2,373 research outputs found

    Optimal procedures for stochastically failing equipment

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    Optimal procedures for stochastically failing equipmen

    Higher Call

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    Mesothelioma: identical routes to malignancy from asbestos and carbon nanotubes

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    Exposure of laboratory mice to carbon nanotubes mimics exposure to asbestos, from initial and chronic inflammation, through loss of the same tumour-suppressor pathways and eventual sporadic development of malignant mesothelioma. Fibres of a similar nature may pose significant health risks to humans

    Profil tjelesnih sposobnosti i igračkih vještina južnoafričkih srednjoškolskih ragbijaša

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    At present, little is known about elite schoolboy rugby players in South Africa and internationally. To obtain the profile of elite schoolboy rugby players, young players must be tested and monitored to compile norms for them. The aim of this study was to identify the characteristics of the elite U 16 and U 18 school-boy rugby players in South Africa with reference to anthropometric variables, physical and motor abilities, and game-specific skills. The research group consisted of U 16 year-old (n = 71) and U 18 year-old (n = 75) elite South African school boy rugby players, also known as the Green Squad of the South African Rugby Union (SARU). The two elite groups were tested during 2003 and 2004 on six anthropometric variables, seven physical and motor ability tests and five game-specific skill tests. Descriptive statistics and practical significant differences (d-values) between the 2003 and 2004 season for the two age groups were computed. Regarding game skills there was a decrease in passing skills in both age groups from 2003 to 2004. Norm scales were compiled for further use by sport scientists and coaches in talent identification.Uvod Ragbi je popularan sport koji se igra u više od stotinu zemalja diljem svijeta. U Južnoj Africi ragbi je najvažniji sport, dok je u drugim zemljama u kojima se igra (Australija, Velika Britanija, Francuska, Irska i Škotska) tek treći, četvrti ili peti po popularnosti (SARFU, 2003d:11) Ragbi sadrži različite motoričke aktivnosti koje zahtijevaju određene antropometrijske, fizičke i motoričke sposobnosti, kao i druge komponente specifične za ragbi. Te su komponente specifične s obzirom na zahtjeve pojedinih igračkih pozicija u ragbiju (Craven, 1974; De Ridder, 1993; Noakes & Du Plessis, 1996; Malan & Hanekom, 2001; Van Gent, 2003). Du Randt i Headley (1993:112) navo-de da je process identifikacije i selekcije talentira-nih sportaša u Južnoj Africi još uvijek u početnoj fazi i nedovoljno kontroliran. Ipak, u posljednjem desetljeću provedeno je nekoliko znanstvenih istra-živanja koja su se bavila identifikacijom južnoafričkih talenata za ragbi (De Ridder, 1993; Pienaar & Spamer, 1995, 1998; Hare, 1997; Van Gent, 2003). Istraživači su proučavali specifične zahtjeve pojedinih igračkih pozicija kod ragbijaša adolescentske dobi (Van Gent, 2003). Međutim, malo se zna o vrhunskim ragbijašima srednjoškolcima u Južnoj Africi, ali i na internacionalnoj razini. Nacionalni sportski savez Južnoafričke Republike 1995. godine krenuo je novim smjerom djelovanja, naglašavajući potrebu i važnost selekcije mladih sportskih talenata kao i oblikovanja programa njihovog rada utemeljenih na znanstvenom pristupu (South Africa, 1996). Osam godina kasnije, nakon što je nacionalna politika oblikovana, Južnoafrički ragbijaški savez (SARFU) je pokrenuo novu, veliku strategiju identifikacije i razvoja nadarenih sportaša (SARFU, 2003d:15). Godine 2003. SARU je odredio skupinu U 16, koju čine srednjoškolci u dobi od 16 godina, kao prvu razinu identifikacije sportskih talenata. Fokus je tako usmjeren na južnoafričke škole, koje predstavljaju “plodno tlo” za selekciju vrhunskih sportaša i sportašica. Skupine U 16 i U 18 u ovom istraživanju činili su ragbijaši srednjoškolci koji su predstavljali svoje pokrajine na nacionalnom tjednu ragbija, a selektirani su na njegovu kraju. Tako je stvorena ekipa Green Squad koju čini 100 vrhunskih sportaša iz obiju grupa - i U 16 i U 18 (SARFU, 2003b:2). Ovaj je rad nova faza istraživanja o vrhunskim mladim ragbijašima. Važnost ovog rada leži u predloženom profilu (modelnim vrijednostima) antropometrijskih varijabli, motoričkih sposobnosti i specifičnih igračkih vještine vrhunskih