22 research outputs found


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    Aim of the study. To elucidate the association of allelic variants of single nucleotide polymorphism in NRF2 (rs6726395, 177238501A>G) and TLR9 (rs352162, 52218953T>C) genes, each gene separately and in their combination, with peculiarities of the course of critical conditions during lung infection. Materials and methods. DNA from 86 post#operative patients and oncologic patients was genotyped in an allelespecific fashion using tetra#primer polymerase chain reaction followed by gel electrophoresis analysis of products.Results. It has been found that septic shock patients with NRF2 177238501A>G GG genotype had increased mortality and higher APACHE II score and developed non#responsive edema more frequently. Patients with NRF2 177238501A>G GG/TLR9 52218953T>C CC genotype combination developed septic shock and nosocomialpneumonia more rarely.Conclusion. The homozygous NRF2 177238501A>G (GG) allele combination is unfavorable for the course and outcome of critical conditions only in combination with TLR9 52218953T>C СT or TLR9 52218953T>C TT alleles in septic shock patients. At the same time, the combination of TLR9 52218953T>C СС alleles in the same patients with 'unfavorable' NRF2 177238501A>G GG protects against development of septic shock and nosocomial pneumonia.Цель исследования. Выявить связь аллельных вариантов сайтов однонуклеотидного полиморфизма генов NRF2 (rs6726395, 177238501A>G) и TLR9 (rs352162, 52218953T>C) — изолированно и в комплексе — с особенностями течения критических состояний при инфекции легких. Материалы и методы. Аллель#специфически генотипирована ДНК от 86 больных, перенесших хирургическое вмешательство, и онкологических больных.Результаты. Обнаружено, что у больных генотипа NRF2 177238501A>G GG с септическим шоком повышена летальность и более высокие баллы по шкале APACHE II, чаще развивался отек легких, резистентный к лечению. У больных с комбинацией генотипов NRF2 177238501A>G GG/TLR9 52218953T>C CC реже развивался септический шок и нозокомиальная пневмония.Заключение. Комбинация аллеля NRF2 177238501A>G в гомозиготном состоянии (GG) является неблагоприятной для течения и исхода критических состояний только в сочетании с аллелями TLR9 52218953T>C СT или TLR9 52218953T>C TT у больных с септическим шоком. При этом комбинация аллелей TLR9 52218953T>C СС с «неблагоприятными» NRF2 177238501A>G GG защищает от развития септи#ческого шока и нозокомиальной пневмонии

    Ribosomal DNA as DAMPs Signal for MCF7 Cancer Cells

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    Introduction: The cell free ribosomal DNA (cf-rDNA) is accrued in the total pool of cell free DNA (cfDNA) in some non-cancer diseases and demonstrates DAMPs characteristics. The major research questions: (1) How does cell free rDNA content change in breast cancer; (2) What type of response in the MCF7 breast cancer cells is caused by cf-rDNA; and (3) What type of DNA sensors (TLR9 or AIM2) is stimulated in MCF7 in response to the action of cf-rDNA?Materials and Methods: CfDNA and gDNA were isolated from the blood plasma and the cells derived from 38 breast cancer patients and 20 healthy female controls. The rDNA content in DNA was determined using non-radioactive quantitative hybridization. In order to explore the rDNA influence on MCF7 breast cancer cells, the model constructs (GC-DNAs) were applied: pBR322-rDNA plasmid (rDNA inset 5836 bp long) and pBR322 vector. ROS generation, DNA damage, cell cycle, expression of TLR9, AIM2, NF-kB, STAT3, and RNA for 44 genes affecting the cancer cell viability were evaluated. The methods used: RT-qPCR, fluorescent microscopy, immunoassay, flow cytometry, and siRNA technology.Results: The ratio R = cf-rDNA/g-rDNA for the cases was higher than for the controls (median 3.4 vs. 0.8, p < 10−8). In MCF7, GC-DNAs induce a ROS burst, DNA damage response, and augmentation of NF-kB and STAT3 activity. The number of the apoptotic cells decreases, while the number of cells with an instable genome (G2/M– arrest, micronuclei) increase. Expression of anti-apoptotic genes (BCL2, BCL2A1, BCL2L1, BIRC3, MDM2) is elevated, while expression of pro-apoptotic genes (BAX, BID, BAD, PMAIP1, BBC3) is lowered. The cells response for pBR322-rDNA is much more intense and develops much faster, than response for pBR322, and is realized through activation of TLR9- MyD88 - NF-kB- signaling. This difference in response speed is owing to the heightened oxidability of pBR322-rDNA and better ability to penetrate the cell. Induction of TLR9 expression in MCF7 is followed by blocking AIM2 expression.Conclusion: (1) Ribosomal DNA accumulates in cfDNA of breast cancer patients; (2) Cell free rDNA induce DNA damage response and stimulates cells survival, including cells with an instable genome; (3) Cell free rDNA triggers TLR9- MyD88- NF-kB- signaling, with significantly repressing the expression of AIM2

