2,729 research outputs found

    Efficient coalition formation and stable coalition structures in a supply chain environment

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    We study a real supply chain environment from which specific information and knowledge can be extrapolated for other similar environments. We focus our research on the analysis of the interactions between members forming different teams (and between the teams themselves), and on the leader’s management of the supply chain. We note that there are many elements that contribute to the profitability of the network, which is dependent on the actions of the actors involved. We analyze certain characteristics that the actors have, such as their behavior, adaptation and learning levels, effort and willingness. Based on these components, we examine the performance of our actors and of the teams that the actors form. We provide specific calculations that take into account most of the components determining the added value to the system. One of the advantages of our main formula is that it can be used to monitor the progress of the actors, as well as it can help in the identification of problematic aspects impeding in the creation of value for the system. Our formula is very flexible and a modeler is able to adapt it to similar environments, providing him with great insight in the structures that he investigates. We study certain theoretical games from which we uncover certain information and characteristics of similar environments and settings. Moreover, we provide a real life example in order to truly understand the mechanism of the network, and validate our theoretical assessments. Moreover, we provide certain recommendations for a leader that is responsible for the supervision of actors (which have specific responsibilities) and the administration of a supply chain environment.coalition, supply chain management, core, value of the game, Coalition Factor Estimation

    The epistemic value of rationality

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    Models of rational choice use different definitions of rationality. However, there is no clear description of the latter. We recognize rationality as a conceptual conglomerate where reason, judgment, deliberation, relativity, behavior, experience, and pragmatism interact. Using our definition, the game theoretic idealized principle of rationality becomes absolute. Our model gives a more precise account of the players, of their true behavior. We show that the Rational Method (RM) is the only process that can be used to achieve a specific goal. We also provide schematics of how information, beliefs, knowledge, actions, and purposes interact with and influence each other in order to achieve a specific goal. Furthermore, ration, the ability to think in the RM framework, is a singularity in time and space. Having a unilateral definition of rationality, different models and theories have now a common ground on which we can judge their soundness.conceptual conglomerate, traditional rationality, rational method, ration

    An understanding of influence on human behavior

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    We describe a candid model for learning, why and how learning transpires. We investigate the original as well as the leading conditions of the learning process. We provide an insight into the realm of beliefs and their formation, their interaction and influence with the actor’s environment. In addition, we provide to our terms (and terminology) real definitions, thus differentiating between nominal and real definitions. Having this approach, the same terminology can be employed by other models, theories or frameworks without creating ‘expert language’ barriers. Moreover, we provide an understanding of the influence that learning in general has on human behavior.conceptual conglomerate, learning, learning process, human behavior.

    Making Care Coordination a Critical Component of the Pediatric Health System: A Multidisciplinary Framework

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    Based on a literature review and interviews, proposes a framework for delivering pediatric care coordination that links health care, education, early child care, and family support. Discusses core functions and the need for an integrated infrastructure


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    In the Midwest, the adoption of precision farming technologies began in the early 1990s. Research has produced profiles of early adopters, evaluated adoption trends and has identified factors that influence the adoption and profitability of precision farming. Importantly, this information is available to producers, who are interested in precision farming issues. In addition, the Midwest regional agricultural industry, strong promoters of precision farming technologies, has gained the confidence of farmers who now rely on them heavily for information on farming technologies. Precision farming in Arkansas, however, is still in its infancy. Adoption levels lag far behind those in the Midwest. Two reasons for this lag have been offered. First, some suggest that much of what is believed about the technologies in the state is based on hearsay or the results of small single farm case study analyses. Because these beliefs have not been rigorously substantiated with extensive empirical evidence it has not been possible to truly assess the status of adoption, to predict potential adoption trends, or to adequately advise farmers in a decision to include precision farming in their farm management plan. Second, others suggest that agricultural industry has not taken an active role in the promotion and sale of precision farming equipment and services. Without local availability, all the research in the world will not lead to adoption of technology in the state. The objective of this paper is to provide critical information to Arkansas agricultural producers, industry and extension with answers regarding 1) the current status of precision farming 2) the amount, source and effectiveness of precision farming promotion and 3) the potential future of precision farming in Arkansas. In the Spring of 1999, three groups, early adopters of precision farming technologies (EA), Cooperative Extension Service personnel (CES) and agricultural industry personnel (AI), were surveyed to ascertain the realities and perceptions of precision farming in Arkansas. The surveys included questions related to characteristics of early adopters, factors encouraging and hindering adoption, and the roles of CES and AI in the promotion of precision farming within Arkansas. The survey response rate was over 60 percent. To build profiles of Arkansas EA to compare responses regarding sources of precision farming information across all three groups three statistical tools were used to test hypotheses regarding factors which influence adoption. The surveys revealed that Arkansas EA are young, educated, computer using, experienced farmers controlling relatively large farms predominantly devoted to rice and soybean. These farmers currently employ yield and soil mapping, as well as VRT and GIS technologies in their operations. While many reasons (such as decreased costs, improved yields, and improved management capabilities) have been cited as factors that can encourage adoption, there are still any number of reasons why many Arkansas farmers have not yet adopted these technologies, including, technical difficulties, expense and unproven profitability. In addition, AI representatives see themselves as promoters of precision farming technologies in Arkansas while EA have cited instances of a lack of available equipment and also stated that they turn to CES rather than AI for farming information because they believe this is an unbiased source of information. The authors conclude that both reasons offered for the lag in adoption are likely and hope that these insights provide both the CES and AI representatives with information to help them focus their research and outreach activities so that more Arkansas producers can make informed decisions about precision farming.Crop Production/Industries,

