22 research outputs found

    Valorizacija sporednih proizvoda iz dorade semenske uljane repice

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    After technological processing of rapeseed significant amounts of useful and useless waste products stand out. The aim of the present study was to investigate the chemical composition, content of glucosinolates, microbiological safety, and presence of mycotoxins and heavy element contents of useful rapeseed by-products which are intended for animal nutrition. Feed components as well as complete mixtures for animal feed must be safe and in accordance with the requirements of the current national regulation. The investigated useful by-products contained significant amounts of proteins (21.80%) and fat (33.78%). As a part of the research, extrusion of the mixture containing rapeseed by-products and maize in the ratio of 50:50% was performed. The process of extrusion was carried out at 130 °C. Based on the obtained results it was noticed that the investigated extruded mixture is a convenient protein-energy supplement suitable for animal feed production with significantly reduced glucosinolate content (from 10.30 to 7.82 µmol/g). It was also observed that the extrusion of feed mixture led to the reduction of the number of microorganisms which ensures safe feedstuff for animal feed production.U tehnološkom postupku prerade semenske uljane repice izdvaja se značajna količina otpadnih produkata. Cilj istraživanja bio je da se ispita hemijski sastav, sadržaj glukozinolata, mikrobiološka ispravnost, prisustvo mikotoksina i teških metala u nusproizvodima koji se dobijaju pri doradi semenske uljane repice, namenjenih proizvodnji hrane za životinje. Potpune smeše za ishranu životinja kao i hraniva moraju biti higijenski ispravne i udovoljiti zahtevima važećeg Pravilnika o kvalitetu hrane za životinje. Na osnovu ispitivanja pomenutih parametara, ustanovljeno je da ispitivani sporedni proizvodi sadrže značajnu količinu proteina (21,80%) i masti (33,78%). U okviru istraživanja izvršeno je ekstrudiranje sporednog proizvoda iz dorade semenske uljane repice sa kukuruzom u odnosu 50:50%. Ekstrudiranje smeše primesa iz dorade semenske uljane repice i kukuruza je sprovedeno na temperaturi od 130 °C. Dobijeno je hranivo zadovoljavajućeg nutritivno-hemijskog profila, uz značajnu redukciju sadržaja glukozinolata za 24,08% (sa 10,30 na 7,82 µmol/g). Na osnovu izvedenih ispitivanja, ustanovljeno je da procesom ekstrudiranja hraniva dolazi do smanjenja broja mikroorganizama čime se obezbeđuje higijenska ispravnost ekstrudata

    Utjecaj eteričnog ulja bijeloga pelina (Artemisia absinthium) na antioksidativni status tovnih pilića invadiranih oocistama Eimeria spp.

