492 research outputs found

    A report on amblyopia research at Pacific University College of Optometry

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    A report on amblyopia research at Pacific University College of Optometr

    Ninth Annual Red Clay Conference

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    How will construction of the Mall of Georgia impact the environment? How can Atlanta\u27s traffic congestion and water system comply with the Clean Air and Clean Water Acts? What will the proposed EPA ozone standard mean for Georgia businesses? These questions and many more were examined

    Depuration of Macondo (MC-252) Oil Found in Heterotrophic Scleractinian Corals (Tubastrea coccinea and Tubastrea micranthus) on Offshore Oil/Gas Platforms in the Gulf

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    The impetus for this study began on 8 May 2011, when we noted sporadic mortality of colonies of orange—cup corals, Tubastrea coccinea (Lesson, 1829), and green sun corals, Tubastrea micranthus (Ehrenberg, 1834; Cnidaria, Anthozoa, Scleractinia) among colonies of coral that appeared to be in good health at the GI 90 block platforms. Colonies of T. coccinea which appeared to be healthy displayed markedly less tissue regression and were bright orange in color. The morbid polyps were dark brown or black. The corals were collected, transported to the laboratory, and segregated; healthy—appearing corals were placed in quarantine tanks. After 12 h in quarantine tanks, the coral exudate turned the tank water black and the colonies died within 48 h. After observing this unusual behavior, we decided to document subsequent collection events and analyze the discharged oil to determine its source

    Four decades of SAMMIE

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    SAMMIE (System for Aiding Man Machine Interaction Evaluation) is a digital human modelling system that has been in development and use for the past 40 years. Three-dimensional geometric representations of working environments and specific equipment can be built using SAMMIE and evaluated using a human model that is a 3D representation of the human body with articulation at all major body joints. Joint movements are constrained in a realistic fashion and the body shape can be varied to represent the size and shape of the relevant national or occupational populations. SAMMIE is intended for use in the very early stages of the design process, potentially saving costly design changes, to test the suitability of environments for the appropriate user populations

    Synchrotron x-ray scattering of magnetic and electronic structure of UN and U2N3 epitaxial films

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    We examine the magnetic ordering of UN and of a closely related nitride, U2N3, by preparing thin epitaxial films and using synchrotron x-ray techniques. The magnetic configuration and subsequent coupling to the lattice are key features of the electronic structure. The well-known antiferromagnetic (AF) ordering of UN is confirmed, but the expected accompanying distortion at Tn is not observed. Instead, we propose that the strong magneto-elastic interaction at low temperature involves changes in the strain of the material. These strains vary as a function of the sample form. As a consequence, the accepted AF configuration of UN may be incorrect. In the case of cubic a-U2N3, no single crystals have been previously prepared, and we have determined the AF ordering wave-vector. The AF Tn is close to that previously reported. In addition, resonant diffraction methods have identified an aspherical quadrupolar charge contribution in U2N3 involving the 5f electrons; the first time this has been observed in an actinide compound

    Novel approaches to the construction of miniaturized analytical instrumentation

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    This paper focuses on the design, construction, preliminary testing, and potential applications of three forms of miniaturized analytical instrumentation. The first is an optical fiber instrument for monitoring pH and other cations in aqueous solutions. The instrument couples chemically selective indicators that were immobilized at porous polymeric films with a hardware package that provides the excitation light source, required optical components, and detection and data processing hardware. The second is a new form of a piezoelectric mass sensor. The sensor was fabricated by the deposition of a thin (5.5 micron) film of piezoelectric aluminum nitride (AIN). The completed deposition process yields a thin film resonator (TFR) that is shaped as a 400 micron square and supports a standing bulk acoustic wave in a longitudinal mode at frequencies of approx. 1 GHz. Various deposition and vapor sorption studies indicate that the mass sensitivity of the TFR's rival those of the most sensitive mass sensors currently available, though offering such performance in a markedly smaller device. The third couples a novel form of liquid chromatography with microlithographic miniaturization techniques. The status of the miniaturization effort, the goal of which is to achieve chip-scale separations, is briefly discussed

    Ergonomic assessment of the driving cabs of railway vehicles

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    The GB Rail Safety and Standards Board (RSSB) is currently revising the rail-specific human factors recommendations for an update to Railway Group Standard GM/RT2161, 1995, "Requirements for Driving Cabs of Railway Vehicles". With this objective, the human modelling system SAMMIE (System for Aiding Man Machine Interaction Evaluation) has been used to test a number of train cab designs. An anthropometric review of the train driving population was undertaken to provide data for this analysis. This was done to allow a comparison between the train driving population and the national population, with the aim of creating multivariate human models that could be used in SAMMIE. 109 train drivers were measured giving ten dimensions per driver that were then used to create human models in the software. These train drivers were measured at 4 locations in England and Scotland. In parallel with this activity the (former) GNER (Great North Eastern Railway) Class 43 train cabs (original and revised) were measured and modelled in the SAMMIE software. Each train cab was then assessed using a range of human model sizes in order to determine if they meet existing standards regarding track visibility, seat design, control and displays design, and distance of the eye point from the windscreen. The assessment highlighted a number of recommendations regarding seat design and control location. It is anticipated that the successful analysis of the Class 43 train cab will result in an expansion of the use of human modelling software in the rail industry

    UNLV College of Education Multicultural & Diversity Newsletter

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    Each morning I wound my way up the steep hill along the deeply rutted dirt path, exchanging daily maaa\u27s with five bleating sheep and shouting out, ¡Hola! in response to the children who gleefully identified me as ¡Gringa! Women and children, colorful bowls of cooked maize balanced atop their heads, sauntered to and from Maria Elena\u27s where their maize would be ground; at home the dough would be shaped and flattened into tortillas, the mainstay of every meal in the small Guatemalan village of San Juan