    Individual Copy Number of Ribosomal Genes as a Factor of Mental Retardation and Autism Risk and Severity

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    Autism is a complex multifactorial developmental disorder characterized by deficits in communication and restricted interests, often followed by mental retardation. Autism spectrum disorders (ASD) are caused by defects in miscellaneous molecular mechanisms, many of which remain unclear. But a considerable part of the known pathways converges on protein synthesis or degradation processes at different stages in the dendrites, laying the foundation for a concept of disturbed “translational homeostasis” or “proteostasis” in autism. The protein synthesis is conducted on ribosomes, cellular organelles consisting from a complex of riboproteins and a ribosomal RNA (rRNA) framework. The rRNA is encoded by ribosomal genes (RG) existing in multiple copies in the genome. The more copies of RG that are contained in the genome, the higher is the peak (maximum possible) ribosome abundance in the cell. A hypothesis is proposed that the RG copy number, through determining the quantity of ribosomes available in the dendrites, modulates the level of local dendritic translation and thus is a factor of risk and severity of a series of neuropsychiatric disorders caused by aberrant dendritic translation. A carrier of very low copy number of ribosomal genes is expected to have a milder form of ASD than a subject with the same epigenetic and genetic background, but a higher ribosomal gene dosage. Various ways of evaluation and testing the hypothesis on clinical material and animal models are suggested

    The Role of Human Satellite III (1q12) Copy Number Variation in the Adaptive Response during Aging, Stress, and Pathology: A Pendulum Model

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    The pericentric satellite III (SatIII or Sat3) and II tandem repeats recently appeared to be transcribed under stress conditions, and the transcripts were shown to play an essential role in the universal stress response. In this paper, we review the role of human-specific SatIII copy number variation (CNV) in normal stress response, aging and pathology, with a focus on 1q12 loci. We postulate a close link between transcription of SatII/III repeats and their CNV. The accrued body of data suggests a hypothetical universal mechanism, which provides for SatIII copy gain during the stress response, alongside with another, more hypothetical reverse mechanism that might reduce the mean SatIII copy number, likely via the selection of cells with excessively large 1q12 loci. Both mechanisms, working alternatively like swings of the pendulum, may ensure the balance of SatIII copy numbers and optimum stress resistance. This model is verified on the most recent data on SatIII CNV in pathology and therapy, aging, senescence and response to genotoxic stress in vitro

    GC-Rich Extracellular DNA Induces Oxidative Stress, Double-Strand DNA Breaks, and DNA Damage Response in Human Adipose-Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells