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    The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of Artemisia absinthium essential oil (AAEO) on the enzymatic activity of superoxide-dismutase (SOD), glutathione-peroxidase (GSHPx), glutathione-reductase (GR), peroxidase (POD) and xanthine-oxidase (XOD) and the content of lipid peroxides (LPx) and glutathione (GSH) in broilers infected with an oocyst mixture of Eimeria tenella, Eimeria mitis and Eimeria necatrix, compared to coccidicide salinomycine. The investigation was carried out on 240 Arbour acres broilers of both sexes. Broilers were distributed completely randomly into four treatment groups: treatment group A was uninfected and untreated; treatment group B was infected and kept untreated; treatment group C preventively received coccidicide salinomycine in a dose of 60 mg/kg of feed and inoculated with an oocyst mixture on the 21st day-of-age; treatment group D received AAEO in their feed in a dose of 3 g/kg and were infected with the oocyst mixture on the 21st day of age. During the study, bloody diarrhoea was observed from the 3rd to 9th day after the challenge. After six days of infection, the most intensive bloody diarrhoea was noticed in the un-medicated treatment group. In order to evaluate the effects of essential oil on poultry coccidiosis induced by Eimeria spp., oocysts per gram of faeces (OPG) were also investigated in all treatment groups. During the experiment, the oocyst output and mortality rate were significantly lower (P<0.05) in the AAEO treatment group (D2) in comparison to the positive control (B), while significant excretion of oocysts was noticed in the faeces of non-treated broilers infected with Eimeria spp. The broilers treated with salinomycin (C2) showed complete reduction of oocysts in their faeces at 30 days of age. The results obtained in this study indicate changes in the content and the activity of the non-enzymatic and enzymatic antioxidative protective systems in blood hemolysates of infected chickens. The positive preventive effects of AAEO, applied in a concentration of 3g/kg of feed, were high on the antioxidative system of erythrocytes. On the basis of the obtained results, it was concluded that AAEO was effective in lowering the intensity of bloody diarrhoea, as well in reducing the oocyst output of the preventively treated and infected broilers; hence it may be used as a prophylactic feed additive. Moreover, AAEO showed an important role in the activation of antioxidative protection systems in infected broilers, which is of great interest since free radicals and lipid peroxides, formed as a result of lower food intake and exhaustion of the organism induced by diarrhoea, could cause cellular membrane damage.U radu je istražen utjecaj eteričnog ulja bijeloga pelina (Artemisia absinthium) (AAEO) na enzimsku aktivnost superoksid dismutaze (SOD), glutation peroksidaze (GSHPx), glutation reduktaze (GR), peroksidaze (POD) i ksantin-oksidaze (XOD), kao i sadržaj lipidnih peroksida (LPx) i glutationa (GSH) u tovnim pilićima inficiranim smjesom oocista Eimeria tenella, Eimeria mitis i Eimeria necatrix u odnosu na kokcidiostatik salinomicin. Istraživanje in vivo provedeno je na 240 pilića Arbor acres, oba spola. Pilići su bili podijeljeni u četiri skupine. Skupina A je bila neinficirana i netretirana (negativna kontrola). Skupina B je bila inficirana i netretirana (pozitivna kontrola). Skupina C je preventivno dobivala kokcidiostatik salinomicin u količini od 60 mg/kg hrane te je bila inokulirana kokcidijama 21. dana starosti. Skupina D je u hrani dobivala AAEO u količini 3 g/kg te je 21. dana starosti bila inficirana mješavinom oocisti Eimeria sp. Tijekom istraživanja krvava dijareja javljala se od 3. do 9. dana nakon infekcije. Šest dana nakon inficiranja, najintezivnija krvava dijareja zapažena je u netretiranih pilića. U cilju procjene djelovanja eteričnog ulja bijeloga pelina na kokcidiozu kod peradi izazvanu Eimeria oocistama, broj oocista po gramu fecesa (OPG) također je bio istražen u svim skupinama. Tijekom pokusa utvrđeno je da je broj oocista i razina smrtnosti bila znatno niža (P<0,05) u AAEO skupini (D2) u usporedbi s pozitivnom kontrolom (B), dok je značajno izlučivanje oocista uočeno u fecesu pilića koji nisu bili tretirani. Pilići koji su dobivali salinomicin (C2) pokazali su potpunu redukciju oocista u fecesu 30. dana starosti. Rezultati dobiveni u ovoj studiji pokazali su promjene u sadržaju i aktivnosti neenzimskih i enzimskih sustava zaštite u krvi inficiranih tovnih pilića. Zapaženi su pozitivni učinci preventivne primjene AAEO u koncentraciji 3 g/kg hrane na antioksidativni sustav eritrocita. Na osnovi dobivenih rezultata zaključeno je da je eterično ulje Artemisia absinthium vrlo učinkovito u smanjenju jačine krvavog proljeva kao i u smanjenju broja oocista u pilića koji su preventivno tretirani s AAEO. Stoga se može zaključiti da eterično ulje bijeloga pelina može biti davano kao profilaktički dodatak hrani za životinje. Također, AAEO ima pozitivan utjecaj na aktiviranje antioksidativnog sustava zaštite u krvi pilića, što je vrlo značajno s obzirom na to da slobodni radikali i lipidni peroksidi, koji nastaju kao rezultat manjeg unosa hrane i iscrpljenosti organizma uzrokovanog dijarejom, mogu izazvati oštećenje stanične membrane

    Potencijal pelina (Artemisia absinthium) kao dodatak u hranidbi kunića: utjecaj na kontrolu kokcidioze, antioksidacijski sustav i proizvodna obilježja

