285 research outputs found

    Marketing Tips for Small-scale, Local Honey Bee Keepers in Northwest Arkansas

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    The objective of this thesis was to gain market information for beekeepers regarding different honey bee products and to provide information about economic feasibility when produced on a small, local scale. Since cost-of-production information about operating an apiary is widely available, the focus of this work was on gaining marketing knowledge. One of the objectives of the surveys was to develop a better sense of what potential resellers of honey bee products considered locally produced. Another objective was to determine preferences for honey bee product packaging as well as bee pollination services. Using that feedback, a marketing plan for different niche markets can be developed for part-time beekeeping operations. The survey results pertaining to local retailers and end users in Northwest Arkansas in 2016 suggested a supply radius near 100 miles and a preference for small packaging in general. Least cost supply, and at least regional brand recognition were not deemed as important as ensuring locally sourced products that can be sold at a premium. Different niche markets revealed both similar and different priorities related to these marketing aspects

    Cost-benefit Analysis of a Genetic Marker on Cow-calf Operations Differentiated by Pasture and Breed

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    Genetic sequencing in beef cattle (Bos taurus L.) is expected to aid producers with selecting breeding stock. Using data from experimental trials conducted with Angus, Brahman, and their reciprocal cross, the single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) P450 C994G marker expression was investigated for use in selecting genetics suited to grazing endophyte-infected tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea Schreb. L.) compared to bermudagrass (Cynodon dactylon L.) pasture. The study is unique in the sense that actual cow-calf breeding failure rates (open cows were not culled) were tracked from 1991 to 1997 on herds that were bred to calf in spring and were either exposed to fungal endophyte-infected (Acremonium coenophialum L.) tall fescue grazing and hay or not. The study used the Forage and Cattle Analysis and Planning (FORCAP) decision support software to assess economic performance driven by birth weight, weaning weight, and breeding failure rate differences across treatment. Results suggest that for reciprocal cross herds primarily grazing bermudagrass pastures, the P450 C994C genotype (CC) was most favorable; whereas, the P450 G994C genotype (GC) was more profitable with tall fescue. Adding genetic market information when selecting a production strategy led to approximately 15/headinaddedprofitability.Incomparisontotheproratedcostof15/head in added profitability. In comparison to the prorated cost of 2.40/head over the life of a dam, the collection, interpretation, and management of genetic information under the conditions observed in this study may be worthwhile

    Chromosomal bar codes produced by multicolor fluorescence in situ hybridization with multiple YAC clones and whole chromosome painting probes

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    Colored chromosome staining patterns, termed chromosomal ‘bar codes’ (CBCs), were obtained on human chromosomes by fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) with pools of Alu-PCR products from YAC dones containing human DNA inserts ranging from 100 kbp to 1 Mbp. In contrast to conventional G- or R-bands, the chromosomal position, extent, Individual color and relative signal intensity of each ‘bar’ could be modified depending on probe selection and labeling procedures. Alu-PCR amplification products were generated from 31 YAC clones which mapped to 37 different chromosome bands. For multiple color FISH, Alu-PCR amplification products from various clones were either biotinylated or labeled with digoxigenin. Probes from up to twenty YAC clones were used simultaneously to produce CBCs on selected human chromosomes. Evaluation using a cooled CCD camera and digital image analysis confirmed the high reproducibility of the bars from one metaphase spread to another. Combinatorial FISH with mixtures of whole chromosome paint probes was applied to paint seven chromosomes simultaneously in different colors along with a set of YAC clones which map to these chromosomes. We discuss the potential to construct analytical chromosomal bar codes adapted to particular needs of cytogenetic investigations and automated image analysis

    Economic and Conservation Evaluation of Capital Renovation Projects: Hidalgo County Irrigation District No. 1 (Edinburg) - North Branch / East Main - Final

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    Initial construction costs and net annual changes in operating and maintenance expenses are identified for a single-component capital renovation project proposed by Hidalgo County Irrigation District No. 1 to the Bureau of Reclamation and North American Development Bank. The proposed project involves installing 4.83 miles of multi-size pipeline to replace a segment of the North Branch / East Main canal. Both nominal and real estimates of water and energy savings and expected economic and financial costs of those savings are identified throughout the anticipated 48-year useful life for the proposed project. Sensitivity results for both the cost of water savings and cost of energy savings are presented for several important parameters. Annual water and energy savings forthcoming from the total project are estimated, using amortization procedures, to be 5,838 ac-ft of water per year and 3,293,049,926 BTUs (965,138 kwh) of energy per year. The calculated economic and financial cost of water savings is estimated to be 15.58perac−ft.Thecalculatedeconomicandfinancialcostofenergysavingsisestimatedat15.58 per ac-ft. The calculated economic and financial cost of energy savings is estimated at 0.0000392 per BTU (0.134perkwh).Inaddition,expectedreal(ratherthannominal)valuesareindicatedfortheBureauofReclamation’sthreeprincipalevaluationmeasuresspecifiedintheUnitedStatesPublicLaw106−576legislation.Theinitialconstructioncostperac−ftofwatersavingsmeasureis0.134 per kwh). In addition, expected real (rather than nominal) values are indicated for the Bureau of Reclamation’s three principal evaluation measures specified in the United States Public Law 106-576 legislation. The initial construction cost per ac-ft of water savings measure is 30.68 per ac-ft of water savings. The initial construction cost per BTU (kwh) of energy savings measure is 0.0000544perBTU(0.0000544 per BTU (0.186 per kwh). The ratio of initial construction costs per dollar of total annual economic savings is estimated to be -1.58