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    Background. Cell free DNA (cfDNA) circulates throughout the bloodstream of both healthy people and patients with various diseases. CfDNA is substantially enriched in its GC-content as compared with human genomic DNA. Principal Findings. Exposure of haMSCs to GC-DNA induces short-term oxidative stress (determined with H2DCFH-DA) and results in both single- and double-strand DNA breaks (comet assay and γH2AX, foci). As a result in the cells significantly increases the expression of repair genes (BRCA1 (RT-PCR), PCNA (FACS)) and antiapoptotic genes (BCL2 (RT-PCR and FACS), BCL2A1, BCL2L1, BIRC3, and BIRC2 (RT-PCR)). Under the action of GC-DNA the potential of mitochondria was increased. Here we show that GC-rich extracellular DNA stimulates adipocyte differentiation of human adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells (haMSCs). Exposure to GC-DNA leads to an increase in the level of RNAPPARG2 and LPL (RT-PCR), in the level of fatty acid binding protein FABP4 (FACS analysis) and in the level of fat (Oil Red O). Conclusions. GC-rich fragments in the pool of cfDNA can potentially induce oxidative stress and DNA damage response and affect the direction of mesenchymal stem cells differentiation in human adipose—derived mesenchymal stem cells. Such a response may be one of the causes of obesity or osteoporosis

    Copy Number of Human Ribosomal Genes With Aging: Unchanged Mean, but Narrowed Range and Decreased Variance in Elderly Group

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    Introduction: The multi-copied genes coding for the human 18, 5.8, and 28S ribosomal RNA (rRNA) are located in five pairs of acrocentric chromosomes forming so-called rDNA. Human genome contains unmethylated, slightly methylated, and hypermethylated copies of rDNA. The major research question: What is the rDNA copy number (rDNA CN) and the content of hypermethylated rDNA as a function of age?Materials and Methods: We determined the rDNA CN in the blood leukocyte genomes of 651 subjects aged 17 to 91 years. The subjects were divided into two subgroups: “elderly” group (E-group, N = 126) – individuals over 72 years of age (the age of the population’s mean lifetime for Russia) and “non-elderly” group (NE-group, N = 525). The hypermethylated rDNA content was determined in the 40 DNA samples from the each group. The change in rDNA during replicative cell senescence was studied for the cultured skin fibroblast lines of five subjects from NE-group. Non-radioactive quantitative dot- and blot-hybridization techniques (NQH) were applied.Results: In the subjects from the E-group the mean rDNA CN was the same, but the range of variation was narrower compared to the NE-group: a range of 272 to 541 copies in E-group vs. 200 to 711 copies in NE-group. Unlike NE-group, the E-group genomes contained almost no hypermethylated rDNA copies. A case study of cultured skin fibroblasts from five subjects has shown that during the replicative senescence the genome lost hypermethylated rDNA copies only.Conclusion: In the elderly group, the mean rDNA CN is the same, but the range of variation is narrower compared with the younger subjects. During replicative senescence, the human fibroblast genome loses hypermethylated copies of rDNA. Two hypotheses were put forward: (1) individuals with either very low or very high rDNA content in their genomes do not survive till the age of the population’s mean lifetime; and/or (2) during the aging, the human genome eliminates hypermethylated copies of rDNA

    Allelic Variants of NRF2 and TLR9 Genes in Critical Illness

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    Aim of the study. To elucidate the association of allelic variants of single nucleotide polymorphism in NRF2 (rs6726395, 177238501A>G) and TLR9 (rs352162, 52218953T>C) genes, each gene separately and in their combination, with peculiarities of the course of critical conditions during lung infection. Materials and methods. DNA from 86 post#operative patients and oncologic patients was genotyped in an allelespecific fashion using tetra#primer polymerase chain reaction followed by gel electrophoresis analysis of products.Results. It has been found that septic shock patients with NRF2 177238501A>G GG genotype had increased mortality and higher APACHE II score and developed non#responsive edema more frequently. Patients with NRF2 177238501A>G GG/TLR9 52218953T>C CC genotype combination developed septic shock and nosocomialpneumonia more rarely.Conclusion. The homozygous NRF2 177238501A>G (GG) allele combination is unfavorable for the course and outcome of critical conditions only in combination with TLR9 52218953T>C СT or TLR9 52218953T>C TT alleles in septic shock patients. At the same time, the combination of TLR9 52218953T>C СС alleles in the same patients with 'unfavorable' NRF2 177238501A>G GG protects against development of septic shock and nosocomial pneumonia

