30 research outputs found

    Contributions of academic articles to the practice of journalism and data management

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    The increasing number of open data resources and the arrival of big data have boosted the data available as a source of news. Journalists need new skills for collecting the data and creating the news. In addition, all this data can also be used to provide new media services and to take media business decisions, and journalists need new skills related to data for these tasks. Taking into account these areas of knowledge required by journalists for the use of data, we perform a structured literature review (SLR) followed by a content analysis. The results confirm the relevance of data management in journalistic practice, requiring skills in statistics, data visualization, technology, but also in ethics, marketing or audience monitoring

    Cuarenta a帽os de polarizaci贸n ideol贸gica en Espa帽a

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    This article analyses the evolution of ideological polarisation in the Spanish party system since 1979. We offer a reformulation to improve the index鈥檚 accuracy when measuring polarization and apply it to the 14 general elections held in the country since the approval of the current Constitution. The results show the development consisting of two separated periods of seven elections each, together with a clear increase in ideological polarisation since 2015, reaching an alltime high at the present time. The measurement of ideological polarisation is complemented with the volatility and electoral competition generated by the arrival of new parties. The most notable increases happened after critical elections, this is, elections in which a substantial and long-lasting changes in electoral aligning took place.Este art铆culo analiza la evoluci贸n de la polarizaci贸n ideol贸gica en el sistema de partidos espa帽ol desde 1979. Se propone una reformulaci贸n del 铆ndice de Dalton para medir la polarizaci贸n en Espa帽a y se aplica a las 14 elecciones generales celebradas desde la aprobaci贸n de la Constituci贸n. Los resultados indican una evoluci贸n con dos periodos distintos de siete elecciones cada uno y un claro aumento de la polarizaci贸n ideol贸gica desde 2015, alcanzando un m谩ximo hist贸rico en la actualidad. La medici贸n de la polarizaci贸n ideol贸gica se complementa con la volatilidad y la competencia electoral generada por la llegada de nuevos partidos. Los mayores incrementos de la polarizaci贸n se produjeron en elecciones que encajan en el concepto de elecciones cr铆ticas, es decir, elecciones que producen un cambio sustancial y duradero en los alineamientos electorales 聽聽聽

    Young adults' interaction with online news and advertising

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    This research aims to portray the way young adult people interact with news and how their consumption is affected by advertising and personal data sharing. "Digital News Report Spain 2018", a questionnaire on the consumption of digital media undertaken by a national panel of 2,023 Internet users, is used as a main source. Among the users mentioned, there were 293 young people from 25 to 34 years old who belong to the Millennial generation. Data from this report was completed with a qualitative study in which two focus groups were held, featuring people of that age frame residing in Navarre. The paper concludes that young adult people are generally interested in news, which they access mainly via mobile devices. Their interest grows when the content affects them directly, but also if they empathize with the topic. On the other hand, their familiar background and social routines shape the way they receive information. Young adult people still make use of traditional media, although they consider it ideologically biased. Advertising is something annoying, although they generally have little knowledge and even less intention to use ad-blockers. Finally, their review of the personalized services is negative, but they tend to give away personal data to media if this facilitates their news access.Esta investigaci贸n tiene como objetivo caracterizar c贸mo interact煤an los j贸venes adultos con las noticias, en qu茅 medida su consumo se ve condicionado por la presencia de publicidad y si se preocupan por la cesi贸n de datos personales. Para ello, se toma como punto de partida el 芦Digital News Report Spain 2018禄, informe elaborado a partir de un cuestionario sobre consumo de medios digitales a un panel nacional de 2.023 internautas; de ellos, 293 son j贸venes de 25-34 a帽os, que pertenecen a la generaci贸n 芦millennials禄. Estos datos se completaron con un estudio cualitativo, realizando dos grupos de discusi贸n con personas de esa franja de edad residentes en la Comunidad Foral de Navarra. Entre las conclusiones de la investigaci贸n se se帽ala que los j贸venes adultos se interesan por las noticias, a las que acceden de manera prioritaria por dispositivos m贸viles. Este inter茅s es mayor cuando el contenido les afecta directamente o si empatizan con la tem谩tica de la noticia. Por otra parte, el entorno familiar y las rutinas sociales condicionan su manera de informarse. Siguen accediendo a medios tradicionales, aunque los consideran ideologizados. La publicidad la perciben como molesta, si bien no hay conocimiento ni un uso generalizado de bloqueadores. Finalmente, valoran negativamente los servicios de personalizaci贸n actuales, aunque ceden algunos datos personales a los medios si le facilita el acceso a la informaci贸n

