63 research outputs found

    Morphological intraspecific variabilities in African yam bean (AYB) (Sphenostylis stenocarpa Ex. A. Rich) Harms

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    Intraspecific variabilities in 25 IITA accessions of African yam bean (AYB) (Sphenostylis stenocarpa Ex. A. Rich.) Harms were assessed through characterization of 36 morphological characters. The intraspecific variabilities among the accessions were evaluated by the following statistical analysis tools: Analysis of Variance (ANOVA), principal component and cluster analysis (Semi - partial Rsquared method). The accessions showed significant differences in a number of morphological characters and the P values indicated significant differences (p � 0.0001) in 27 characters. Statistical analysis showed that terminal leaflet length, terminal leaflet width, peduncle length, pod length, pod width, number of locules per pod and number of seeds per pod contributed significantly to seed set percentages in all the studied populations. Cluster analysis on the morphological data clustered the accessions into six distinct groups with pod and seed traits contributing significantly to the grouping. Pod lengths, number of seeds per pod and seed weight were observed to be useful characters for genetic improvement of AYB

    Genetic Diversity in Moringa Oleifera from Nigeria Using Fruit Morpho-Metric Characters & Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA (RAPD) Markers

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    The present study was to evaluate the intra-specific genetic variabilities available among some accessions of Moringa oleifera collected from the six eco-geographical areas of Nigeria. The study was carried out on Covenant University farm and the Department of Biological Sciences, Covenant University, Ota, Ogun State, Nigeria between April 2012 and December 2013. The Intra-specific variabilities were evaluated using 12 fruit morpho–metric characters and five arbitrary Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers. Data obtained from reproductive characters were expressed as means with standard deviation as well as Hierarchical clustering. Data matrix from RAPD profiles were scored as present (1) or absent (0). The data obtained from scoring the RAPD bands were subjected to genetic similarity matrix using Jaccard’s similarity coefficient. The results revealed high genetic variability among the accessions. A total number of 224 bands were obtained with 77.86% polymorphism. Cluster analysis of pod and seed characters revealed three distinct groups while dendrogram based on the RAPD data clustered the accessions into four distinct groups with one splinter subgroup. Some accessions exhibited good agronomic features such as long pods, high number of seeds per pod and high seed set percentage. Such accessions could serve as parent plants for breeding for genetic improvement, utilization and conservation

    Endogenous levels of reducing sugars, free amino acids and phenols during various stages of in vitro culture of cotton (Gossypium Spp.)

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    Somatic embryogenesis is widely preferred as the regeneration route for in vitro studies in cotton. However, the regeneration efficiency through this approach is low; a problem that is believed to be as a result of the biochemical properties of the plant. The objective of this study was to investigate possible relationships between three biochemical factors (reducing sugars, phenols, and free amino acids) and somatic embryogenesis. In vitro cultures of the different embryogenic and non-embryogenic cultivals were established. The levels of reducing sugars, phenols and free amino acids were determined at different developmental stages of the cultures. Higher levels of reducing sugars and lower level of phenol were observed in embryogenic cultivars compared to their non-embryogenic counterparts. There was a general increase in the levels of free amino acids, which decreased with time in the highly embryogenic cultivars, whereas the levels remained high in the poorly embryogenic and non-embryogenic cultivars. The higher content of phenols and free amino acids may be implicated in the poor somatic embryogenic response. The data show that there are factors that may serve as markers of somatic embryogenesis in cotton, which need to be empirically determined for any particular cultivar chosen for genetic improvement through embryogenesis

    Local knowledge, use pattern and geographical distribution of Moringa oleifera Lam. (Moringaceae) in Nigeria

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    Ethno-pharmacological relevance: All parts of Moringa oleifera are medicinally valuable with overlapping uses in treating myriads of ailments and diseases including body pains and weakness, fever, asthma, cough, blood pressure, arthritis, diabetes, epilepsy, wound, and skin infection. Moringa also has robust ability to challenge terminal diseases such as HIV/AIDs infections, chronic anemia, cancer, malaria and hemorrhage. The present study was to obtain ethnobotanical information on the use and local knowledge variation, geographical distribution, and to collect different landraces of Moringa oleifera from the different agro-ecological regions in Nigeria, for further studies. Materials and methods: Ethnobotanical data were collected through face to face interviews, semi structured questionnaires and discussions with selected people who had knowledge about the plant. The fidelity level (FL %) and use value for different use categories of Moringa oleifera and its parts were estimated. The variation in ethnobotanical knowledge was evaluated by comparing the mean use value among ethnic, gender and age groups using sample T test. Garmi GPS was used to determine the locations (latitude and longitude) and height in different areas to assess the geographical spread of the species. Results: Seven (7) categories of use (Food, medicine, fodder, fencing, firewood, gum and coagulant) were recorded for Moringa oleifera. Food and medicinal uses showed highest fidelity level while the leaves and the seeds were the plant parts most utilized for the same purposes. There were significant differences among the ethnic, gender and age groups regarding the ethno-botanical use value. The geographical distribution pattern shows that the Moringa oleifera is well distributed in all ecological zones of Nigeria, well adapted to the varied climatic conditions and gaining unprecedented awareness among the people. Conclusion: Though considered an introduced species, Moringa oleifera has found wide acceptance, recognition and usefulness among the various ethnicities in the studied areas. The sources of introduction, domestication and ethnic differentiation influenced the distribution pattern across the geographical areas