ragbijaša U 16 i U 18. Profil bi trebao poslužiti kao pomoć školskim i klupskim trenerima u njihovu radu i pri selekciji te za oblikovanje individualnih trenažnih programa. Rezultati rada pružit će temelj Južnoafričkom ragbijaškom savezu (SARU) za planiranje i kontrolu procesa identifikacije i razvoja mladih igrača ragbija. I posljednje, rad je dio međunarodnog projekta istraživanja o identifikaciji talenata za buduće vrhunske ragbi igrače, a predstavlja i doprinos razvoju školskog sporta. Cilj je ovog rada utvrditi profil antropometrijskih varijabli, motoričkih sposobnosti i specifičnih igračkih vještine vrhunskih južnoafričkih ragbijaša U 16 i U 18 te identificirati profil igrača s obzirom na zahtjeve različitih igračkih pozicija. Metode Ispitanici. Uzorak ispitanika činili su mladi južnoafrički ragbijaši skupina U 16 (n = 93) i U 18 (n = 97), tzv. Green Squad Južnoafričkog ragbijaškog saveza. Ti igrači predstavljaju svih 14 južnoafričkih provincija. Svaki je igrač bio testiran u kolovozu 2003. godine te u veljači 2004. i to prema testnom protokolu Južnoafričkog ragbijaškog saveza. Varijable. Testni protokol SARU obuhvaća antropometrijske varijable: tjelesnu visinu, tjelesnu masu, postotak masnog tkiva, postotak mišićne mase, mjere kožnih nabora i procjenu somatotipa. Provjeravale su se sljedeće bazične, za ragbi specifične, igračke vještine: kupljenje lopte s trave i polaganje (ground skills – pick-up and place), bacanje lopte u dalj, dodavanje na daljinu, preciznost dodavanja na udaljenost od 4m te bacanje i hvatanje preko prečke. Provjera fizičkih i motoričkih sposobnosti obuhvaćala je: potisak s klupe (bench press), zgibove, sklekove, sprint na 10 i 40 m, ilinoiski test agilnosti i “samoubojica” (multista-ge shuttle run). Rezultati i rasprava Izračunate su deskriptivne vrijednosti kao mjere značajnosti razlika (d-vrijednosti) (Cohen, 1988). Kako bismo mogli komentirati stvarne razlike, koristili smo se standardiziranom razlikom dviju populacijskih aritmetičkih sredina, tj. razlika između dviju aritmetičkih sredina podijeljena je najvećom standardnom devijacijom. Dobivena mjera nazvana je veličina efekta. Na osnovi ovog parametra moguće je zaključivati o razlikama neovisno o veličini uzorka i neovisno o mjernim jedinicama, a povezana je s rasponom rezultata (Steyn, 1999; 2000). Dobiveni rezultati pokazuju da su na razini svih antropometrijskih varijabli utvrđene razlike između igrača ekipe Green Squad i istih mjera dobivenih na uzorku igrača skupine U 16 u drugim istraživanjima. Također je kod igrača skupine U 16 u ekipi Green Squad utvrđena značajna razlika na razini antropometrijskih mjera između rezultata mjerenja iz 2003. i 2004. godine. Rezultati dobiveni na igračima U 18 iz ekipe Green Squad kompatibilni su s rezultatima prijašnjih istraživanja, a promjena na razini antropometrijskih mjera u 2004. u odnosu na 2003. bila je minimalne praktične važnosti. U pogledu fizičkih i motoričkih sposobnosti, igrači iz skupine U 16 ekipe Green Squad pokazali su veće poboljšanje rezultata od igrača iz skupine U 18, što može biti posljedica rasta i razvoja, ali i trenažnih programa po kojima su trenirali. Međutim, kod igrača skupine U 18 dobiveni su bolji rezultati u odnosu na podatke iz prijašnjih istraživanja, što također može biti rezultat kondicijskih i trenažnih programa po kojima su radili. Na području specifičnih igračkih vještina igrači obiju skupina pokazuju višu razinu po svim igračkim komponentama u usporedbi s podacima iz literature. Statistički značajne razlike dobivene su i na razini različitih igračkih pozicija unutar obje dobne skupine vrhunskih ragbijaša, i to s obzirom na antropometrijske karakteristike, motoričke sposobno-sti te specifične igračke vještine. Moguće je zaključiti da su te razlike realne i da je nužno uključiti te komponente u bateriju testova za provjeru po igračkim pozicijama. Zaključak Zaključno, ovim smo istraživanjem uspjeli identificirati profil mladog vrhunskog južnoafričkog ragbijaša s obzirom na tjelesne, motoričke i specifično igračke varijable. Ova baterija testova može se koristiti i za identificiranje talentiranih sportaša za pojedina igračka mjesta u ragbiju, a može poslužiti i za izradu razvojnog modela vrhunskih srednjoškolskih ragbijaša. Školski i pokrajinski treneri mogu koristiti rezultate dobivene ovom baterijom testova kao pomoć u selekciji igrača, ali i pri oblikovanju individualnih trenažnih programa. Dobivene spoznaje doprinose znanju na području identifikacije talentiranih mladih ragbijaša za vrhunski sport

