39 research outputs found

    Maternal Drug Addiction: Influences on mother-child relationship and on early child development.

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    Much literature has pointed out parental drug addiction as a risk factor at multiple levels for the dyad, affecting parenting quality, child development and more globally the adult-child relationship. Drug addicted mothers are often reported as less sensitive, more intrusive and less able to regulate negative affects during early adult-child interactions. On the other hand, children of addicted mothers are often described as more irritable or more passive. The aim of this research was to investigate longitudinally the quality of adult-child relationship and of child interactive and emotional development in a group of drug addicted mothers and their children prenatally exposed to substances. The study involved 25 mother-child pairs (with children aged between 2 and 24 months) with drug addicted mothers. The dyads were followed for a 15 months-period and assessed regularly (every 3 months) through the application of the Emotional Availability Scales (EAS \u2013 Biringen, 2008) to videotaped free play interactions. In this way it has been possible to consider both the mothers\u2019 and the children\u2019s contribution to the development of their relationship. The results were controversial, showing on one hand changes related only to specific EA dimensions and on the other hand patterns of changes that seemed characteristics of specific patterns of emotional availability. Dyads that initially showed interactions of better quality tended to improve their relationship during time, whereas dyads that exhibited more difficulties at the beginning of the study did not show improvements. Moreover, children of dyads which experienced interactions of better quality showed better interactive and emotional features than children of dyads characterized by more dysfunctional patterns of interaction. Dyads characterized by maternal drug addiction are often reported to be at higher risk for experiencing difficulties during everyday interactions and more likely to be associated to less optimal developmental outcomes. Anyway the results of our study highlight that, despite the condition of drug addiction, experiencing a relationship of good quality could be associated to better mother-child interactions and to more functional interactive and emotional development for children

    Attachment representations and early interactions in drug addicted mothers: a case study of four women with distinct Adult Attachment Interview classifications

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    open4Drug addiction is considered a major risk factor that can inïŹ‚uence maternal functioning at multiple levels, leading to less optimal parental qualities and less positive interactive exchanges in mother-child dyads. Moreover, drug abusers often report negative or traumatic attachment representations regarding their own childhood. These representations might affect, to some extent, later relational and developmental outcomes of their children. This study explored whether the development of dyadic interactions in addicted women differed based on attachment status. The longitudinal ongoing of mother-child emotional exchanges was assessed among four mothers with four different attachment statuses (F-autonomous, E-preoccupied, Ds-dismissing, and U-unresolved/with losses). Attachment representations were assessed using the Adult Attachment Interview ( George et al., 1985), while mother-child interactions were evaluated longitudinally during videotaped play sessions, through the Emotional Availability Scales (Biringen, 2008). As expected, the dyad with the autonomous mother showed better interactive functioning during play despite the condition of drug-abuse; the mother proved to be more affectively positive, sensitive, and responsive, while her baby showed a better organization of affects and behaviors. On the other side,insecure mothers seemed to experience more difïŹculties when interacting with their children showing inconsistency in the ability to perceive and respond to their babies’ signals. Finally, children of insecure mothers showed less clear affects and signals. While differences between secure and insecure dyads appeared clear, differences between insecure patterns where less linear, suggesting a possible mediating role played by other factors. Clinical implications and suggestions for future research are discussed.openPorreca, A.; De Palo, F.; Simonelli, A.; Capra, N.Porreca, Alessio; DE PALO, Francesca; Simonelli, Alessandra; Capra, N

    Infant massage and quality of early mother-infant interactions: Are there associations with maternal psychological wellbeing, marital quality, and social support?

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    Infant massage programs have proved to be effective in enhancing post-natal development of highly risk infants, such as preterm newborns and drug or HIV exposed children. Less studies have focused on the role of infant massage in supporting the co-construction of early adult–child relationships. In line with this lack of literature, the present paper reports on a pilot study aimed at investigating longitudinally the quality of mother–child interactions, with specific reference to emotional availability (EA), in a group of mother–child pairs involved in infant massage classes. Moreover, associations between mother–child EA, maternal wellbeing, marital adjustment, and social support were also investigated, with the hypothesis to find a link between low maternal distress, high couple satisfaction and high perceived support and interactions of better quality in the dyads. The study involved 20 mothers and their children, aged between 2 and 7 months, who participated to infant massage classes. The assessment took place at three stages: at the beginning of massage course, at the end of it and at 1-month follow-up. At the first stage of assessment self-report questionnaires were administered to examine the presence of maternal psychiatric symptoms (SCL-90-R), perceived social support (MSPSS), and marital adjustment (Dyadic Adjustment Scale); dyadic interactions were observed and rated with the Emotional Availability Scales (Biringen, 2008) at each stage of data collection. The results showed a significant improvement in the quality of mother–child interactions, between the first and the last evaluation, parallel to the unfolding of the massage program, highlighting a general increase in maternal and child’s EA. The presence of maternal psychological distress resulted associated with less optimal mother–child emotional exchanges, while the hypothesis regarding couple satisfaction and social support influence were not confirmed. These preliminary results, if replicated, seem to sustain the usefulness of infant massage and the importance of focusing on early mother–infant interactions

