14 research outputs found

    Znaczenie cech temperamentu dla zaangażowania młodzieży w używanie alkoholu

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    The Significance of temperament traits to young people’s alcohol use involvementPrevious research based on Jan Strelaus (2006) Regulative Theory of Temperament (RTT) shows that energetic traits of temperament and non-harmonization of its structure are of particular signifi cance to the risk of development of problems with alcohol drinking in late adolescents and young adults. The purpose of this study was to verify the results of previous research. The degree of alcohol use involvement constituted the variable explained, whereas  temperament traits and their structure constituted the predictor variables. The degree of alcohol use involvement was measured with the use of Ryszard Poprawa’s (2013) Alcohol Use Scale (AUS). Temperament traits according to RTT were measured with the use of Bogdan Zawadzki and Jan Strelau’s (1997) Formal Characteristics of Behaviour – Temperament Inventory (FCB-TI). A sample of 208 adolescents and young adults at the age of 16 to 20 years old were interviewed. As a result of a multiple regression analysis, two sex-dependent models of the AUS temperamental predictor were selected. The temperamental variables determine the AUS results to a greater degree when it comes to young men rather than women. Together with the lower sensory sensitivity, emotional reactivity and endurance, and higher activity in men comes their deeper alcohol use involvement. Together with the higher activity and emotional reactivity, and lower sensory sensitivity in women comes their deeper alcohol use involvement. Based on the cluster analysis, there were selected groups of young men and women whose structure of temperament traits on the one hand predispose them to deep alcohol use involvement and on the other hand might protect them against risky involvement . In contrast to previous research, it was proved that low sensory sensitivity is of crucial importance to the degree of alcohol use involvement. It has not been fully proved that the lack of temperament structure harmonization has any particular significance to the risk of addiction in young women

    A subjective assessment of the short-term effects of alcohol consumption. Preliminary studies on the Polish language adaptation of “The Biphasic Alcohol Effects Scale”

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    Introduction: The short-term effects of alcohol consumption are experienced as biphasic, depending on the stage of its metabolisation. Usually at the beginning of the consumption, while the level of alcohol in blood is increasing, it is generally perceived as a stimulant and when decreasing as a sedative. Martin et al.’s Biphasic Alcohol Effects Scale (BAES) is a self-reported measure of short-term effects of drinking. The aim of the study was to prepare the Polish adaptation of the scale in order to determine its reliability and offer a preliminary assessment of validity. Materials and methods: The modified Polish adaptation of BAES is now complete as Skala Efektów Picia Alkoholu (SEPA) (Scale of Alcohol Drinking Effects). To validate SEPA, Poprawa's Alcohol Use Scale and Polish adaptation of Fromme, Stroot and Kaplan's Comprehensive Effects of Alcohol Questionnaire were used. The research was conducted on two independent samples of young adults: N = 331 and N = 222. Results: Two-factor structure of SEPA and validity of modifications were confirmed both in the assessment of moderate and high alcohol dosages. The tool's reliability indicators were very good. Both subscales of sedative and stimulant effects adequately and significantly correlate with the expected effects of drinking. The results of the subscale of stimulating effects positively correlate with the expectations of positive effects of alcohol and the results of the subscale of sedative effects – with negative expectations of alcohol. Conclusions: SEPA reliably measures the subjective short-term twofold effects of drinking: positive stimulant and negative sedative

    Proactive coping as a resource of sober life

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    Taking the salutogenetic orientation as a way of research, which is typical of the positive health psychology, researchers were seeking personality conditions of sober life. Resource of the effective coping, health and satisfaction with your own life is the proactive coping ability. Possessing this ability should protect one from risky engagement on alcohol use. Series of studies were effectuated and they proved that proactive coping is a resource of sober life. The preventive coping especially protects one from risky drinking behavior. As the problematical engagement on alcohol use deepens, the proactive coping ability deteriorates. An important mediation function in the protective mechanism of the preventive coping on the risky engagement on alcohol use has a satisfaction with own life and motivation on drinking. Proactivity helps in satisfaction with own life, which does not encourage risky alcohol drinking and what follows, prevents addiction