    Cytological studies on some accessions of African yam bean (AYB) (Sphenostylis stenocarpa Hochst. Ex. A. Rich. Harms)

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    Mitotic, meiotic and pollen studies were carried out on selected accessions of African yam bean (AYB). Presented results confirmed diploid status of the species. Somatic chromosome counts of 2n= 22 (n=11) were made in most of the accessions except TSs3 in which counts of 2n= 18 were made in some cells. The somatic chromosomes were very small, mostly metacentric and submetacentric with distinct centromeres. The smallness of the chromosomes made it very difficult for karyotype. Meiosis was regular in most of the accessions with formation of 11 bivalents, except in TSs3 and TSs23 where some univalents erratic chromosome movements were observed. The studies revealed a correlation between meiotic irregularities and low pollen fertility. The limitations of the results of this study arose from the notorious difficulty of studying legume chromosomes

    Reproductive mechanisms and pollen characterization in some accessions of an underutilized legume: (Sphenostylis stenocarpa Hochst Ex. A. Rich) harms

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    Studies on flowering, pollen, pod and seed characters, germination rate and seed set percentage were carried out on twenty five accessions of African Yam Bean (AYB). Self compatibility tests confirmed all the accessions as obligate selfers, while the reciprocal crosses were not successful. Germination rate, percentage seed set and pollen fertility were observed to be high in the accessions. Correlation analysis among the reproductive traits revealed that pod length, pod width, number of locules per pod and number of seeds per pod contributed significantly to the percentage seed set in all the accessions. Pollen fertility and seed viability were also observed to be high in all the accessions except in TSs23 where low pollen fertility, low seed viability and low percentage seed set were recorded. All the accessions produced tricolporate pollen grains. Pollen size ranged from 66.15 μm in TSs40 to 82.75 μm in TSs119, pollen fertility ranged from 53.39% in TSs23 to 95.30% in TSs119, seed set ranged from 83.32% in TSs90, 89.21% in TSs23 and 95.72% in TSs3. The germination rate ranged from 59.68% in TSs23 to 99.03% in TSs22. The percentage moisture content ranged between 4.38% in TSs22 and 11.43% in TSs119. Key words: Pollen characters, seed set, germination rate, self compatibility

    Local Knowledge, use Pattern and Geographical Distribution of Moringa Oleifera Lam. (Moringaceae) in Nigeria

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    Ethno-pharmacological relevance: All parts of Moringa oleifera are medicinally valuable with overlapping uses in treating myriads of ailments and diseases including body pains and weakness, fever, asthma, cough, blood pressure, arthritis, diabetes, epilepsy, wound, and skin infection. Moringa also has robust ability to challenge terminal diseases such as HIV/AIDs infections, chronic anemia, cancer, malaria and hemorrhage. The present study was to obtain ethnobotanical information on the use and local knowledge variation, geographical distribution, and to collect different landraces of Moringa oleifera from the different agro-ecological regions in Nigeria, for further studies. Materials and methods: Ethnobotanical data were collected through face to face interviews, semi structured questionnaires and discussions with selected people who had knowledge about the plant. The fidelity level (FL %) and use value for different use categories of Moringa oleifera and its parts were estimated. The variation in ethnobotanical knowledge was evaluated by comparing the mean use value among ethnic, gender and age groups using sample T test. Garmi GPS was used to determine the locations (latitude and longitude) and height in different areas to assess the geographical spread of the species. Results: Seven (7) categories of use (Food, medicine, fodder, fencing, firewood, gum and coagulant) were recorded for Moringa oleifera. Food and medicinal uses showed highest fidelity level while the leaves and the seeds were the plant parts most utilized for the same purposes. There were significant differences among the ethnic, gender and age groups regarding the ethno-botanical use value. The geographical distribution pattern shows that the Moringa oleifera is well distributed in all ecological zones of Nigeria, well adapted to the varied climatic conditions and gaining unprecedented awareness among the people. Conclusion: Though considered an introduced species, Moringa oleifera has found wide acceptance, recognition and usefulness among the various ethnicities in the studied areas. The sources of introduction, domestication and ethnic differentiation influenced the distribution pattern across the geographical areas