    Prevention of dialysis disequilibrium syndrome by use of high sodium concentration in the dialysate

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    Prevention of dialysis disequilibrium syndrome by use of high sodium concentration in the dialysate. Nine patients, including four undergoing their first hemodialysis, were observed clinically and by hourly electroencephalographic recordings before, during, and three hours after highly efficient hemodialyses during which plasma osmolality was maintained by use of a dialysate with increased concentrations of sodium and chloride. As a control group, 8 patients (five undergoing their first hemodialysis) were similarly studied but with a dialysate of standard composition (Na=133 mEq/liter). The EEG showed definitely increased abnormality in 10 of 13 control dialyses and in 2 of 9 dialyses in the experimental group (P < 0.01). Symptoms suggestive of the dialysis disequilibrium syndrome appeared in nine of the control dialyses but in none of the experimental group (P < 0.001). No ill effects from increased dialysate sodium concentration could be demonstrated during or after a single hemodialysis.Prévention du syndrome de déséquilibre de la dialyse au moyen d'une concentration de sodium élevée dans le dialysat. Neuf malades, dont quatre subissaient leur première hémodialyse, ont été observés cliniquement et au moyen d'enregistrements électro-encéphalographiques horaires pendant et trois heures après des hémodialyses très efficaces où l'osmolalité plasmatique était maintenue constante grace à un dialysat dont les concentrations de sodium et de chlore étaient augmentées. Un groupe contrôle de 8 malades, dont cinq subissaient leur première hémodialyse, a été étudié de la même façon alors que le dialysat avait une composition standard (Na = 133 mEq/1). L'électroencéphalogramme a montré une augmentation patente des anomalies chez 10 des 13 contrôles et chez deux des neuf sujets du groupe expérimental (P < 0.01). Des symptomes suggérant un syndrome de déséquilibre au cours de la dialyse sont apparus chez neuf sujets du groupe contrôle mais seulement chez un sujet du groupe expérimental (P < 0.001). Aucun effet nuisible du à l'augmentation de la concentration du sodium n'a pu être mis en évidence pendant ou après une unique hémodialyse

    Intracellular localization and interaction of mRNA binding proteins as detected by FRET