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    The objective of the study was the investigation of dietary inclusion of Artemisia absinthium as a potential anticoccidial drug in rabbit diet, as well as a growth promoter and antioxidant in rabbit nutrition. The in vivo investigation was carried out on 120 male New Zealand white rabbits. The rabbits were distributed into four dietary treatments with ten replicates each. Two levels of whole wormwood plant were used: 100 g/kg (WW100) and 200 g/kg (WW200). The control treatment (C) was basal diet, and one treatment (CR) received chemical coccidiostat robenidine, supplemented in the amount of 6 g/kg. The rabbits were given ad libitum access to water and feed throughout the entire trial period. Feed intake was measured on a daily basis, while body weight was monitored at an individual level during the entire experimental period every seven days, for a total of 77 days. Blood and liver samples were collected for enzyme analyses, where oocyst counts were determined in 1 g of rabbit feces. At the end of the trial, the addition of 200 g/kg of wormwood led to the highest body weight (3047 g), as well to the lowest feed conversion ratio (3.20 kg/kg) with significant differences compared to the control treatment (3.75 kg/kg). The highest recorded glutatione reductase value was with treatment WW100, with significant differences to other experimental treatments. Consumption of coccidiostat and dried wormwood plant in different levels led to a notably lower malondialdehyde content in liver homogenate compared to the control treatment. Finally, the lowest number of oocysts was found in the treatment receiving wormwood in a concentration of 100 g/kg. On the basis of the results achieved, it may be noticed that wormwood supplementation in the diet of rabbits has a positive influence on growth performance, as well on antioxidative systems in rabbits. Subsequently, it was shown that wormwood can successfully be used in reducing the number of oocysts in rabbits.Cilj je ovog rada bio istražiti dodatak pelina (Artemisia absinthium) u hranidbi kunića kao potencijalni antikokcidiostatik, ali i kao promotor rasta i antioksidans. Pokus je izveden in vivo na 120 bijelih novozelandskih kunića muškog spola, a bio je ponovljen četiri puta pri čemu je formirano 10 skupina. Korištene su dvije koncentracije cijele biljke pelina: 100 g/kg (WW100) i 200 g/kg (WW200). Kunići u kontrolnoj skupini (C) bili su hranjeni smjesama bez ikakvih dodataka, dok je u hranidbi pokusnih kunića (CR) dodan kemijski kokcidiostatik robenidin u količini od 6 g/kg. Voda i hrana bili su im dostupni ad libitum tijekom cijelog pokusnog razdoblja. Utrošak hrane bio je mjeren na dnevnom razini, dok je tjelesna težina bila praćena na individualnoj razini tijekom cijelog pokusa svakih sedam dana, ukupno 77 dana. Uzorci krvi i jetre bili su prikupljeni za enzimske analize, dok je broj oocista utvrđen po 1 g fecesa. Na kraju ekperimenta utvrđeno je da je dodatak 200 g/kg pelina doveo do najveće tjelesne mase kunića (3047 g) i do najmanje konverzije hrane (3,20 kg/kg) koja se značajno razlikovala u usporedbi s kontrolom (3,75 kg/kg). Najveća zabilježena vrijednost glutation reduktaze bila je u tretmanu WW100 sa značajnim razlikama u odnosu na druge eksperimentalne tretmane. Upotreba kokcidiostatika i osušene biljke pelina u različitim koncentracijama dovela je do znatno manjeg sadržaja malondialdehida u homogenatu jetre u usporedbi sa kontrolnim tretmanom. Također, najmanji broj oocista bio je zabilježen u tretmanu u kome je pelin dodan u koncentraciji od 100 g/kg. Na osnovi postignutih rezultata, može se primijetiti da dodatak pelina u hranidbi kunića ima pozitivan utjecaj na njihova proizvodna obilježja, kao i na antioksidacijske sustave. Također, ustanovljeno je da se pelin može uspješno koristiti za smanjivanje broja oocista

    The possibility of in vitro multi-enzymatic method application for the assessment of the influence of thermal treatments on organic matter digestibility of feed for ruminants

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    In vitro multi-enzymatic method is a two-step procedure that uses exogenous enzymes for incubation of feed that aim to imitate digestive processes in the animal. It is used for determination of organic matter digestibility (OMD) of various feedstuffs and complete mixtures used in ruminant nutrition. The aim of the present work was to determine whether this in vitro multi-enzymatic method can be applied for the assessment of the influence of thermal treatments on OMD of feed for ruminants. Samples of corn and complete mixture for cows (based on corn) were subjected to pelleting, steam flaking, micronization and extrusion. Statistical analysis of the results did not show significant increase of corn and complete mixture OMD after various thermal treatments compared to untreated samples, which can be explained by high digestibility of corn itself (exceeds 90%). Based on obtained results it can be concluded that applied in vitro method is not suitable for the assessment of the influence of thermal treatments on OMD of corn and corn based mixture, while future research should be broadened to analysis of samples with lower OMD, such as sorghum, oats and barley