    Emotional availability, neuropsychological functioning, and psychopathology. The context of parental substance use disorder

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    Parental Substance Use Disorder (SUD) constitutes a high-risk condition for parent-child interactions and child development. Empirical evidence indicates high rates of psychopathology and neuropsychological impairments in individuals with SUD. Despite research indicating that parenting skills are related to psychological well-being and cognitive/neuropsychological functioning, prior studies have not examined the associations between these areas of parental functioning and the quality of parent-child interactions in the context of SUD. Aim(s). The present study adopts an integrated perspective to investigate the way in which maternal neuropsychological functioning and psychopathology are associated with mother-child emotional availability (EA), in the context of parental Substance Use Disorder. Methods. Twenty-nine mothers with SUD were assessed in interaction with their children, as well as with respect to their neuropsychological functioning and psychopathology. Results. In this group, high rates of maternal neuropsychological impairments and psychopathology, as well as generally low levels of EA, were uncovered. Regression analyses showed that maternal neuropsychological functioning was significantly associated with mother-child EA, specifically sensitivity; the role of maternal psychopathology, however, was only marginally significant. Conclusion. In the context of SUD, maternal neuropsychological impairments are significantly associated with mother-child EA. Clinical implications of the findings are discussed

    Mothers and fathers with Binge Eating Disorder and their 18-36 months old children: a longitudinal study on parent-infant interactions and offspring\u2019s emotional-behavioral profiles

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    Maternal Binge Eating Disorder (BED) has been suggested to be associated with poor parent\u2013infant interactions during feeding and with children\u2019s emotional and behavioral problems during infancy (Blissett and Haycraft, 2011). The role of fathers has received increasing consideration in recent years, yet the research has not focused on interactional patterns between fathers with BED and their children. The present study aimed to longitudinally investigate the in\ufb02uence of BED diagnosis, in one or both parents, on parent\u2013infant feeding interactions and on children\u2019s emotional\u2013behavioral functioning. 612 subjects (408 parents; 204 children), recruited in mental health services and pre-schools in Central Italy, were divided into four groups: Group 1 included families with both parents diagnosed with BED, Group 2 and 3 included families with one parent diagnosed with BED, Group 0 was a healthy control. The assessment took place at T1 (18 months of age of children) and T2 (36 months of age of children): feeding interactions were assessed through the Scale for the Assessment of Feeding Interactions (SVIA) while child emotional\u2013behavioral functioning was evaluated with the Child Behavior Check-List (CBCL). When compared to healthy controls, the groups with one or both parents diagnosed with BED showed higher scores on the SVIA and on the CBCL internalizing and externalizing scales, indicating poorer adult\u2013child feeding interactions and higher emotional\u2013behavioral dif\ufb01culties. A direct in\ufb02uence of parental psychiatric diagnosis on the quality of mother\u2013infant and father\u2013infant interactions was also found, both at T1 and T2. Moreover, dyadic feeding interactions mediated the in\ufb02uence of parental diagnosis on children\u2019s psychological functioning. The presence of BED diagnosis in one or both parents seems to in\ufb02uence the severity of maladaptive parent\u2013infant exchanges during feeding and offspring\u2019s emotional\u2013behavioral problems over time, consequently affecting different areas of children\u2019s psychological functioning. This is the \ufb01rst study to demonstrate the speci\ufb01c effects of maternal and paternal BED on infant development. These results could inform prevention and intervention programs in families with one or both parents diagnosed with BED

    Infantile anorexia and co-parenting: A pilot study on mother-father-child triadic interactions during feeding and play