    UWM Field Station meteorological data

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    During 1989, the UWM Field Station obtained a digital data logger weather station manufactured by Campbell Scientific, Inc. The equipment was operational in September 1989 and has produced continuous records since that time. The weather station is located next to the laboratory building in an open field. The meteorological data produced by this station are available by request. Here, I describe the various forms in which the data are available and provide annual summaries for September 1989 through 1991

    Degree of call synchrony during interactions between male snowy tree crickets

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    Call synchrony has been reported for the snowy tree cricket (Oecanthus fultoni), but the degree to which it occurs in natural interactions has not been previously investigated. I recorded acoustic interactions among ten pairs of male snowy tree crickets to determine the degree to which call synchrony occurs. High levels of call synchrony (percent of calls that temporally overlapped another call) were found in all pairs, but in only half of the pairs was synchrony greater than expected by chance. Males differed considerably in their tendency to temporally overlap the calls of their neighbors. There was minimal frequency overlap of calls in all pairs. Avoidance of frequency overlap may have allowed calls of individual males to be distinguished when there was temporal overlap

    Female dominance among Purple Finches (Carpodacus purpureus) in winter flocks

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    The dominance of females over males in winter flocks is rare. In this paper, I report on female dominance over males in winter flocks of Purple Finches (Carpodacus purpureus). Females won nearly all observed intersexual encounters and also differed from males in their use of agonistic displays. Female dominance has been reported for other species in the genus Carpodacus, but reasons for the occurrence of female dominance in this genus are unknown

    Profitability of Variable Rate Phosphorus in a Two Crop Rotation

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    The purpose of this study is to examine the profitability of variable rate phosphorus application on a rotation of rice (Oryza sativa) and soybeans (Glycine max) on fields comprised of clay and silt loam soils. Phosphorus was chosen because 1) farmers have recently been advised of the benefit of phosphorus applications on rice as well as soybeans, 2)recommended phosphorus application rates vary greatly between clay and silt loam soils and across rice and soybeans, and 3) the residual effects of phosphorus applications in a crop rotation affect the appropriateness of variable rate technology (VRT). A three phase simulation, regression and mathematical optimization analysis was conducted to determine within a ten year planning horizon the conditions under which the profitability of variable rate phosphorus applications exceeded the profitability of uniform rate technology. Results showed that in general, VRT is not profitable when fields are comprised of only the three studied silt loam soils. However, VRT was found to be profitable in most cases when even small percentages of clay were added to the soil mixin the field. Adoption will likely also be a function off arm size. Farmers earning relatively small returns to VRT on a small area are not as likely to adopt the technology as larger operations with similar per hectare returns

    Daily organization of vocalizations of forest-edge birds in Wisconsin

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    The daily patterning of vocalizations was determined for 15 species of forest-edge birds at the UWM Field Station. Species that were predominately callers (gave few songs) had very erratic patterns of vocalizations. Species that were primarily singers had distinct morning peaks in singing ( dawn chorus ) and, for most species, smaller evening peaks. Some of the singers also had small mid-afternoon peaks when the overall singing rates were low. With the exception of the Field Sparrow, which had a peak before most other species, and the towhee, which had a peak after most other species, there was little interspecific variation in the timing of morning peaks
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