    Satellite III (1q12) Copy Number Variation in Cultured Human Skin Fibroblasts from Schizophrenic Patients and Healthy Controls

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    Background: The chromosome 1q12 region harbors the genome’s largest pericentromeric heterochromatin domain that includes tandemly repeated satellite III DNA [SatIII (1)]. Increased SatIII (1) copy numbers have been found in cultured human skin fibroblasts (HSFs) during replicative senescence. The aim of this study was to analyze the variation in SatIII (1) abundance in cultured HSFs at early passages depending on the levels of endogenous and exogenous stress. Methods: We studied 10 HSF cell lines with either high (HSFs from schizophrenic cases, n = 5) or low (HSFs from healthy controls, n = 5) levels of oxidative stress. The levels of endogenous stress were estimated by the amounts of reactive oxygen species, DNA damage markers (8-hydroxy-2′-deoxyguanosine, gamma-H2A histone family member X), pro- and antioxidant proteins (NADPH oxidase 4, superoxide dismutase 1, nuclear factor erythroid 2-related factor 2), and proteins that regulate apoptosis and autophagy (B-cell lymphoma 2 [Bcl-2], Bcl-2-associated X protein, light chain 3). SatIII (1) copy numbers were measured using the nonradioactive quantitative hybridization technique. For comparison, the contents of telomeric and ribosomal RNA gene repeats were determined. RNASATIII (1 and 9) were quantified using quantitative Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR). Results: Increased SatIII (1) contents in DNA from confluent HSFs were positively correlated with increased oxidative stress. Confluent cell cultivation without medium replacement and heat shock induced a decrease of SatIII (1) in DNA in parallel with a decrease in RNASATIII (1) and an increase in RNASATIII (9). Conclusions: During HSF cultivation, cells with increased SatIII (1) content accumulated in the cell pool under conditions of exaggerated oxidative stress. This fraction of cells decreased after the additional impact of exogenous stress. The process seems to be oscillatory

    In Vitro Analysis of Biological Activity of Circulating Cell-Free DNA Isolated from Blood Plasma of Schizophrenic Patients and Healthy Controls

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    Schizophrenia is associated with low-grade systemic inflammation. Circulating cell-free DNA (c-cfDNA) belongs to the DAMP class. The major research question was: can the c-cfDNA of schizophrenic patients (sz-cfDNA) stimulate the DNA sensor genes, which control the innate immunity? We investigated the in vitro response of ten human skin fibroblast (HSF) lines to five DNA probes containing different amounts of a GC-rich marker (the ribosomal repeat) and a DNA oxidation marker (8-oxodG) including sz-cfDNA and healthy control c-cfDNA (hc-cfDNA) probes. After 1 h, 3 h, and 24 h of incubation, the expression of 6 protein genes responsible for cfDNA transport into the cell (EEA1 and HMGB1) and the recognition of cytosolic DNA (TLR9, AIM2, STING and RIG-I) was analyzed at the transcriptional (RT-qPCR) and protein level (flow cytometry and fluorescence microscopy). Additionally, we analyzed changes in the RNA amount of 32 genes (RT-qPCR), which had been previously associated with different cellular responses to cell-free DNA with different characteristics. Adding sz-cfDNA and hc-cfDNA to the HSF medium in equal amounts (50 ng/mL) blocked endocytosis and stimulated TLR9 and STING gene expression while blocking RIG-I and AIM2 expression. Sz-cfDNA and hc-cfDNA, compared to gDNA, demonstrated much stronger stimulated transcription of genes that control cell proliferation, cytokine synthesis, apoptosis, autophagy, and mitochondrial biogenesis. No significant difference was observed in the response of the cells to sz-cfDNA and hc-cfDNA. Sz-cfDNA and hc-cfDNA showed similarly high biological activity towards HSFs, stimulating the gene activity of TLR9 and STING DNA sensor proteins and blocking the activity of the AIM2 protein gene. Since the sz-cfDNA content in the patients’ blood is several times higher than the hc-cfDNA content, sz-cfDNA may upregulate pro-inflammatory cytokines in schizophrenia