    Dental Students Educational Experiences and Knowledge in regard to Child Abuse and Neglect: The Experience in a Nigerian University in South Western Nigeria

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    Background: Child abuse is now established as an international issue. In recent times, many researchers have suggested the need to check the level of readiness of graduating dental students regarding how they can successfully handle child abuse cases.Objective: To determine the knowledge of child abuse among undergraduate dental students in a Nigerian university.Methods: A cross sectional study was conducted among undergraduate students in five classes of the Faculty of Dentistry, University of Ibadan, Nigeria. Demographic information was collected through a self-administered structured questionnaire distributed among the dental students. Other information obtained included their educational experiences and level ofknowledge on child abuse and neglect. The data was analyzed using SPSS version 13 and the level of significance was set at p < 0.05.Results: One hundred and sixty one subjects consisting of 80 males and 81 females with a mean age of 22 (+2.4) years participated in the study. The majority (61.5%) had encountered the topic of child abuse and neglect during studies at the university. The subjects scored less than 50.0% regarding some aspects of knowledge of signs of physical abuse while they scored over 60.0 % on signs of emotional and sexual abuse and neglect. In their knowledge of signs of diagnostic indicators of abuse, a quarter of the subjects knew that child abuse and neglect was not basically associated with stress and poverty. Only 8.7 % knew correctly that dentists in Nigeria are not legally required to report child abuse. There were some statistically significant associations between respondents\u27 knowledge of physical, emotional/sexual abuse and neglect and diagnostic indicators of abuse and their levels of study with respondents in the senior classes having higher scores.Conclusion: Knowledge gaps particularly with recognition of signs of child abuse exist among dental students. We recommend that a mandatory course that deals with child abuse and neglect issues should be included in the dental curriculum especially at the pre-clinical stage. &nbsp

    Prevalence and correlates of job stress among junior doctors in the University college hospital, Ibadan

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    Introduction: Doctors respond differently to their complex work environment, some find it stimulating while others find it stressful. This study aimed to assess the prevalence and correlates of stress among junior doctors in a teaching hospital in Southwest Nigeria.Methodology: A descriptive cross sectional survey of all junior doctors employed at the University College Hospital, Ibadan was carried out. Information was collected with a structured pretested questionnaire from 253 doctors. Descriptive statistics were generated. T-test, chi square and logistic regression analyses were conducted using SPSS version 16. Statistical significance was set at 5%.Results: Mean age of respondents was 29.9 (±4.1) years, 61.3% were males, 59% had spent less than 5 years in medical practice, and 34.8% were married. Majority (79.4%) were resident doctors. Prevalence of stress, job dissatisfaction and poor mental health were 31.6%, 15.4% and 9.9% respectively. Age, gender, years of medical practice, religion, ethnicity and marital status were not significantly associated with job stress (p>0.05). Doctors who were stressed were more likely to be dissatisfied with their jobs (OR=2.33; CI=1.08-4.04) and to have poor mental health (OR=3.82; CI=1.47-9.95) than those who were not stressed.Conclusion: The prevalence of stress in this study is high, and job dissatisfaction and poor mental health have been implicated as determinants of stress. As such, there should be an improvement in doctors’ welfare, health care facilities and delivery.Keywords: Doctors, Job stress, Job satisfaction, Mental healt

    Phenotypic Intraspecific Variability among Some Accessions of Drumstick (Moringa Oleifera Lam.)

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    Phenotypic characterization of plant species is the basis for selection, conservation as well as improvement. Moringa oleifera (Lam.) is commonly grown as multi-purpose medicinal and leafy vegetable crop in Nigeria. This study evaluated phenotypic intraspecific variations among 40 accessions of M. oleifera collected from different agro-ecological zones. A total of 30 morphometric traits involving qualitative and quantitative vegetative, floral, fruit/pod and seed traits, seed set and germination percentages were combined for the analyses. Descriptive statistics, variance analysis, correlation coefficient, principal component analysis (PCA) and cluster analysis (CA) were used to evaluate the intraspecific variability. The accessions showed marked differences in floral, fruit pod and seed characters analyzed. Accessions edN037 (71 days), osN024 (73 days), ogN028 (74 days), oyN003 (75 days) and abN059 (76 days) were identified as early maturing accessions. Correlation coefficients r ≥ 0.70 were high and significant for reproductive characters. The PCA and CA generated similar results. The first five principal component axes explained 61.40% of the total variation with PC1 (23.92%) and PC2 (14.19%) contributing 38.11% of the total variation. The CA showed that the degree of intraspecific similarity was high (66.82%) based on Euclidean similarity index. Nevertheless, four clusters were formed indicating intraspecific phenotypic dissimilarity among the 40 accessions especially with the separation of accessions that were collected from similar environments. The phenotypic variations could be explored for utilization, conservation and for future genetic improvement by selection of accessions with promising agronomic characters
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