26 research outputs found

    Interplay of Sugar, Light and Gibberellins in Expression of Rosa hybrida Vacuolar Invertase 1 Regulation

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    Our previous findings showed that the expression of the Rosa hybrida vacuolar invertase 1 gene (RhVI1) was tightly correlated with the ability of buds to grow out and was under sugar, gibberellin and light control. Here, we aimed to provide an insight into the mechanistic basis of this regulation. In situ hybridization showed that RhVI1 expression was localized in epidermal cells of young leaves of bursting buds. We then isolated a 895 bp fragment of the promoter of RhVI1. In silico analysis identified putative cis-elements involved in the response to sugars, light and gibberellins on its proximal part (595 bp). To carry out functional analysis of the RhVI1 promoter in a homologous system, we developed a direct method for stable transformation of rose cells. 5â€Č deletions of the proximal promoter fused to the uidA reporter gene were inserted into the rose cell genome to study the cell’s response to exogenous and endogenous stimuli. Deletion analysis revealed that the 468 bp promoter fragment is sufficient to trigger reporter gene activity in response to light, sugars and gibberellins. This region confers sucrose- and fructose-, but not glucose-, responsive activation in the dark. Inversely, the –595 to –468 bp region that carries the sugar-repressive element (SRE) is required to down-regulate the RhVI1 promoter in response to sucrose and fructose in the dark. We also demonstrate that sugar/light and gibberellin/light act synergistically to up-regulate ÎČ-glucuronidase (GUS) activity sharply under the control of the 595 bp pRhVI1 region. These results reveal that the 127 bp promoter fragment located between –595 and –468 bp is critical for light and sugar and light and gibberellins to act synergistically

    Zeolitic behaviour of water in a new WO

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    In pyrochlore WO3 water has a zeolitic behaviour which has been studied by TGA and DSC. The evaluated enthalpy change for dehydration is in the range 4-5 kcal.mole–1. This value is discussed in relation with the pyrochlore WO3 structure and related to the 3D system of intersecting empty tunnels

    Characterization of transparent conducting pulsed laser deposited films in the Indium Zinc Oxide system

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    Thin films of indium zinc oxide so called IZO were prepared with pulsed laser deposition. It was found that the crystalline structure, the composition and the morphology of the films as well as the optical and electrical properties were quite sensitive to the deposition conditions namely to the temperature and oxygen pressure. The crystallinity of the ZnkIn2O3+k (k from 1 to 5) thin films increases as the substrate temperature increases. An average transmittance of 85% in the visible region was obtained for any k values. Optical measurements show a continuous decrease of the band gap as the zinc amount increases. The highest conductivity reported is for the ZnIn2O4, thin films deposited at 300°C (σ = 1.2 103 S/cm). Increasing the amount of Zn (i.e. k value) was found to result in a conductivity decrease. Finally, a good correlation between the electric mobility and the optical mobility is obtained