    Cardiovascular diseases and air pollution in Novi Sad, Serbia

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    Objectives: A large body of evidence has documented that air pollutants have adverse effect on human health as well as on the environment. The aim of this study was to determine whether there was an association between outdoor concentrations of sulfur dioxide (SO2) and nitrogen dioxide (NO2) and a daily number of hospital admissions due to cardiovascular diseases (CVD) in Novi Sad, Serbia among patients aged above 18. Material and Methods: The investigation was carried out during over a 3-year period (from January 1, 2007 to December 31, 2009) in the area of Novi Sad. The number (N = 10 469) of daily CVD (ICD-10: I00-I99) hospital admissions was collected according to patients' addresses. Daily mean levels of NO2 and SO2, measured in the ambient air of Novi Sad via a network of fixed samplers, have been used to put forward outdoor air pollution. Associations between air pollutants and hospital admissions were firstly analyzed by the use of the linear regression in a single polluted model, and then trough a single and multi-polluted adjusted generalized linear Poisson model. Results: The single polluted model (without confounding factors) indicated that there was a linear increase in the number of hospital admissions due to CVD in relation to the linear increase in concentrations of SO2 (p = 0.015; 95% confidence interval (95% CI): 0.144-1.329, R2 = 0.005) and NO2 (p = 0.007; 95% CI: 0.214-1.361, R2 = 0.007). However, the single and multi-polluted adjusted models revealed that only NO2 was associated with the CVD (p = 0.016, relative risk (RR) = 1.049, 95% CI: 1.009-1.091 and p = 0.022, RR = 1.047, 95% CI: 1.007-1.089, respectively). Conclusions: This study shows a significant positive association between hospital admissions due to CVD and outdoor NO2 concentrations in the area of Novi Sad, Serbia

    A global experiment on motivating social distancing during the COVID-19 pandemic

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    Finding communication strategies that effectively motivate social distancing continues to be a global public health priority during the COVID-19 pandemic. This cross-country, preregistered experiment (n = 25,718 from 89 countries) tested hypotheses concerning generalizable positive and negative outcomes of social distancing messages that promoted personal agency and reflective choices (i.e., an autonomy-supportive message) or were restrictive and shaming (i.e., a controlling message) compared with no message at all. Results partially supported experimental hypotheses in that the controlling message increased controlled motivation (a poorly internalized form of motivation relying on shame, guilt, and fear of social consequences) relative to no message. On the other hand, the autonomy-supportive message lowered feelings of defiance compared with the controlling message, but the controlling message did not differ from receiving no message at all. Unexpectedly, messages did not influence autonomous motivation (a highly internalized form of motivation relying on one’s core values) or behavioral intentions. Results supported hypothesized associations between people’s existing autonomous and controlled motivations and self-reported behavioral intentions to engage in social distancing. Controlled motivation was associated with more defiance and less long-term behavioral intention to engage in social distancing, whereas autonomous motivation was associated with less defiance and more short- and long-term intentions to social distance. Overall, this work highlights the potential harm of using shaming and pressuring language in public health communication, with implications for the current and future global health challenges

    A global experiment on motivating social distancing during the COVID-19 pandemic

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    Finding communication strategies that effectively motivate social distancing continues to be a global public health priority during the COVID-19 pandemic. This cross-country, preregistered experiment (n = 25,718 from 89 countries) tested hypotheses concerning generalizable positive and negative outcomes of social distancing messages that promoted personal agency and reflective choices (i.e., an autonomy-supportive message) or were restrictive and shaming (i.e. a controlling message) compared to no message at all. Results partially supported experimental hypotheses in that the controlling message increased controlled motivation (a poorly-internalized form of motivation relying on shame, guilt, and fear of social consequences) relative to no message. On the other hand, the autonomy-supportive message lowered feelings of defiance compared to the controlling message, but the controlling message did not differ from receiving no message at all. Unexpectedly, messages did not influence autonomous motivation (a highly-internalized form of motivation relying on one’s core values) or behavioral intentions. Results supported hypothesized associations between people’s existing autonomous and controlled motivations and self-reported behavioral intentions to engage in social distancing: Controlled motivation was associated with more defiance and less long-term behavioral intentions to engage in social distancing, whereas autonomous motivation was associated with less defiance and more short- and long-term intentions to social distance. Overall, this work highlights the potential harm of using shaming and pressuring language in public health communication, with implications for the current and future global health challenges

