12 research outputs found

    Juvenile technologies as a system of organisation of social partnership of the state and society

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    The article presents the analysis of different approaches to the definition of "juvenile technologies", presented both in scientific publications and in the activities of institutions engaged in the work with minors, including those who have found themselves in difficult situations and/or in conflict with the law. The analysis of the organization of interdepartmental cooperation between governmental bodies of Omsk Region and social institutions, as well as educational organizations on the implementation of juvenile technologies in Omsk region has been conducted. The study allowed posing the problem of inconsistencies in the understanding of juvenile technologies, which does not allow establishing an effective juvenile system. The authors propose an alternative vision of the concepts. It is proposed to increase the efficiency of the use of juvenile technologies at the expense of the organization of continuous monitoring of the implementation of juvenile technologies in the region, where pedagogical, psychological, legal, financial valuation criteria would be presented

    Detection of Underground Utilities in the Territory of Old City Buildings Under Asphalt Concrete Covering by GPR

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    В статье приведены результаты поиска подземных коммуникаций, в частности, канализационных труб, колодца и бетонного лотка с кабельной линией на заасфальтированном участке одной из улиц г. Якутска Республики Саха (Якутия) с помощью метода георадиолокации. Известно, что поиск действующих коммуникаций с помощью данного метода является достаточно сложной задачей для условий старой городской застройки, с погребенными остовами прежних строений, брошенными неисправными трубопроводами и неравномерно распределенными свойствами обследуемых грунтов. В качестве поискового прибора использовался георадар серии «ОКО‑2» (группа компаний «ЛогиС-Геотех», Россия) с антенным блоком АБ‑250 (центральная частота 250 МГц). Для обработки георадиолокационных данных применено программное обеспечение ПО «GeoScan32», в процессе обработки радарограмм использовали полосовой и режекторный (полосно-заграждающий) фильтры. Наблюдение за изменением времени задержки сигналов, их амплитудой, а также прослеживание осей синфазности позволило выявлять в толще грунтов различные объекты и границы. Отмечено, что все радарограммы насыщены гиперболами – отражениями от локальных объектов и от пересечений различных линейных объектов. Их присутствие, возможно, связано с заброшенными подземными коммуникациями, остатками фундаментов старых строений и прочим техногенным мусором, накопившимся за долгие годы развития города. Положение подземных коммуникаций, выявленных методом георадиолокации, местами подтверждается визуальным наблюдением на местности по проседанию асфальта в окрестности погребенного колодца и по присутствующим на поверхности люкамThe article presents the results of a search for underground utilities, in particular, sewer pipes, a well and a concrete tray with a cable line on an asphalted section of one of the streets of Yakutsk, Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) using the GPR. It is known that the search for communications using this method is a rather difficult task due to “air” interference and uneven properties of the surveyed soils. The GPR of the OKO‑2 series (LogiS-Geotech group of companies, Russia) with an AB‑250 antenna unit (center frequency 250 MHz) was used as a search device. GeoScan32 software was used to process GPR data; in the process of processing radargrams, bandpass and notch (bandstop) filters were used. Observation of the change in the signal delay time, their amplitude, as well as tracking the common- mode axes made it possible to identify various objects and boundaries in the soil thickness. It is noted that all radargrams are saturated with hyperbolas – reflections from local objects and from the intersections of various linear objects. Their presence is possibly associated with abandoned underground utilities, the skeletons of old buildings and other debris that has accumulated over the years of the city’s development. The position of underground utilities identified by georadar is confirmed by visual observation on the ground by subsidence of asphalt in the vicinity of the buried well and by hatches present on the surfac

    Development of score models for severe course risk assessment of febrile form of tick-borne encephalitis

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    Background. There is no current generally accepted classification and clinical approaches to assess the clinical course severity of tick-borne encephalitis.   The aim is to develop models for the quantitative severity scores of the febrile form of tick-borne encephalitis using the most informative predictors.   Materials and methods. In accordance with clinical criteria of the height and duration of fever, two groups of 9 and 30 patients (52.2 ± 4.3 and 49.5 ± 3.9 years old) with severe and non-severe febrile form of tick-borne encephalitis were formed. The study design was a retrospective case-control study. Statistical significance assessment of variables was carried out using the chi-square test. The odds ratios were also calculated. The development of logistic regression models was carried out using Statistica 12.0 modules.   Results. A questionnaire of febrile form of tick-borne encephalitis severity score was developed using the height of fever and 11 most informative clinical predictors including arthralgia, chills, sleep disturbance, dizziness, orbital pain, nausea, photophobia, myalgia, severe headache, vomiting and meningism. To predict the severe clinical course of febrile form of tick-borne encephalitis, two logistic regression models were developed with or without severity score assessment of fever syndrome (coefficients α and β were –12.13 and 0.94 and –5.78 and 0.75 for models 1 and 2, respectively). Models 1 and 2 demonstrated a high predicted probability for cut-off values equal to 14 and 9 points and excellent quality of prediction test (AUC are equal to 0.99 and 0.98, respectively).   Conclusions. The models of severity score demonstrated high predicted probabilities to predict severe clinical course of febrile form of tick-borne encephalitis, which can be used in clinical practice and for scientific purposes

    Прогностическая значимость общеклинического анализа крови для ранней диагностики микст-инфекции безэритемной формы иксодового клещевого боррелиоза и клещевого энцефалита

