4 research outputs found

    Exploring the Challenges of Reading Comprehension Teaching for English Proficiency Test Preparation Class in Indonesia

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    As one of the tested skills within popular English proficiency tests in Indonesia such as IELTS and TOEFL, good command of reading comprehension skill is pivotal for the test takers. The nature of reading skill in testing circumstances, however, demands precision in decision making. Enabling test taker candidates with such precision in test preparation class, then, dictates the teaching of the skill consequently. This paper discusses the commonly found challenges in teaching the skill for the test preparation class with known diverse students age and background. The primary aim of the study is to provide insightful information about those challenges which may, then, contribute to better teaching of the skill. The critical analysis of the relevant literature suggests that the challenges are comprised of three domains: students’ unequal linguistic competence, different level of students’ critical thinking, and also their motivation. The paper concludes by re-emphasising the crucial role of pre-test for the test taker candidates prior to commencing the preparation class, especially for instructors to map and to anticipate these challenges with more reflective and equitable teaching approach which is informed by the pre-test result

    Investigating the Implementation of Critical Literacy Approach in the Middle-East Education Contexts: Three Main Constraints

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    Critical literacy, which is derived from critical pedagogy and critical thinking, is crucial for teachers and students to acquire throughout their education. According to critical literacy approach, students are not only expected to read and write different texts but are also required to challenge, synthesize, analyze, and go beyond these forms of skills analytically and critically. With regard to reviewing various literature, this approach is not implemented effectively in the Middle East education systems due to some main obstacles. This paper is aimed at reviewing different literature and case studies in order to grasp these pivotal constraints that students and teachers encounter while learning and teaching in Middle-Eastern educational settings. The main purpose of this article is to review critically the domination of education by politics and religion, the lack of communicative language teaching approach, and the exclusion of teachers from making decisions as to the major impediments of enacting critical literacy in the Middle-east contexts

    Electromagnetic Device Modeling by Circuit-Based Methods

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    RÉSUMÉ: De nouvelles approches basées sur les circuits équivalents sont proposées dans cette étude pour la modélisation électromagnétique de dispositifs magnétiques, tels que les inductances et les transformateurs, dans un logiciel de type EMT (transitoire électromagnétique), comme EMTP. Les méthodes proposées présentent les avantages des méthodes basées sur les circuits électromagnétiques, et peuvent également fournir une représentation détaillée des dispositifs magnétiques comparable à celle de la méthode par éléments finis (MEF). Les approches proposées dans cette thèse permettent une modélisation géométrique détaillée, ainsi que la visualisation de la distribution du flux magnétique et la prise en compte de la saturation du noyau de fer. Les méthodes proposées dans cette thèse peuvent être implémentées dans un logiciel de type EMT en utilisant des éléments standards. Ils peuvent servir dans un logiciel de type EMT pour voir l'effet des réseaux électriques sur les dispositifs magnétiques et inversement. Étant donné que la MEF 2D est préférée à la MEF 3D pour la plupart des applications de systèmes électriques, en raison de sa simplicité, les modèles de dispositifs magnétiques basés sur des circuits équivalents sont d'abord présentés en mode 2D. Ensuite, ils sont améliorés pour prendre en compte les effets tridimensionnels, notamment dans les cas où les flux de fuite dans la troisième dimension sont cruciaux pour la précision du modèle. Des modèles pour des inductances et des transformateurs avec des structures à plusieurs enroulements peuvent être générés à l'aide de la méthode proposée. En outre, la méthode proposée peut représenter les défauts internes des inductances et des transformateurs. Afin de vérifier l'approche proposée, les résultats des modèles obtenus sont comparés aux résultats des modèles MEF 2D et 3D. Une précision comparable est obtenue pour les modèles 2D et 3D. Les méthodes proposées dans cette thèse peuvent être utilisées pour intégrer la modélisation MEF dans des outils de type EMT, notamment la représentation précise de la géométrie, la prise en compte de la saturation du noyau de fer et la prise en compte de tous les chemins de flux magnétique, y compris les chemins de flux de fuite à travers l'air. ABSTRACT: New circuit-based approaches are proposed in this study for the electromagnetic modelling of magnetic devices, such as inductors and transformers, in electromagnetic transient (EMT)-type software (EMTP, for example). The proposed methods have the advantages of circuit-based methods, and they can also provide a detailed representation of magnetic devices comparable to that of the finite element method (FEM). The proposed approaches enable detailed geometrical modelling, as well as visualisation of magnetic flux distribution and consideration of iron core saturation. The methods proposed in this thesis can be implemented in EMT-type software using standard elements. They can be implemented in EMT-type software to see the effect of power networks on magnetic devices and vice-versa. Given the difficulty of 3D FEM and the fact that 2D FEM is preferred over 3D FEM for most power system applications, due to its simplicity, circuit-based magnetic device models are first presented in 2D. Afterwards, they are improved to take into account three-dimensional effects, particularly in cases where the leakage fluxes in the third dimension are crucial to model's accuracy. Models for inductors and transformers with multi-winding structures can be generated using the proposed method. In addition, the proposed method can represent internal faults in inductors and transformers. In order to verify the proposed approach, the findings of the resulting 2D and 3D circuit-based models are compared to the results of the 2D and 3D FEM models, respectively. High accuracy is achieved for both 2D and 3D models. Finally, it can be stated that the methods proposed in this thesis can be used to integrate features of 2D and 3D FEM modelling into EMT-type software, including accurate geometry modelling, consideration of iron core saturation, and consideration of all magnetic flux paths, including leakage flux paths through air during saturated operation