    Apiaceae seeds as functional food

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    The aim of this review was to point to a great importance of plants from Apiaceae family as a functional food. Caraway (Carum carvi L.), anise (Pimpinella anisum L.), coriander (Coriandrum sativum L.), dill (Anethum graveolens L.), fennel (Foeniculum vulgare Mill.) and cumin (Cuminum cyminum L.) are plants from the above-mentioned family whose seeds are widely used in folk medicine, pharmaceutical industry, as spices, flavoring agents and as dietary supplements. These plants are rich in essential oil, which is a mixture of volatile compounds that give it a characteristic aroma. Their antioxidant and antimicrobial activities have been proven and because of these activities they have great potential to be used as natural food conservatives. These plants also have hypoglycemic and hypolipidemic activities as well as anticancer properties. They are used as food supplements in everyday nutrition and as natural health products for the prevention and treatment of many disorders such as inflammations, hyperglycemia, hyperlipidemia and others. Apart from this, these plants have real application in foods such as pastries, meat and dairy products, pickles and salads as well as spice blends like curry powder, garam masala and others

    Utjecaj eteričnog ulja bijeloga pelina (Artemisia absinthium) na antioksidativni status tovnih pilića invadiranih oocistama Eimeria spp.

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    The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of Artemisia absinthium essential oil (AAEO) on the enzymatic activity of superoxide-dismutase (SOD), glutathione-peroxidase (GSHPx), glutathione-reductase (GR), peroxidase (POD) and xanthine-oxidase (XOD) and the content of lipid peroxides (LPx) and glutathione (GSH) in broilers infected with an oocyst mixture of Eimeria tenella, Eimeria mitis and Eimeria necatrix, compared to coccidicide salinomycine. The investigation was carried out on 240 Arbour acres broilers of both sexes. Broilers were distributed completely randomly into four treatment groups: treatment group A was uninfected and untreated; treatment group B was infected and kept untreated; treatment group C preventively received coccidicide salinomycine in a dose of 60 mg/kg of feed and inoculated with an oocyst mixture on the 21st day-of-age; treatment group D received AAEO in their feed in a dose of 3 g/kg and were infected with the oocyst mixture on the 21st day of age. During the study, bloody diarrhoea was observed from the 3rd to 9th day after the challenge. After six days of infection, the most intensive bloody diarrhoea was noticed in the un-medicated treatment group. In order to evaluate the effects of essential oil on poultry coccidiosis induced by Eimeria spp., oocysts per gram of faeces (OPG) were also investigated in all treatment groups. During the experiment, the oocyst output and mortality rate were significantly lower (P<0.05) in the AAEO treatment group (D2) in comparison to the positive control (B), while significant excretion of oocysts was noticed in the faeces of non-treated broilers infected with Eimeria spp. The broilers treated with salinomycin (C2) showed complete reduction of oocysts in their faeces at 30 days of age. The results obtained in this study indicate changes in the content and the activity of the non-enzymatic and enzymatic antioxidative protective systems in blood hemolysates of infected chickens. The positive preventive effects of AAEO, applied in a concentration of 3g/kg of feed, were high on the antioxidative system of erythrocytes. On the basis of the obtained results, it was concluded that AAEO was effective in lowering the intensity of bloody diarrhoea, as well in reducing the oocyst output of the preventively treated and infected broilers; hence it may be used as a prophylactic feed additive. Moreover, AAEO showed an important role in the activation of antioxidative protection systems in infected broilers, which is of great interest since free radicals and lipid peroxides, formed as a result of lower food intake and exhaustion of the organism