research and prevention in recent years, and (ii) the top 3 challenges. We have synthesized their suggestions into new developments and challenges in research and practice, giving due attention to implications for psychosocial interventions. This Perspective article is not a review of the literature, although we did draw from the suicide research literature to obtain evidence to elucidate the responses from the contributors. Key new developments and challenges include: employing novel techniques to improve the prediction of suicidal behaviour; testing and applying theoretical models of suicidal behaviour; harnessing new technologies to monitor and intervene in suicide risk; expanding suicide prevention activities to low and middle-income countries; moving towards a more refined understanding of sub-groups of people at risk and developing tailored interventions. We also discuss the importance of multidisciplinary working and the challenges of implementing interventions in practice

    Medication used in intentional drug overdose in Flanders 2008-2013

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    Background : Intentional drug overdose is the most common method of self-harm. As psychiatric disorders are very common in self-harm patients, the medication used to treat these disorders can become the means for the self-harm act. The present study aimed at investigating an association between the use of prescribed medication (analgesics and antipyretics, anti-epileptics, antipsychotics, antidepressants and psychostimulants) as a method of self-harm and prescription rates of this medication in Flanders. We investigated the possible effect of gender, alcohol use during the self-harm act and a history of self-harm. Methods : Data from the multicenter study of self-harm in Flanders between 2008 and 2013 were used. The significance of differences in percentages was calculated by GEE and the strength by odds ratios (OR). Results : There was an increase in the odds of using antidepressants (0.8%) and antipsychotics (2%) among females when the rate of prescription increases. Analgesics and antipyretics (39.3/1,000) and antidepressants (124.9/1,000) were the most commonly prescribed drugs among females. Antidepressants (63.9/1,000) and antipsychotics (26.5/1,000) were the most commonly prescribed drugs among males. Antidepressants and analgesics and antipyretics were the most frequently used medications for self-harm. Analgesics and antipyretics during the self-harm act were more common among first-timers, while repeaters more commonly overdosed using antipsychotics and antidepressants. Conclusion : These findings suggest that the availability of medication via prescriptions plays an important role in the choice of the medication ingested during the self-harm act. Precautions are necessary when prescribing medication, including restrictions on the number of prescriptions and the return of unused medication to pharmacies after cessation of treatment. These issues should be a focus of attention in the education and training of physicians and pharmacists

    Exploring the relative importance of work-organizational burnout risk factors in Belgian residents

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    Previous research has shown that residents are at risk for developing burnout. Most burnout measures focus on individual risk factors, although work-organizational-focused measures might be beneficial as well. This study analyzed the relative importance of positive and negative work-organizational stressors, according to residents themselves. Eleven work-organizational themes were found with deductive reasoning and two themes, recognition and success experiences, were found inductively. Main positive stressors are professional development, receiving feedback, experiencing success, autonomy and social support. Main negative stressors are high workloads, role conflicts/ambiguity, long work hours, and a lack of feedback, a lack of social support, and a lack of professional development. Measures to improve residents’ well-being should not only focus on reducing workload and work hours. Our results suggest to allocate resources to improve supervisors’ skills, such as providing social support, feedback, and recognition. A better match between internship obligations and residents’ studies could also contribute positively to this purpose

    SuĂŻcidepreventie bij ouderen : onderbelicht, maar van levensbelang

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    Met 1000 suïcides per jaar en gemiddeld 28 suïcidepogingen per dag, treft suïcide veel mensen in Vlaanderen, waaronder ook ouderen. In vergelijking met andere leeftijdsgroepen vormen mannen boven de 70 jaar zelfs dé belangrijkste risicogroep. Toch blijft de thematiek vaak onder de oppervlakte. Het Vlaams Expertisecentrum Suïcidepreventie (VLESP) bepleit meer bespreekbaarheid en bracht met de steun van de Vlaamse Overheid adviezen en een e-learning module uit over hoe zorg- en hulpverleners ouderen met suïcidegedachten kunnen helpen

    Knowledge, self-confidence and attitudes towards suicidal patients at emergency and psychiatric departments : a randomised controlled trial of the effects of an educational poster campaign

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    Educational posters are used to enhance knowledge, attitudes and self-confidence of patients. Little is known on their effectiveness for educating health care professionals. As these professionals may play an important role in suicide prevention, the effects of a poster and accompanying evaluation and triage guide on knowledge, self-confidence and attitudes regarding suicidal thoughts and behaviours, were studied in a multicentre cluster randomised controlled trial, involving staff from 39 emergency and 38 psychiatric departments throughout Flanders (n = 1171). Structured self-report questionnaires assessed the knowledge, confidence and beliefs regarding suicidal behaviour management, and attitudes. Data were analysed through a Solomon four-group design, with random assignment to the different conditions. Baseline scores for knowledge and provider confidence were high. The poster and accompanying evaluation and triage guide did not have an effect on knowledge about suicide and self-confidence in suicidal behaviour management. However, the poster campaign appeared to be beneficial for attitudes towards suicidal patients, but only among staff from mental health departments that were assigned to the un-pretested condition. Given the limited effects of the poster campaign in the studied population with a relatively high baseline knowledge, the evaluation of this poster as part of a multimodal educational programme in a more heterogeneous sample of health care professionals is recommended
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