    Znaczenie cech temperamentu dla zaangażowania młodzieży w używanie alkoholu

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    Previous research based on Jan Strelaus (2006) Regulative Theory of Temperament (RTT) shows that energetic traits of temperament and non-harmonization of its structure are of particular signifi cance to the risk of development of problems with alcohol drinking in late adolescents and young adults. The purpose of this study was to verify the results of previous research. The degree of alcohol use involvement constituted the variable explained, whereas temperament traits and their structure constituted the predictor variables. The degree of alcohol use involvement was measured with the use of Ryszard Poprawa’s (2013) Alcohol Use Scale (AUS). Temperament traits according to RTT were measured with the use of Bogdan Zawadzki and Jan Strelau’s (1997) Formal Characteristics of Behaviour – Temperament Inventory (FCB-TI). A sample of 208 adolescents and young adults at the age of 16 to 20 years old were interviewed. As a result of a multiple regression analysis, two sex-dependent models of the AUS temperamental predictor were selected. The temperamental variables determine the AUS results to a greater degree when it comes to young men rather than women. Together with the lower sensory sensitivity, emotional reactivity and endurance, and higher activity in men comes their deeper alcohol use involvement. Together with the higher activity and emotional reactivity, and lower sensory sensitivity in women comes their deeper alcohol use involvement. Based on the cluster analysis, there were selected groups of young men and women whose structure of temperament traits on the one hand predispose them to deep alcohol use involvement and on the other hand might protect them against risky involvement . In contrast to previous research, it was proved that low sensory sensitivity is of crucial importance to the degree of alcohol use involvement. It has not been fully proved that the lack of temperament structure harmonization has any particular significance to the risk of addiction in young women

    A Polish Adaptation and Validation of the Distress Tolerance Scale

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    Distress Tolerance Scale (DTS; Simons & Gaher, 2005) measures individual differences in experiencing and enduring negative emotional states. It consists of four dimensions: tolerance of perceived distress, assessment and acceptance of emotions, absorption of attention, and emotion regulation. The study aimed to evaluate the psychometric properties of a Polish adaptation of the Distress Tolerance Scale (DTS). A total of 1,210 individuals aged between 18 and 69 participated in the study (45% men, 51% women). After obtaining a Polish translation, we conducted EFA and CFA to examine the validity of the construct. EFA revealed a two-factor structure of the DTS, with Regulation as a separate factor. The original and modified CFA model with Regulation as a separate first-order factor showed an unsatisfactory fit to the data. Better CFA parameters were obtained with the reduced, three-factor version of the DTS. Four- and three-factor versions both show good internal consistency, temporal stability, convergent, and discriminant validity, with the exception of the Regulation subscale. As expected, distress tolerance is positively associated with positive affectivity, satisfaction with life, and self-control ability, but negatively with negative affectivity, perceived stress, and difficulties in emotion regulation. Men declared higher levels of distress tolerance than women. The Regulation subscale showed the weakest validity results; in terms of content, it seems to deviate from the concept of distress tolerance. With all those findings in mind, we recommend the valid and reliable three-factor version to be used in further studies

    A Polish Aadaptation and Validation of the Distress Tolerance Scale

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    Distress Tolerance Scale (DTS; Simons & Gaher, 2005) measures individual differences in experiencing and enduring negative emotional states. It consists of four dimensions: tolerance of perceived distress, assessment and acceptance of emotions, absorption of attention, and emotion regulation. The study aimed to evaluate the psychometric properties of the Polish adaptation of the Distress Tolerance Scale (DTS). A total of 1,210 individuals aged between 18 and 69 participated in the study (45% men, 51% women). After obtaining a Polish translation, we conducted EFA and CFA to examine the validity of the construct. EFA revealed a two-factor structure of the DTS, with Regulation as a separate factor. The original and modified CFA model with Regulation as a separate first-order factor showed an unsatisfactory fit to the data. Better CFA parameters were obtained through the reduced, three-factor version of the DTS. Four- factor and three-factor versions both show good internal consistency, temporal stability, convergent, and discriminant validity, with an exception of the Regulation subscale. As expected, distress tolerance is positively associated with positive affectivity, satisfaction with life, and self-control ability, but negatively with negative affectivity, perceived stress, and difficulties in emotion regulation. Men declared higher levels of distress tolerance than women. The Regulation subscale showed the weakest validity results, and in terms of content, it seems to deviate from the concept of distress tolerance. With all those findings in mind, we recommend the valid and reliable three-factor version to be used in further studies

