337 research outputs found

    Coinfection of Hepatitis B and C in HIV Patients: A Review of the State of the Art

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    Infection with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) modifies the course of infection by the virus of hepatitis B (HBV) by several mechanisms: the rate of chronicity, prolonging viremia by HBV, and increase in morbidity related to liver disease. The treatment for both infections should be done in a coordinated manner, to avoid the emergence of resistance in HIV, HBV or both, as well as major alterations in the hepatic enzymes. Monotherapies with lamivudine or emtricitabine select, rapidly, mutant strains of the HBV and HIV. Monotherapy with adefovir has moderate effects in coinfected patients as they already have mutations. If the treatment of HBV can defer until the combination antiretroviral therapy of HIV is necessary, these patients should receive a combination of tenofovir plus lamivudine (or emtricitabine), since this provides a powerful therapy against HBV and establishes a good central axis for antiretroviral therapy. In addition, it would prevent the selection of HBV variant resistance. The influence of HIV in the HCV infection. Increase in load HIV-driven viral hepatitis exacerbates hepatic lesions and influences transmission of the HCV. The risk of sexual transmission increases when HIV is present in the carrier. Coinfection modifies the evolution of fibrosis in patients with HIV, with higher speed in those who have low CD4 counts, so that the onset of cirrhosis occurs before, and the risk of liver decompensation is also more frequent. The consequence of this situation is an increase in liver-related morbidity and mortality

    Open innovation factors for higher education institutions

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    Open innovation is a fundamental strategy in all institutions of higher education which allows them to achieve the goals and mission objectives, having as one of its essential purposes the generation and transfer of knowledge which is sup-ported and achieved by research groups and seedbeds generating innovation and development products of great impact, however, are not always incorporated to meet any requirement or provide solutions in society or in the productive sector among others. The article presents factors of open innovation, which must be analyzed, developed or strengthened within the institutions, therefore, while innovation has an important role, the application and adaptation requires disci-pline and integration with the organizational culture. The article identifies and describes the various components needed to incorporate open innovation in higher education institutionsLa innovación abierta es una estrategia fundamental en todas las instituciones de educación superior que les permite alcanzar las metas y objetivos de la misión, teniendo como uno de sus propósitos esenciales la generación y transferencia de conocimiento el cual es apoyado y logrado por grupos de investigación y semilleros generadores de innovación. y productos de desarrollo de gran impacto, sin embargo, no siempre se incorporan para atender algún requerimiento o brindar soluciones en la sociedad o en el sector productivo entre otros. El artículo presenta factores de innovación abierta, los cuales deben ser analizados, desarrollados o fortalecidos dentro de las instituciones, por lo tanto, si bien la innovación tiene un papel importante, la aplicación y adaptación requiere disciplina e integración con la cultura organizacional. El artículo identifica y describe los diversos componentes necesarios para incorporar la innovación abierta en las instituciones de educación superior


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