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    Infantile Anorexia (IA), defined by the Diagnostic Classification of Mental Health and Developmental Disorders of Infancy and Early Childhood Revised (DC: 0-3R, Zero To Three, 2005), occurs when the child (a) refuses to eat adequate amounts of food for at least 1 month, and shows growth deficiency, (b) does not communicate hunger and lacks interest in food, and (c) the child\u2019s food refusal does not follow a traumatic event and is not due to an underlying medical illness. IA usually emerges during the transition to self-feeding, when the child issues of autonomy are played out daily in the feeding situation. Studies evidence that the feeding interactions between children with IA and their mothers are characterized by low reciprocity, greater interactional conflict and negative affects (Chatoor et al., 2000; Ammaniti et al., 2010, 2012). Moreover, these studies pointed out that maternal depression and eating disorders are frequently associated with IA (Cooper et al., 2004; Ammaniti et al., 2010; Lucarelli et al., 2013). To date, research has focused almost exclusively on the mother\u2013child dyad, while fathers\u2019 involvement, co-parental and family interactions are poorly studied. The current study is a pilot research that investigated mother\u2013father\u2013child triadic interactions, during feeding and play, in families with children diagnosed with IA, in comparison to families with normally developing children. Until now, at the study participated N D 10 families (five with a child with IA diagnosis and five with lack of child\u2019s IA diagnosis, matched for child\u2019s age and gender). The parents\u2013child triadic interactions were assessed in feeding and play contexts using the Lausanne Trilogue Play (Fivaz-Depeursinge and Corboz-Warnery, 1999), adapted to observe father-mother-infant primary triangle in the feeding context, compared to the play context (Lucarelli et al., 2012). Families of the IA-group showed difficulties in expressing and sharing pleasure and positive affects, and in structuring a predictable and flexible context. Children showed little autonomy and difficulty in being actively engaged and tune with parents. Dysfunctional family interactions are a critical issue for IA that affects co-parental and family subsystems, stressing the importance of an articulated diagnostic assessment in order to target effective treatment approaches

    Parents with binge eating disorders: Which are the influences on adult-child feeding interactions and on the child’s behavioral/emotional functioning?

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    Feeding during the first years of life represents one of the main domains of adult-child interactions and plays a crucial role in children’s later development. It has been suggested that some kinds of adult psychopathology are more likely to compromise early feeding exchanges. This is the case of parental Binge Eating Disorder (BED) which has resulted to be associated with poor parent–infant interactions during feeding and with children’s emotional and behavioral problems during infancy. The present study aimed to investigate, through a longitudinal research design, the influence of maternal and paternal BED diagnosis on parent–infant feeding interactions and on later children’s behavioral/emotional functioning. The study involved 408 families divided into four groups, according to the presence or absence of BED diagnosis in the parents: Group 1 included families with both parents diagnosed with BED, Group 2 and 3 included families with one parent diagnosed with BED, Group 0 was a healthy control. The assessment took place at two different points, when the children were respectively 18 (T1) and 36 months (T2). Feeding interactions were assessed through the Scale for the Assessment of Feeding Interactions (SVIA) while the children’s behavioral/emotional functioning was evaluated through the Child Behavior Check-List (CBCL). When compared to healthy controls, the groups with one or both parents diagnosed with BED showed higher scores on the SVIA and on the CBCL internalizing and externalizing scales, suggesting more difficulties in adult–child feeding interactions and in the children’s behavioral/emotional functioning. Maternal and paternal BED diagnosis resulted to have a direct effect on feeding interactions and an indirect effect on behavioral/emotional difficulties at 36 months, mediated by the quality of feeding exchanges, both at 18 and 36 months. Moreover the influence of maternal and paternal BED diagnosis resulted to assume a different weight over time. The presence of BED diagnosis in one or both parents appears to affect negatively the quality of adult–infant feeding exchanges and children’s behavioral/emotional functioning over time, thus affecting later child development. These results appear particularly important since they can help to understand more in depth the influence of parental BED diagnosis on child development and on family functioning

    Emotional Availability in Samples of Mothers at High Risk for Depression and With Substance Use Disorder

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    Background: Maternal substance use disorder (SUD) and depression have been extensively associated with dysfunctions in parent-child interactions. However, few studies have compared caregiving behaviors of these mothers. The current study aims to explore maternal emotional availability (EA) in mothers with maternal SUD and depressive symptoms in order to investigate whether these conditions represent a different risk gradient for early parenting.Methods: Mother-infant relationship was investigated in 18 mothers with SUD, 11 mothers at risk for depression, and 39 mothers from general population. The dyads were videotaped during a free-play session and the quality of parent-child interactions was assessed using the EA Scales (EAS) and the Emotional Attachment and EA Clinical Screener (EA2-CS).Results: Mothers with SUD scored lower on sensitivity, non-intrusiveness, and non-hostility with respect to the low-risk sample, whereas mothers at risk for depression scored lower on sensitivity and non-hostility compared to the latter. No significant differences between mothers with SUD and mothers at risk for depression emerged on the EAS, whereas different specific classifications on the EA Clinical Screener were found for the SUD (i.e., Complicated), depression (i.e., Detached), and low-risk (i.e., Emotionally Available) samples.Conclusion: If the current findings are replicated, they might have significant implications for selecting targets of early mother-infant interventions

    Disease-specific and general health-related quality of life in newly diagnosed prostate cancer patients: The Pros-IT CNR study

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