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    Objective: is to develop a model for early diagnosis of mixed infection of the non-erythema migrans form of Lyme borreliosis and tick-borne encephalitis using the assessment of the complete blood count and the blood leukocyte indices of patients in the first week of the disease.Materials and methods. The retrospective clinical study involved Group 1 of 27 patients with the mixed infection of the non-erythema migrans form of Lyme borreliosis and the febrile form of tick-borne encephalitis and Group 2 of 29 patients with the monoinfection of the non-erythema migrans form of Lyme borreliosis, who were hospitalized no later than in the 7th day of the disease. The average age of patients in Groups 1 and 2 was 50.6±3.4 and 49.9±2.3. We analyzed 14 parameters of the complete blood count as well as calculated the leukocyte intoxication index and the body resistance index. Statistical significance assessment was carried out using the chi-square test and ROC analysis. Logistic regression model was developed using STATISTICA 12.0 modules.Results. The levels of the band and polymorphonuclear neutrophils (<0,001 и p=0,002) and the leukocyte intoxication index (p<0,001) were significantly higher and the levels of the body resistance index (p<0.001), lymphocytes (p<0.001) and platelets (p=0.004) were lower in Group 1 than in Group 2. Informative predictors of mixed infection included the body resistance index (AUC=0.77), leukocyte intoxication index (AUC=0.75), the band and polymorphonuclear neutrophils (AUC=0.74), lymphocytes (AUC=0.77), and platelets (AUC=0.70). Logistic regression model has a “very good” predictive value (AUC=0.85) and include two parameters: body resistance index and platelets (×109/L).Conclusion. The developed model has a “very good” predictive value for early diagnosis of the mixed infection of the non-erythema migrans form of Lyme borreliosis and tickborne encephalitis before laboratory diagnosis confirmation. Цель: разработка модели ранней диагностики микст-инфекции безэритемной формы иксодового клещевого боррелиоза и клещевого энцефалита на основе изучения информативности предикторов общеклинического анализа крови и лейкоцитарных индексов у больных в первую неделю заболевания.Материалы и методы. В ретроспективное клиническое исследование было включено 27 пациентов с микстинфекцией безэритемной формы ранней локализованной стадии иксодового клещевого боррелиоза и лихорадочной формы клещевого энцефалита (группа 1) и 29 больных моноинфекцией безэритемной формы иксодового клещевого боррелиоза (группа 2), госпитализированных не позднее 7-го дня заболевания. Средний возраст больных в группах 1 и 2 был 50,6±3,4 и 49,9±2,3 лет. Проанализированы 14 показателей общеклинического анализа крови и рассчитаны лейкоцитарный индекс интоксикации по Я.Я. Кальф-Калифу и индекс резистентности организма. Для статистического анализа применяли критерий «хи-квадрат» и ROC-анализ. Разработка моделей логистической регрессии проводились с помощью модулей STATISTICA 12.0.Результаты. Больные в группе 1 по сравнению с группой 2 имели существенно более высокие уровни таких показателей, как палочкоядерные и сегментоядерные нейтрофилы (p<0,001 и p=0,002) и лейкоцитарный индекс интоксикации (p<0,001) при одновременном значительном снижении уровней индекса резистентности организма (p<0,001), лимфоцитов (p<0,001) и тромбоцитов (p=0,004). Предикторами микст-инфекции, имеющими «хороший» прогноз, были индекс резистентности организма (AUC=0,77), лейкоцитарный индекс интоксикации (AUC=0,75), палочкоядерные и сегментоядерные нейтрофилы (AUC=0,74), лимфоциты (AUC=0,77) и тромбоциты (AUC=0,70). Для ранней диагностики микст-инфекции была построена модель логистической регрессии, имеющая «очень хорошую» прогностическую значимость (AUC=0,85), которая включала две переменные: индекс резистентности организма и тромбоциты (×109 /л).Заключение. Разработанная модель позволяет с высокой вероятностью прогнозировать микст-инфекцию безэритемной формы иксодового клещевого боррелиоза и клещевого энцефалита до лабораторной верификации диагноза

    Antiaggregant therapy in neurological practice: objectives and possibilities

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    Based on the data available in the literature, the authors consider the prevention of ischemic stroke and other cardiovascular diseases in high-risk group patients. Timely identification and assessment of risk factors in a specific patient allow one to elaborate individual and the most optimal management tactics and to define rational drug therapy. Antiplatelet therapy the efficiency of which has been confirmed during randomized clinical trials is pathogenetically warranted. The paper considers the preventive and therapeutic efficacy of different groups of anriaggregants, such as aspirin, thienopyridines, and dipyridamole. It also gives data on the use of surgical and X-ray techniques to prevent cerebral circulatory disorders

    New approaches to emergency prevention and treatment of viral infections by the example of tick-borne encephalitis and influenza

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    Jodantipyrin® is an inductor of endogenous interferon (IFN) which is used in the treatment of a variety of viral infections, including tick-borne encephalitis (TBE) and influenza. The purpose of the study was to evaluate the effectiveness of Jodantipyrin® in the emergency prevention and/or treatment of influenza and the febrile form of TBE


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    Abstract. We investigated immunogenic properties of vaccine constructs based on lipid-saponin tubular immunostimulating  complexes  (TI-complexes),  and  an  individual  antigen,  i.e.,  monomeric  and  trimeric forms of porin isolated from Yersinia pseudotuberculosis. An opportunity of enhanced immune response to TI-embedded porin was shown upon addition of echinochrome A (ECA) from sea urchin Scaphechinus mirabilis to TI-complexes. Immunization of mice with such a vaccine preparation results into a more intense specific humoral immune response to monomeric and trimeric forms of porin. (Med. Immunol., 2011, vol. 13, N 2-3, pp 139-144