    A strategy for the characterization of minute chromosome rearrangements using multiple color fluorescence in situ hybridization with chromosome-specific DNA libraries and YAC clones

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    The identification of marker chromosomes in clinical and tumor cytogenetics by chromosome banding analysis can create problems. In this study, we present a strategy to define minute chromosomal rearrangements by multicolor fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) with whole chromosome painting probes derived from chromosome-specific DNA libraries and Alu-polymerase chain reaction (PCR) products of various region-specific yeast artificial chromosome (YAC) clones. To demonstrate the usefulness of this strategy for the characterization of chromosome rearrangements unidentifiable by banding techniques, an 8p+ marker chromosome with two extra bands present in the karyotype of a child with multiple anomalies, malformations, and severe mental retardation was investigated. A series of seven-color FISH experiments with sets of fluorochrome-labeled DNA library probes from flow-sorted chromosomes demonstrated that the additional segment on 8p+ was derived from chromosome 6. For a more detailed characterization of the marker chromosome, three-color FISH experiments with library probes specific to chromosomes 6 and 8 were performed in combination with newly established telomeric and subtelomeric YAC clones from 6q25, 6p23, and 8p23. These experiments demonstrated a trisomy 6pter6p22 and a monosomy 8pter8p23 in the patient. The present limitations for a broad application of this strategy and its possible improvements are discusse

    Economic and Conservation Evaluation of Capital Renovation Projects: Hidalgo County Irrigation District No. 2 (San Juan) – 48" Pipeline Replacing Wisconsin Canal – Preliminary

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    Initial construction costs and net annual changes in operating and maintenance expenses are identified for a single-component capital renovation project proposed by Hidalgo County Irrigation District No. 2, (a.k.a. San Juan) to the North American Development Bank (NADBank) and Bureau of Reclamation. The proposed project involves constructing a 48" pipeline to replace the “Wisconsin Canal.” Both nominal and real estimates of water and energy savings and expected economic and financial costs of those savings are identified throughout the anticipated useful life for the proposed project. Sensitivity results for both the cost of water savings and cost of energy savings are presented for several important parameters. Annual water and energy savings forthcoming from the total project are estimated, using amortization procedures, to be 977 ac-ft of water per year and 372,892,700 BTUs (109,289 kwh) of energy per year. The calculated economic and financial cost of water savings is estimated to be 70.97perac−ft.Thecalculatedeconomicandfinancialcostofenergysavingsisestimatedat70.97 per ac-ft. The calculated economic and financial cost of energy savings is estimated at 0.0002124 per BTU (0.725perkwh).Inaddition,expectedreal(vsnominal)valuesareindicatedfortheBureauofReclamation’sthreeprincipalevaluationmeasuresspecifiedintheUnitedStatesPublicLaw106−576legislation.Theinitialconstructioncostperac−ftofwatersavingsmeasureis0.725 per kwh). In addition, expected real (vs nominal) values are indicated for the Bureau of Reclamation’s three principal evaluation measures specified in the United States Public Law 106-576 legislation. The initial construction cost per ac-ft of water savings measure is 75.29 per ac-ft of water savings. The initial construction cost per BTU (kwh) of energy savings measure is 0.0001973perBTU(0.0001973 per BTU (0.673 per kwh). The ratio of initial construction costs per dollar of total annual economic savings is estimated to be -3.12

    Economic and Conservation Evaluation of Capital Renovation Projects: Cameron County Irrigation District No. 2 (San Benito) - Infrastructure Rehabilitation - Final