induced by diarrhoea, could cause cellular membrane damage.U radu je istražen utjecaj eteričnog ulja bijeloga pelina (Artemisia absinthium) (AAEO) na enzimsku aktivnost superoksid dismutaze (SOD), glutation peroksidaze (GSHPx), glutation reduktaze (GR), peroksidaze (POD) i ksantin-oksidaze (XOD), kao i sadržaj lipidnih peroksida (LPx) i glutationa (GSH) u tovnim pilićima inficiranim smjesom oocista Eimeria tenella, Eimeria mitis i Eimeria necatrix u odnosu na kokcidiostatik salinomicin. Istraživanje in vivo provedeno je na 240 pilića Arbor acres, oba spola. Pilići su bili podijeljeni u četiri skupine. Skupina A je bila neinficirana i netretirana (negativna kontrola). Skupina B je bila inficirana i netretirana (pozitivna kontrola). Skupina C je preventivno dobivala kokcidiostatik salinomicin u količini od 60 mg/kg hrane te je bila inokulirana kokcidijama 21. dana starosti. Skupina D je u hrani dobivala AAEO u količini 3 g/kg te je 21. dana starosti bila inficirana mješavinom oocisti Eimeria sp. Tijekom istraživanja krvava dijareja javljala se od 3. do 9. dana nakon infekcije. Šest dana nakon inficiranja, najintezivnija krvava dijareja zapažena je u netretiranih pilića. U cilju procjene djelovanja eteričnog ulja bijeloga pelina na kokcidiozu kod peradi izazvanu Eimeria oocistama, broj oocista po gramu fecesa (OPG) također je bio istražen u svim skupinama. Tijekom pokusa utvrđeno je da je broj oocista i razina smrtnosti bila znatno niža (P<0,05) u AAEO skupini (D2) u usporedbi s pozitivnom kontrolom (B), dok je značajno izlučivanje oocista uočeno u fecesu pilića koji nisu bili tretirani. Pilići koji su dobivali salinomicin (C2) pokazali su potpunu redukciju oocista u fecesu 30. dana starosti. Rezultati dobiveni u ovoj studiji pokazali su promjene u sadržaju i aktivnosti neenzimskih i enzimskih sustava zaštite u krvi inficiranih tovnih pilića. Zapaženi su pozitivni učinci preventivne primjene AAEO u koncentraciji 3 g/kg hrane na antioksidativni sustav eritrocita. Na osnovi dobivenih rezultata zaključeno je da je eterično ulje Artemisia absinthium vrlo učinkovito u smanjenju jačine krvavog proljeva kao i u smanjenju broja oocista u pilića koji su preventivno tretirani s AAEO. Stoga se može zaključiti da eterično ulje bijeloga pelina može biti davano kao profilaktički dodatak hrani za životinje. Također, AAEO ima pozitivan utjecaj na aktiviranje antioksidativnog sustava zaštite u krvi pilića, što je vrlo značajno s obzirom na to da slobodni radikali i lipidni peroksidi, koji nastaju kao rezultat manjeg unosa hrane i iscrpljenosti organizma uzrokovanog dijarejom, mogu izazvati oštećenje stanične membrane

    Changes in milk composition of domestic Balkan donkeys’ breed during lactation periods

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    Changes in the milk composition during early, middle and late stage of lactation period were monitored in 10 individual autochthonous donkeys of the Domestic Balkan breed. Animals were grazing ad libitum during early and middle lactation, while supplements (meadow hay, corn and corn stalks) were added during the late lactation period. The aim of this study was to evaluate the main compounds of donkeys’ milk during different periods of lactation. Based on the obtained results it was noticed that nutritional effects on milk composition were the greatest in the early and middle lactation. Chemical analysis indicated that donkeys’ milk was quite poor in dry matter (8.82-9.68%), fat (0.54-0.67%) and protein (1.44-1.79%), and conversely was high in lactose content (6.06-7.12%). Concentration of vitamin C varied significantly (P<0.05) during the lactation period and was very high (12.84-26.89 μg/mL) in comparison to milk from other animal species. Likewise, the content of lysozyme (1.95-3.29 g/L) and lactoferrin (1.56-3.14 g/L) during the early and middle lactation period showed an increase. Donkeys' milk did not show any significant differences in MUFA, n6-PUFA and UFA contents, while n3-PUFA, n6/n3 and UFA/SFA ratio showed a significant variability (P<0.05) during the lactation period.[Project of the Serbian Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, Grant no. III46012