1,679 research outputs found

    First-Principles Study of Substitutional Metal Impurities in Graphene: Structural, Electronic and Magnetic Properties

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    We present a theoretical study using density functional calculations of the structural, electronic and magnetic properties of 3d transition metal, noble metal and Zn atoms interacting with carbon monovacancies in graphene. We pay special attention to the electronic and magnetic properties of these substitutional impurities and found that they can be fully understood using a simple model based on the hybridization between the states of the metal atom, particularly the d shell, and the defect levels associated with an unreconstructed D3h carbon vacancy. We identify three different regimes associated with the occupation of different carbon-metal hybridized electronic levels: (i) bonding states are completely filled for Sc and Ti, and these impurities are non-magnetic; (ii) the non-bonding d shell is partially occupied for V, Cr and Mn and, correspondingly, these impurties present large and localized spin moments; (iii) antibonding states with increasing carbon character are progressively filled for Co, Ni, the noble metals and Zn. The spin moments of these impurities oscillate between 0 and 1 Bohr magnetons and are increasingly delocalized. The substitutional Zn suffers a Jahn-Teller-like distortion from the C3v symmetry and, as a consequence, has a zero spin moment. Fe occupies a distinct position at the border between regimes (ii) and (iii) and shows a more complex behavior: while is non-magnetic at the level of GGA calculations, its spin moment can be switched on using GGA+U calculations with moderate values of the U parameter.Comment: 13 figures, 4 tables. Submitted to Phys. Rev. B on September 26th, 200

    Magnetism of Covalently Functionalized Carbon Nanotubes

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    We investigate the electronic structure of carbon nanotubes functionalized by adsorbates anchored with single C-C covalent bonds. We find that, despite the particular adsorbate, a spin moment with a universal value of 1.0 μB\mu_B per molecule is induced at low coverage. Therefore, we propose a mechanism of bonding-induced magnetism at the carbon surface. The adsorption of a single molecule creates a dispersionless defect state at the Fermi energy, which is mainly localized in the carbon wall and presents a small contribution from the adsorbate. This universal spin moment is fairly independent of the coverage as long as all the molecules occupy the same graphenic sublattice. The magnetic coupling between adsorbates is also studied and reveals a key dependence on the graphenic sublattice adsorption site.Comment: final version, improved discussion about calculations and defect concentratio

    Magnetism of Substitutional Co Impurities in Graphene: Realization of Single π\pi-Vacancies

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    We report {\it ab initio} calculations of the structural, electronic and magnetic properties of a graphene monolayer substitutionally doped with Co (Cosub_{sub}) atoms. We focus in Co because among traditional ferromagnetic elements (Fe, Co and Ni), only Cosub_{sub} atoms induce spin-polarization in graphene. Our results show the complex magnetism of Co substitutional impurites in graphene, which is mapped into simple models such as the π\pi-vacancy and Heisenberg model. The links established in our work can be used to bring into contact the engineering of nanostructures with the results of π\pi-models in defective graphene. In principle, the structures considered here can be fabricated using electron irradiation or Ar+^+ ion bombardment to create defects and depositing Co at the same time

    Density waves and star formation in grand design spirals

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    HII regions in the arms of spiral galaxies are indicators of recent star-forming processes. They may have been caused by the passage of the density wave or simply created by other means near the arms. The study of these regions may give us clues to clarifying the controversy over the existence of a triggering scenario, as proposed in the density wave theory. Using Hα\alpha direct imaging, we characterize the HII regions from a sample of three grand design galaxies: NGC5457, NGC628 and NGC6946. Broad band images in R and I were used to determine the position of the arms. The HII regions found to be associated with arms were selected for the study. The age and the star formation rate of these HII regions was obtained using measures on the Hα\alpha line. The distance between the current position of the selected HII regions and the position they would have if they had been created in the centre of the arm is calculated. A parameter, T, which measures whether a region was created in the arm or in the disc, is defined. With the help of the T parameter we determine that the majority of regions were formed some time after the passage of the density wave, with the regions located `behind the arm' (in the direction of the rotation of the galaxy) the zone they should have occupied had they been formed in the centre of the arm. The presence of the large number of regions created after the passage of the arm may be explained by the effect of the density wave, which helps to create the star-forming regions after its passage. There is clear evidence of triggering for NGC5457 and a co-rotation radius is proposed. A more modest triggering seems to exist for NGC628 and non significant evidence of triggering are found for NGC6946.Comment: 10 pages, 20 figures, accepted for publication in A&