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    Initial construction costs and net annual changes in operating and maintenance expenses are identified for a five-component capital renovation project proposed by Cameron County Irrigation District No. 2, (a.k.a. San Benito) to the Bureau of Reclamation (BOR). The proposed project involves rehabilitating 42+ miles of canals, laterals, and pipelines. Both nominal and real estimates of water and energy savings and expected economic and financial costs of those savings are identified throughout the anticipated useful lives for all five components of the proposed project. Sensitivity results for both the cost of water savings and cost of energy savings are presented for several important parameters. Annual water and energy savings forthcoming from the total project are estimated, using amortization procedures, to be 19,580 ac-ft of water per year and 2,151,277,209 BTUs (630,503 kwh) of energy per year. The calculated economic and financial cost of water savings is estimated to be 45.60perac−ft.Thecalculatedeconomicandfinancialcostofenergysavingsisestimatedat45.60 per ac-ft. The calculated economic and financial cost of energy savings is estimated at 0.0004399 per BTU (1.501perkwh).Inaddition,expectedreal(vsnominal)valuesareindicatedfortheBureauofReclamation’sthreeprincipalevaluationmeasuresspecifiedintheUnitedStatesPublicLaw106−576legislation.Theaggregateinitialconstructioncostperac−ftofwatersavingsmeasureis1.501 per kwh). In addition, expected real (vs nominal) values are indicated for the Bureau of Reclamation’s three principal evaluation measures specified in the United States Public Law 106-576 legislation. The aggregate initial construction cost per ac-ft of water savings measure is 46.98 per ac-ft of water savings. The aggregate initial construction cost per BTU (kwh) of energy savings measure is 0.0004275perBTU(0.0004275 per BTU (1.459 per kwh). The aggregate ratio of initial construction costs per dollar of total annual economic savings is estimated to be -9.04

    Economic and Conservation Evaluation of Capital Renovation Projects: Hidalgo County Irrigation District No. 1 (Edinburg) - North Branch / East Main - Final

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    Initial construction costs and net annual changes in operating and maintenance expenses are identified for a single-component capital renovation project proposed by Hidalgo County Irrigation District No. 1 to the Bureau of Reclamation and North American Development Bank. The proposed project involves installing 4.83 miles of multi-size pipeline to replace a segment of the North Branch / East Main canal. Both nominal and real estimates of water and energy savings and expected economic and financial costs of those savings are identified throughout the anticipated 48-year useful life for the proposed project. Sensitivity results for both the cost of water savings and cost of energy savings are presented for several important parameters. Annual water and energy savings forthcoming from the total project are estimated, using amortization procedures, to be 5,838 ac-ft of water per year and 3,293,049,926 BTUs (965,138 kwh) of energy per year. The calculated economic and financial cost of water savings is estimated to be 15.58perac−ft.Thecalculatedeconomicandfinancialcostofenergysavingsisestimatedat15.58 per ac-ft. The calculated economic and financial cost of energy savings is estimated at 0.0000392 per BTU (0.134perkwh).Inaddition,expectedreal(ratherthannominal)valuesareindicatedfortheBureauofReclamation’sthreeprincipalevaluationmeasuresspecifiedintheUnitedStatesPublicLaw106−576legislation.Theinitialconstructioncostperac−ftofwatersavingsmeasureis0.134 per kwh). In addition, expected real (rather than nominal) values are indicated for the Bureau of Reclamation’s three principal evaluation measures specified in the United States Public Law 106-576 legislation. The initial construction cost per ac-ft of water savings measure is 30.68 per ac-ft of water savings. The initial construction cost per BTU (kwh) of energy savings measure is 0.0000544perBTU(0.0000544 per BTU (0.186 per kwh). The ratio of initial construction costs per dollar of total annual economic savings is estimated to be -1.58

    Economic and Conservation Evaluation of Capital Renovation Projects: Cameron County Irrigation District No. 2 (San Benito) – Infrastructure Rehabilitation – Preliminary

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    Initial construction costs and net annual changes in operating and maintenance expenses are identified for a five-component capital renovation project proposed by Cameron County Irrigation District No. 2, (a.k.a. San Benito) to the Bureau of Reclamation (BOR). The proposed project involves rehabilitating 42+ miles of canals, laterals, and pipelines. Both nominal and real estimates of water and energy savings and expected economic and financial costs of those savings are identified throughout the anticipated useful lives for all five components of the proposed project. Sensitivity results for both the cost of water savings and cost of energy savings are presented for several important parameters. Annual water and energy savings forthcoming from the total project are estimated, using amortization procedures, to be 19,580 ac-ft of water per year and 2,151,277,209 BTUs (630,503 kwh) of energy per year. The calculated economic and financial cost of water savings is estimated to be 45.60perac−ft.Thecalculatedeconomicandfinancialcostofenergysavingsisestimatedat45.60 per ac-ft. The calculated economic and financial cost of energy savings is estimated at 0.0004399 per BTU (1.501perkwh).Inaddition,expectedreal(vsnominal)valuesareindicatedfortheBureauofReclamation’sthreeprincipalevaluationmeasuresspecifiedintheUnitedStatesPublicLaw106−576legislation.Theaggregateinitialconstructioncostperac−ftofwatersavingsmeasureis1.501 per kwh). In addition, expected real (vs nominal) values are indicated for the Bureau of Reclamation’s three principal evaluation measures specified in the United States Public Law 106-576 legislation. The aggregate initial construction cost per ac-ft of water savings measure is 46.98 per ac-ft of water savings. The aggregate initial construction cost per BTU (kwh) of energy savings measure is 0.0004275perBTU(0.0004275 per BTU (1.459 per kwh). The aggregate ratio of initial construction costs per dollar of total annual economic savings is estimated to be -9.04
