53 research outputs found

    Light dressed-excitons in an incoherent-electron sea: Evidence for Mollow-triplet and Autler-Townes doublet

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    We demonstrate that the interaction between excitons and a sea of incoherent electrons does not preclude excitons dressing by light. We investigate the role of exciton-electron scattering in the light dressing by measuring the dynamical absorption spectrum of a modulation-doped CdTe quantum well, which shows a clear evidence for significant electron scattering of the excitonic states. We show the occurrence of dressed and correlated excitons by detecting quantum coherent interferences through excitonic Autler-Townes doublet and ac Stark splitting, which evolves to Mollow triplet with gain. We also evidence the partial inhibition of the electron-exciton scattering by exciton-light coupling

    Interacting many-body systems in quantum wells: Evidence for exciton-trion-electron correlations

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    We report on the nonlinear optical dynamical properties of excitonic complexes in CdTe modulation-doped quantum wells, due to many-body interactions among excitons, trions and electrons. These were studied by time and spectrally resolved pump-probe experiments. The results reveal that the nonlinearities induced by trions differ from those induced by excitons, and in addition they are mutually correlated. We propose that the main source of these subtle differences comes from the Pauli exclusion-principle through phase-space filling and short-range fermion exchange.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures. accepted for publications in Phys. Rev.

    2D Fourier Transform Spectroscopy of exciton-polaritons and their interactions

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    We investigate polariton-polariton interactions in a semiconductor microcavity through two-dimensional Fourier transform (2DFT) spectroscopy. We observe, in addition to the lower-lower and the upper-upper polariton self-interaction, a lower-upper cross-interaction. This appears as separated peaks in the on-diagonal and off-diagonal part of 2DFT spectra. Moreover, we elucidate the role of the polariton dispersion through a fine structure in the 2DFT spectrum. Simulations, based on lower-upper polariton basis Gross-Pitaevskii equations including both self and cross-interactions, result in a 2DFT spectra in qualitative agreement with experiments

    Cross Feshbach resonance

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    Feshbach resonance occurs when a pair of free particles is resonantly coupled to a molecular bound state. In the field of ultracold quantum gases, atomic Feshbach resonances became a usual tool for tailoring atomic interactions opening up many new applications in this field. In a semiconductor microcavity, the Feshbach resonance appears when two lower polaritons are coupled to the molecular biexciton state. Here, we demonstrate the existence of a cross Feshbach resonance for which a pair of polaritons, lower together with upper, effectively couples to the biexciton state. This demonstration is a crucial step towards the efficient generation of entangled photon pairs in a semiconductor microcavity. The existence of a Cross Feshbach resonance establishes the condition to convert a pair of upper and lower polaritons via the biexciton state into two lower polaritons, paving the way for the generation of momentum and polarization entangled photons.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figure

    From single particle to superfuid excitations in a dissipative polariton gas

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    Using angle-resolved heterodyne four-wave-mixing technique, we probe the low momentum excitation spectrum of a coherent polariton gas. The experimental results are well captured by the Bogoliubov transformation which describes the transition from single particle excitations of a normal fluid to sound-wave-like excitations of a superfluid. In a dense coherent polariton gas, we find all the characteristics of a Bogoliubov transformation, i.e. the positive and negative energy branch with respect to the polariton gas energy at rest, sound-wave-like shapes for the excitations dispersion, intensity and linewidth ratio between the two branches in agreement with the theory. The influence of the non-equilibrium character of the polariton gas is shown by a careful analysis of its dispersion.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Direct measure of the exciton formation in quantum wells from time resolved interband luminescence

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    We present the results of a detailed time resolved luminescence study carried out on a very high quality InGaAs quantum well sample where the contributions at the energy of the exciton and at the band edge can be clearly separated. We perform this experiment with a spectral resolution and a sensitivity of the set-up allowing to keep the observation of these two separate contributions over a broad range of times and densities. This allows us to directly evidence the exciton formation time, which depends on the density as expected from theory. We also evidence the dominant contribution of a minority of excitons to the luminescence signal, and the absence of thermodynamical equilibrium at low densities

    Coherent and incoherent aspects of polariton dynamics in semiconductor microcavities

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    The interaction between coherent polaritons and incoherent excitons plays an important role in polariton physics. Using resonant pump-probe spectroscopy with selective excitation of single polariton branches, we investigate the different dephasing mechanisms responsible for generating a long-lived exciton reservoir. As expected, pumping the upper polariton results in a strong dephasing process that leads to the generation of a long lived reservoir. Unexpectedly, we observe an efficient reservoir creation while exciting only the lower polariton branch when the detuning is increased towards positive detuning. We propose a simple theoretical model, the polaritonic Bloch equations, to describe the dynamics of the system
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