29 research outputs found


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    The soil types in the protected area “Chinar dere”, village of Topolovo, municipality of Assenovgrad, were studied. For this purpose, 4 soil samples from depth of 0-20cm and from different locations in the area – under cereal plants, sunflower, vineyard, and natural meadows, were collected. The soil samples were analyzed with respect to humus content, mechanical characteristics, sorption capacity, pH in water and in KCL, and exchangeable acidity /H+ and AL+/. On the basis of the conducted analyses the soil types were defined as koluvium soils suitable for growing various vineyard cultivars, and among the fruit cultivars they are suitable for growing plums, cherries, sour cherries, walnuts, apricots, and peaches. These soil types are also suitable mainly for growing small-leaved tobacco, and in the higher regions – raspberries. In the case when the subterranean waters are closer to the surface, the soils are suitable for growing forage crops or can be used as meadows


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    Five soil types in the region of the village of Susam-Haskovski mineralni bani were studied. The soil indexes pH, humus content, active carbonates, physical clay, and clay fraction were studied, and the soil texture coeffi cient was determined. The soil reserves with respect to the basic nutritive elements – N, P, K – were also determined. The soil types were defi ned as eluviated chromic luvisols and in combination with the climatic characteristics of the region they proved suitable for vine growing and red table wines production, in case of application of appropriate agrotechnical measures and fertilization norms.Изследвани са 5 почвени профила в областта на с. Сусам – Хасковски минерални бани. Определени са почвени показатели като рН, съдържание на хумус, активни карбонати, физична глина, глинеста фракция и е определен текстурният им коефициент. Определена е и запасеността на почвите относно основните хранителни елементи – N, P, K. Почвите се характеризират като лесивирани канелени горски и в съчетание с климатичните особености на района са подходящи за отглеждане на лозя за червени трапезни вина при прилагане на съответните мерки на агротехника и норми на торене


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    The soil types in the protected area “Chinar dere”, village of Topolovo, municipality of Assenovgrad, were studied. For this purpose, 4 soil samples from depth of 0-20cm and from different locations in the area – under cereal plants, sunflower, vineyard, and natural meadows, were collected. The soil samples were analyzed with respect to humus content, mechanical characteristics, sorption capacity, pH in water and in KCL, and exchangeable acidity /H+ and AL+/. On the basis of the conducted analyses the soil types were defined as koluvium soils suitable for growing various vineyard cultivars, and among the fruit cultivars they are suitable for growing plums, cherries, sour cherries, walnuts, apricots, and peaches. These soil types are also suitable mainly for growing small-leaved tobacco, and in the higher regions – raspberries. In the case when the subterranean waters are closer to the surface, the soils are suitable for growing forage crops or can be used as meadows.Бяха изследвани почвите в защитената местност “ Чинар –дере”, с.Тополово, община Асеновград. За целта бяха взети 4 почвени образци на дълбочина 0-20см от различни територии в местността – под житни, под слънчоглед, под лозе и под естествени ливади. Почвите бяха анализирани по отношение на хумус, механичен състав, сорбционен капацитет, рН във вода и в KCL, обменна киселинност / Н+ и AL3+/. Въз основа на извършените анализи почвите бяха охарактеризирани като делувиални почви / коluvium/ на които успешно могат да се отглеждат много сортове лози, от овощните видове добре се развиват сливи, череши, вишни, орехи, кайсии, праскови. Подходящи са също за отглеждане главно на дребнолистен тютюн, а в по-високите части – и малини. В случаите, когато подпочвените води са по-близко до повърхността, на тези почви могат да се отглеждат редица фуражни култури или да бъдат използвани като ливади


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    The main competitors of cotton during the crop production are annual late-spring weeds with some perennial species representing the second most important group. During the 1999-2001 period the effect of 3 main weed species – namely Solanum nigrum L., Amaranthus retroflexus L. and Convolvulus arvensis L. on the soil moisture in 3 layers (0-10, 20-20 and 20-30 cm) was studied at the Cotton and Durum Wheat Research Institute in Chirpan. Seven variants of increasing population density of different species were evaluated and the moisture content of the soil was calculated by weighing samples in the phases of square formation, flowering and maturity of the crop. Two-factor dispersion analysis (ANOVA) was used to determine the significance of the differences between treatments. Soil moisture content was found to be affected at two stages (flowering and maturity) by both weed density and soil layer. In the phase of square formation no differences were observed between moisture content of the three studied soil layers (0-10, 10-20 and 20-30 cm)