    Coping styles and the risk of problematic Internet use

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    Celem badań była weryfikacja znaczenia ucieczkowo-unikowego stylu radzenia sobie w ryzyku problemowego używania internetu (PUI). Założono, że osoby o ucieczkowo-unikowym stylu radzenia sobie, w przeciwieństwie do osób radzących sobie w innych stylach, będą miały istotnie silniejsze hedonistyczne i kompensacyjne oczekiwania efektów korzystania z internetu i większe nasilenie symptomów PUI. Badania przeprowadzono na próbie 508 użytkowników internetu, w wieku od 18–33 lat. Na podstawie kwestionariusza COPE, poszerzonego o strategię używania internetu, metodą analizy skupień wyodrębniono po cztery grupy kobiet i mężczyzn, istotnie różniące się profilami preferencji strategii radzenia sobie. Wyłoniono osoby o ucieczkowo-unikowym stylu radzenia sobie, charakteryzujące się skłonnością do: behawioralnego i poznawczego uwalniania się, zaprzeczania, zażywania substancji oraz wykorzystywania internetu w celu radzenia sobie. Zgodnie z założeniami, osoby te miały istotnie najsilniejsze oczekiwania hedonistyczne i kompensacyjne oraz nasilenie symptomów PUI. Dwa inne style radzenia sobie, bierny i konfrontacyjny, oba bez skłonności do korzystania ze strategii ucieczkowo-unikowych, nie stwarzały ryzyka PUI i mogą pełnić funkcje ochronne

    Adapting the Dietary Fat and Free Sugar Short Questionnaire: A Comprehensive Polish Modification for Enhanced Precision in Nutritional Assessments

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    Background: This study aimed to investigate whether The Dietary Fat and Free Sugar—Short Questionnaire (DFS) is a reliable and valid measure that can be used in Polish conditions. It involved 291 participants, aged 14 to 70 (M = 25.9, SD = 10.1), the majority of whom were women (75%). Methods: The questionnaire consisted of, among others, Polish DFS version, FFQ-6, TFEQ, and SCOFF. Test–retest reliability was established on the group of 26 students with a 2-week interval. Participants’ percentage of energy intake from both free sugars and saturated fats based on FFQ was correlated with DFS total and subscales scores. To investigate convergent and divergent validity, DFS scores with TFEQ correlations were performed. Diagnostic validity was established based on difference analysis between groups with the risk of eating disorders and those without the risk of those based on SCOFF. Results: Test–retest reliability (rtr = 0.856) and internal consistency (α = 0.797) indicated excellent reliability. DFS correlated significantly with FFQ for both total scores (r = 0.82) and each subscale: sugar (0.79), fat (0.75), and fat–sugar (0.59). The correlations of DFS and TFEQ were statistically significant for cognitive restraint (r = 0.32) and uncontrolled eating (r = 0.19). There also have been found significant differences based on SCOFF regarding DFS. Conclusions: The results suggest good reliability and validity of the Polish version of DFS

    Analiza zmian w zakresie zaspokojenia i frustracji podstawowych potrzeb psychologicznych oraz stresu i radzenia sobie z nim w pierwszych miesiącach pandemii COVID-19 w 2020 roku wśród kobiet

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    Globalna pandemia COVID-19 była wydarzeniem powodującym liczne deprywacje, zagrożenia oraz konieczność wprowadzenia drastycznych restrykcji. Celem badania było sprawdzenie, czy zmieniało się zaspokojenie i frustracja podstawowych potrzeb psychologicznych, odczuwanie stresu i radzenie sobie z nim wraz z przebiegiem pandemii i zmianami sytuacji społeczno-ekonomicznej. Badanie przeprowadzono na kobietach, które – według dostępnych danych – doświadczały większego stresu i frustracji związanej z sytuacją pandemii. W okresie od marca do maja 2020 roku dwukrotnie w odstępie dwóch miesięcy zbadano on-line 298 ochotniczek (wiek 16–73) za pomocą BPNS&FS Chen i in. (2015), PSS Cohena i in. (1983), COPE Carvera i in. (1989) oraz zestawem pytań związanych specyficznie z pandemią. Stwierdzono wzrost frustracji potrzeb kompetencji i więzi. Obniżył się poziom odczuwanego stresu i wzrosło poczucie bezpieczeństwa. Nasiliły się strategie tłumienia konkurencyjnych działań, pozytywnej reinterpretacji i rozwoju oraz zaprzeczania, natomiast osłabiła się strategia psychicznego uwalnianie się. Zmianom uległo także wiele specyficznych dla sytuacji pandemii strategii radzenia sobie. Pomimo utrzymywania się wysokiego stresu specyficznego, generalnie nastąpił spadek działań prewencyjnych i przestrzegania zasad ochrony przed zakażeniem. Wyniki wskazują na deprymujący i stresujący wpływ sytuacji pandemii na kobiety oraz na dynamiczne zmiany adaptacyjne i radzenia sobie z tą sytuacją