5 research outputs found

    Allergen-specific IgE antibody levels (kUA/L) and CD4 counts in HIV-positive patients with low CD4 counts (#14–21) for whom sequential serum samples were available.

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    <p>CD4 counts (right y-axes) and allergen-specific IgE levels (left y-axes) measured in serum samples obtained at different points of time (x-axes) are shown. The usual periods of the grass and tree pollen season is indicated in green and brown, respectively.</p

    Allergen-specific IgE antibody levels (kUA/L) and CD4 counts in HIV-positive patients with AIDS (#8–11) and in HIV-positive patients with CD4 counts below 200/µl (#12–13).

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    <p>CD4 counts (right y-axes) and allergen-specific IgE levels (left y-axes) measured in serum samples obtained at different points of time (x-axes) are shown. The usual periods of the grass and tree pollen season is indicated in green and brown, respectively.</p

    Demographic, clinical and immunological characterization of ten HIV infected patients with low CD4 counts.

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    <p>Displayed are age, sex and ranges of CD4 counts for follow-up sera. Allergic symptoms and positive results obtained by skin prick testing and determination of allergen-specific IgE are summarized.</p><p>Abbreviations: F: female; M: male; R: rhinitis; RC: rhinoconjunctivitis; U: urticaria; AB: asthma bronchiale; AP: allergic pharyngitis; SPT: skin prick test; Der p: <i>Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus</i>; n.k.: not known;</p

    Monitoring of CD4+ and CD8+ T-cell counts, viral loads and IgG reactivity profiles to HIV-1 clade C-derived proteins and peptides during infection and treatment.

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    <p>Displayed are percentages of CD4+ T-cells, CD4+ and CD8+ T-cell counts, viral loads and levels of IgG antibodies to HIV-1 clade C-derived proteins and peptides (the box shows color codes of antigens and peptides) over time (top line) for patients with variable antibody reactivity profiles (A: patient #3; B: patient #10; C: patient #12; D: patient #9). Abbreviations: 0, 1<sup>st</sup> positive test / 1<sup>st</sup> visit; ART, antiretroviral therapy; ART1, ART2 and ART3 denote different ART regimens; y, years; m, months; VL, viral load; n.a., not available; n.d., not done; OD, optical density; Prot., Proteins; MA, matrix; CA, capsid; NC, nucleocapsid; PR, protease; RR, reverse transcriptase+RNAseH; IN, integrase; HSA, human serum albumin.</p

    Purity and immunoreactivity of recombinant HIV-1 clade C structural, accessory and <i>pol</i>-derived proteins.

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    <p>(A) Coomassie-stained SDS-PAGE containing recombinant matrix (MA), capsid (CA), nucleocapsid (NC), NEF, TAT, VIF, protease (PR), reverse transcriptase+RNAseH (RR), integrase (IN) and molecular weight markers (M). Molecular weights (kDa) are indicated on the left. SDS-PAGE analysis of NEF was performed on a separate gel with identical molecular weight marker as for structural and accessory proteins. (B) Frequencies and intensities (y-axes: number of reactive sera; <i>OD</i> levels color-coded) of IgG, IgG subclass, IgA and IgM responses of African (left) and European (right) patients to structural, accessory and <i>pol</i>-derived proteins (x-axes).</p