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    The main competitors of cotton during the crop production are annual late-spring weeds with some perennial species representing the second most important group. During the 1999-2001 period the effect of 3 main weed species – namely Solanum nigrum L., Amaranthus retroflexus L. and Convolvulus arvensis L. on the soil moisture in 3 layers (0-10, 20-20 and 20-30 cm) was studied at the Cotton and Durum Wheat Research Institute in Chirpan. Seven variants of increasing population density of different species were evaluated and the moisture content of the soil was calculated by weighing samples in the phases of square formation, flowering and maturity of the crop. Two-factor dispersion analysis (ANOVA) was used to determine the significance of the differences between treatments. Soil moisture content was found to be affected at two stages (flowering and maturity) by both weed density and soil layer. In the phase of square formation no differences were observed between moisture content of the three studied soil layers (0-10, 10-20 and 20-30 cm).Памукът се заплевелява главно от едногодишни късно-пролетни плевели и някои многогодишни видове. През периода 1999-2001 г. в Института по памука и твърдата пшеница –Чирпан, бе проучено влиянието на 3 основни плевела – Solanum nigrum L.; Amaranthus retroflexus L. и Convolvulus arvensis L., върху влажността в 3-те почвени слоя – 0-10, 10-20 и 20-30 cm. Заложени са 7 варианта с повишаващи се плътността на отделните плевелни видове, като влажността е отчетена по тегловния метод във фазите бутонизация, цъфтеж и узряване на памука. Получените данни са анализирани чрез двуфакторен дисперсионен анализ (ANOVA). Установено е, че във фазите цъфтеж и узряване има доказаност на разликите в почвената влажност, както между нивата на заплевеляване, така и между проучваните 3 почвени слоя. Във фаза бутонизация няма значимо различие във влажността на почвените слоеве от 0 до 30 cm


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    The ReDSHIFT (Revolutionary Design of Spacecraft through Holistic Integration of Future Technologies) project has been approved by the European Community in the framework of the H2020 Protec 2015 call, focused on passive means to reduce the impact of Space Debris by prevention, mitigation and protection. In ReDSHIFT these goals will be achieved through a holistic approach that considers, from the outset, opposing and challenging constraints for the space environment preservation, the spacecraft survivability in the harsh space environment and the safety of humans on ground. The main innovative aspects of the project concern a synergy between theoretical and experimental aspects, such as: long term simulations, astrodynamics, passive de-orbiting devices, 3D printing, design for demise, hypervelocity impact testing, legal and normative issues. The paper presents a quick overview of the first ReDSHIFT results in an effort to highlight the holistic approach of the project covering different aspects of the space debris mitigation field. De- tailed reports on the results of the single Work Packages can be found in other papers in this same volume

    The Genesis and the Corpus of International Space Law Making

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    Five soil types in the region of the village of Susam-Haskovski mineralni bani were studied. The soil indexes pH, humus content, active carbonates, physical clay, and clay fraction were studied, and the soil texture coeffi cient was determined. The soil reserves with respect to the basic nutritive elements – N, P, K – were also determined. The soil types were defi ned as eluviated chromic luvisols and in combination with the climatic characteristics of the region they proved suitable for vine growing and red table wines production, in case of application of appropriate agrotechnical measures and fertilization norms

    The Legal Framework for Space Debris Remediation as a Tool for Sustainability in Outer Space

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    The growth of orbital space debris is both a consequence of and a potential hindrance to space activities. The risks posed by space debris propagation in the most used orbital regions highlight the need to adequately address the challenges posed to the sustainability in outer space. The preservation of the access to and usability of outer space in the long-term requires that action is taken which has to be the result of both mitigation and remediation measures for existing and future space missions. As the enforcement of such technical measures will depend on adequate regulation, they need to be approached also from a legal perspective. The deficiencies in law for space debris remediation mechanisms originate from the fact that although technical concepts have been developed, the legal framework for space activities does not impose any legal obligations for debris removal and on-orbit servicing. Nevertheless, an overview of the relevant legal framework shows that there is a legal basis for the protection of the outer space environment which can, as has already been the case with space debris mitigation guidelines, be substantiated in more concrete terms by the formulation of voluntary, non-binding instruments and included in national legislation