    Creating an Index to Calculate the Level of Convergence of a Medium

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    Since the end of 1990's, media are undergoing great changes brought by digital technology, with the objective to optimize resources and enrich contents. The concept of convergence has a relevant significance in this process. We see the convergence as an integrating process of traditional separated media outlets and modes of communication that affect business, technology, professionals, and audiences at all stages of production, delivery, and consumption of contents of any kind (information, entertainment, and advertising). This paper provides a methodological tool for calculating an index over which reflects the level of convergence of a medium. This proposal, fruit of the work of a collective research project -which is currently carried out by a numerous group of Spanish scholars with public funding (see for details our website _www.infotendencias.com/objetivos_)-, is based on the following variables: relationships among newsrooms, media polyvalence, type of collaboration on contents development, and type of contents delivery

    Television audience measurement: proposals of the industry in the era of digitalization

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    The arrival of digitalization has modi 颅 fied television consumption. Audiovisual content can still be enjoyed live via tele 颅 vision sets but now we can also watch it on the screens of other devices such as computers, tablets or mobile phones. It can also be watched at the time the viewer prefers, being recorded in digi 颅 tal devices or accessed via the Internet. Thus, advertisers and broadcasters re 颅 quire audience data regardless of the type of screen or the time of consump 颅 tion and the audience measurement in 颅 dustry needs to meet this requirement with new proposals. In this paper, we comment on the main challenges faced by the traditional te 颅 levision audience measurement (TAM) systems due to digitalization. We review recent academic and professional con 颅 tributions that show how television con 颅 sumption is changing and how these changes affect audience measurement. Once the challenges are presented, we revise the requirements of the adver颅 tising market participants and how the most important TAM companies are responding. Our purpose is to analyse the adequacy of the research industry proposals and try to summarise the main characteristics that the best au 颅 dience measurement systems should offer in the new television consumption landscape

    Fuentes de informaci贸n en las 谩reas de comunicaci贸n y marketing en Espa帽a

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    En este documento se presentan bases de datos con informaciones de inter茅s en comunicaci贸n y marketing (sobre medios, productos y servicios) y fuentes de car谩cter oficial. Se comenta la informaci贸n que ofrecen, la instituci贸n responsable de los datos y c贸mo se obtienen. Son de especial inter茅s para publicidad y relaciones p煤blicas

    T茅cnicas de investigaci贸n online: aportaciones de los estudios de Medici贸n de Audiencias de Internet

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    Los datos de audiencias son esenciales en el 谩mbito de los medios de comunicaci贸n ya que permiten a los agentes de este mercado establecer las tarifas publicitarias y tomar decisiones de gesti贸n. Internet, como nuevo medio de comuni- caci贸n, tambi茅n precisa datos de audiencia con las mismas garant铆as de calidad e imparcialidad que el resto de medios. Los estudios que buscan estos datos se de- sarrollan con rapidez, aplicando t茅cnicas que se revisan y mejoran constantemente para lograr informaci贸n fiable. Estos estudios nos proporcionan datos de la audien- cia, sobre c贸mo son los internautas, e informaci贸n de inter茅s para dise帽ar una inves- tigaci贸n aplicando t茅cnicas online. En este trabajo, presentaremos algunas aportaciones que realizan los estudios de medici贸n de la audiencia de internet en Espa帽a de cara a la aplicaci贸n de investiga- ciones online. Concretamente, se analizara la informaci贸n ofrecida por la Asociaci贸n para la Investigaci贸n de Medios de Comunicaci贸n, el Estudio General de Internet y Nielsen//Netratings