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>A number of RNA binding proteins (BPs) bind to A+U rich elements (AREs), commonly present within 3'UTRs of highly regulated RNAs. Individual RNA-BPs proteins can modulate RNA stability, RNA localization, and/or translational efficiency. Although biochemical studies have demonstrated selectivity of ARE-BPs for individual RNAs, less certain is the <it>in vivo </it>composition of RNA-BP multiprotein complexes and how their composition is affected by signaling events and intracellular localization. Using FRET, we previously demonstrated that two ARE-BPs, HuR and AUF1, form stable homomeric and heteromeric associations in the nucleus and cytoplasm. In the current study, we use immuno-FRET of endogenous proteins to examine the intracellular localization and interactions of HuR and AUF1 as well as KSRP, TIA-1, and Hedls. These results were compared to those obtained with their exogenously expressed, fluorescently labeled counterparts.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>All ARE-BPs examined were found to colocalize and to form stable associations with selected other RNA-BPs in one or more cellular locations variably including the nucleus, cytoplasm (in general), or in stress granules or P bodies. Interestingly, FRET based interaction of the translational suppressor, TIA-1, and the decapping protein, Hedls, was found to occur at the interface of stress granules and P bodies, dynamic sites of intracellular RNA storage and/or turnover. To explore the physical interactions of RNA-BPs with ARE containing RNAs, <it>in vitro </it>transcribed Cy3-labeled RNA was transfected into cells. Interestingly, Cy3-RNA was found to coalesce in P body like punctate structures and, by FRET, was found to interact with the RNA decapping proteins, Hedls and Dcp1.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Biochemical methodologies, such as co-immunoprecipitation, and cell biological approaches such as standard confocal microscopy are useful in demonstrating the possibility of proteins and/or proteins and RNAs interacting. However, as demonstrated herein, colocalization of proteins and proteins and RNA is not always indicative of interaction. To this point, using FRET and immuno-FRET, we have demonstrated that RNA-BPs can visually colocalize without producing a FRET signal. In contrast, proteins that appear to be delimited to one or another intracellular compartment can be shown to interact when those compartments are juxtaposed.</p

    Interleukin-1: The Pros and Cons of Its Clinical Relevance

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    Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/75148/1/j.1525-1594.1988.tb02759.x.pd

    On the harmonic measure of stable processes

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    Using three hypergeometric identities, we evaluate the harmonic measure of a finite interval and of its complementary for a strictly stable real L{\'e}vy process. This gives a simple and unified proof of several results in the literature, old and recent. We also provide a full description of the corresponding Green functions. As a by-product, we compute the hitting probabilities of points and describe the non-negative harmonic functions for the stable process killed outside a finite interval

    Long-term effect of comorbidity on the course of physical functioning in patients after stroke and with multiple sclerosis

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    OBJECTIVE: To study the effect of comorbidity on the course of physical functioning in patients after stroke and with multiple sclerosis. SUBJECTS: Patients after a first-ever supratentorial stroke (n = 198), who had been admitted for inpatient rehabilitaion, and patients with recently diagnosed multiple sclerosis (n =146). DESIGN: Prospective, observational study over a period of 3 years. MEASUREMENTS: Physical functioning was measured with the motor score of the Functional Independence Measure at baseline (time of diagnosis), and at 6 months, and 1 and 3 year follow-ups. Cardiovascular, respiratory, musculoskele nottal, diabetes mellitus, and other comorbidities were measured at baseline. RESULTS: Patients after stroke and multiple sclerosis with comorbidity showed a significantly lower level of physical functioning over all 4 measurements. There was no difference in the course of physical functioning between patients after stroke with and without comorbidity. In patients with multiple sclerosis, a greater decrease in physical functioning over the 3-year follow-up was found in patients with comorbidity of the musculoskeletal system compared with patients without. CONCLUSION: These findings indicate that similar improvements in physical functioning can be expected during rehabilitation of stroke patients with comorbidity compared with patients without these conditions. In patients with multiple sclerosis, musculoskeletal comorbidity requires further attention because of its association with a greater decrease in physical functionin

    Using network reification for adaptive networks:Discussion

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