4 research outputs found

    Incidence of cassava mosaic disease and associated white fly vectors in South West and North Central Nigeria: Data exploration

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    Cassavamosaicdisease(CMD)isoneofthemosteconomically importantviraldiseasesofcassava,animportantstaplefoodforover 800millionpeopleinthetropics.Althoughseveral Cassavamosaic virus speciesassociatedwithCMDhavebeenisolatedandcharacter- izedovertheyears,severalnewsupervirulentstrainsoftheseviruses haveevolvedduetogeneticrecombinationbetweendiversespecies.In this dataarticle, fieldsurveydatacollectedfrom184cassavafarmsin 12SouthWesternandNorthCentralStatesofNigeriain2015are presentedandextensivelyexplored.IneachState,onecassavafarm wasrandomlyselectedasthe firstfarmandsubsequentfarmswere selectedat10kmintervals,exceptinlocationswerecassavafarmsare sporadicallylocated.Ineachselectedfarm,30cassavaplantswere sampledalongtwodiagonalsandallselectedplantwasscoredforthe presenceorabsenceofCMDsymptoms.Cassavamosaicdiseaseinci- denceandassociatedwhitefly vectorsinSouthWestandNorthCentral Nigeriaareexploredusingrelevantdescriptivestatistics,boxplots,bar charts,linegraphs,andpiecharts.Inaddition,correlationanalysis, AnalysisofVariance(ANOVA),andmultiplecomparisonpost-hoctests areperformedtounderstandtherelationshipbetweenthenumberso

    HTLV-1 infection in acute t- lymphocytic leukemia/lymphoma

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    Adult T- lymphocyte leukemia/ lymphoma (ATLL), described by Uchiyama et al. in 1977, is a distinct neoplasia of peripheral T-lymphocytes caused by human T-cell lymphotropic virus type 1 (HTLV-1). The authors describe the case of a 75-year-old female patient who presented with fever, chills, and altered mental status. The peripheral blood morphology showed large atypical lymphocytes with multilobed nuclei and flow cytometry consistent with ATLL. The authors discuss the pathophysiology, differential diagnosis, and subtypes of ATLL in addition to the diagnostic approach using flow cytometry when bone marrow biopsy is not available and modalities of treatment

    A genome-wide association study of congenital cardiovascular left-sided lesions shows association with a locus on chromosome 20

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    Congenital heart defects involving left-sided lesions (LSLs) are relatively common birth defects with substantial morbidity and mortality. Previous studies have suggested a high heritability with a complex genetic architecture, such that only a few LSL loci have been identified. We performed a genome-wide case–control association study to address the role of common variants using a discovery cohort of 778 cases and 2756 controls. We identified a genome-wide significant association mapping to a 200 kb region on chromosome 20q11 [P= 1.72 × 10(−8) for rs3746446; imputed Single Nucleotide Polymorphism (SNP) rs6088703 P= 3.01 × 10(−9), odds ratio (OR)= 1.6 for both]. This result was supported by transmission disequilibrium analyses using a subset of 541 case families (lowest P in region= 4.51 × 10(−5), OR= 1.5). Replication in a cohort of 367 LSL cases and 5159 controls showed nominal association (P= 0.03 for rs3746446) resulting in P= 9.49 × 10(−9) for rs3746446 upon meta-analysis of the combined cohorts. In addition, a group of seven SNPs on chromosome 1q21.3 met threshold for suggestive association (lowest P= 9.35 × 10(−7) for rs12045807). Both regions include genes involved in cardiac development—MYH7B/miR499A on chromosome 20 and CTSK, CTSS and ARNT on chromosome 1. Genome-wide heritability analysis using case–control genotyped SNPs suggested that the mean heritability of LSLs attributable to common variants is moderately high ([Formula: see text] range= 0.26–0.34) and consistent with previous assertions. These results provide evidence for the role of common variation in LSLs, proffer new genes as potential biological candidates, and give further insight to the complex genetic architecture of congenital heart disease